Hey, Longshot here just posting up an idea for a map. It's intended for 4v4 gametypes. I would like to get it set up for MLG gametypes. Would love more feed back. I should be forging it some time!
If you can't install a ramp, use a tac jump. If you can't tac jump, grav lift. Can't grav lift, tele.
Actually, if you were to place the rocket launcher under the bridge, that would be great risk vs. reward. If this is for MLG, you need to work on the bases. You need to ensure that when one team controls the center, the other team will spawn safely. I would start by connecting the high catwalk to the top floor of a 2 floor base. Give the base a spacial basement with an entrance through the front, and a hallway to another area.
The main problem I see with the middle is that if someone's sitting on the side at the top of those half-rings, they can see basically the entire middle of the map. Some sort of, for lack of a better term, LoS blocker somewhere across the middle bridge could help. You could possible make it into a sort of half-tunnel, where one side is open and the other is enclosed, but inversely placed. If that doesn't make sense, I can try to put some crappy thing together in paint to try and show it.
I personally think that the mid brige isn't the way to go. I'd suggest something more along the lines of sanctuarys middle. A cross map line of sight block with 2 ramps up the sides. Causing you to go around or into the bottom and up a ramp to get to the other side. This would also provide cover for someone running up those ramps. As it is, it's more or less a death trap. It's not exactly a quick but dangerous way across to balence out but would be just as long as walking around but not as safe. This would cause neglect. Ofcourse I could very well be wrong, it's just my opinion.
I disagree. Sure, that would work, because we already know it would work. He should take some risks with his design, and I believe the nature of the center is a good example of a risky design.
What if you just made those high sides enclosed? Sure, there would be less exposure to gunfire, but a grenade could solve that. As for LOS blockers, I think some Premise-style columns on the bridge may help greatly. The map looks nice, and I hope to play it one of these days.
True and it's not like he can't change it later. Though there still needs to be some sort of LOS block regardless in my opinoin. maybe not a masive one but at least a pillar in each bottom section. Like epitaph for example.
I like the idea of this. I would like to have the middle top to be a risk/reward situation. Whether it being a weapon or cpu, or just a quick walk across. It could be a quick way to cross over with a flag on CTF, but you're exposed to a fast travel. With the top outer ring, I could put up a wall tall enough to head shot, but able to take cover by crouching. Or just wall it off. I like zxamplez idea with 2 layered bases, so im going to put that in there as well. I'm going to update the sketchup right now, and ill update this as fast as I can. I really appreciate it guys.
Put new pictures up. For the top layer of the base, it will be boxed off because of limited items in forge. Didn't really think about the pieces when I put this together...