Maybe put an asterisk next to primary weapons available in matchmaking and two of them next to secondaries? Cool list nontheless As for a go-to loading mine would be something like this: PRIMARY: DMR SECONDARY: PP(I still am not impressed with any of them) GRENADE TYPE: Frag ARMOR ABILITY: Hologram TACTICAL PACKAGE: Wheelman SUPPORT PACKAGE: Awareness
I truly hope that people see how many weapons are here, and use them wisely in their maps. Not every weapon needs to be used every map, and there are so many that each map should have it's own personality and unique weapon set. I hope that we break away from the standard weapon set people used on EVERY map. [br][/br]Edited by merge: PRIMARY: BR SECONDARY: AR GRENADE TYPE: Frag ARMOR ABILITY: Promethean Vision TACTICAL PACKAGE: Firepower SUPPORT PACKAGE: Stability
I totally agree. That said, it hinges on how well they're balanced, especially the direct alternatives with Human, Covenant and Forerunner equivalents. If they have distinct purposes and aren't less workable then it opens up huge options for forgers, and I hope they use them.
Be rest assured, others feel the same way. Count me in that lot. I'm thinking, assuming they still have 'None' as an option in loadouts... Loadout 1: Heroic (the way Halo is meant to be played, get it?) PRIMARY: BR SECONDARY: Magnum/PP GRENADE: Frag AA: None TACTICAL: None SUPPORT: None Loadouts 2-5: Primary Weapon's name PRIMARY: BR, DMR, Carbine and LightRifle in whichever order SECONDARY: Plasma Pistol GRENADE: Frag AA: Thruster or ProVision TACTICAL: Shielding or AA Efficiency SUPPORT: Dexterity or Ammo But mostly, I think I'll end up sticking to classic. I hate all this perky stuff in Halo.
Thread title change? Halo 4 Weapons, AAs, Tactical & Support Packages Halo 4 Loadouts Halo 4 Loadout Customization etc etc
@silencebroken, you don't want this? PRIMARY: SECONDARY: GRENADE TYPE: ARMOR ABILITY: TACTICAL PACKAGE: SUPPORT PACKAGE: UNSC WEAPONS Assault Rifle Spoiler Battle Rifle Spoiler DMR Spoiler Magnum Spoiler Railgun Spoiler Shotgun Spoiler Rocket Launcher Spoiler Saw Spoiler Sniper Spoiler Spartan Laser Spoiler Sticky Detonator Spoiler COVENANT WEAPONS Beam Rifle Carbine Spoiler Energy Sword Spoiler Fuel Rod Cannon Spoiler Gravity Hammer Spoiler Needler Spoiler Plasma Pistol Spoiler Storm Rifle Spoiler Concussion Rifle (Not fully confirmed, but sighted) PROMETHEAN WEAPONS Binary Rifle (Similar to Beam Rifle) Spoiler Scattershot (Similar to Shotgun) Spoiler Boltshot (Similar to Plasma Pistol) Spoiler Light Rifle (Similar to DMR) Spoiler Promethean Repeater Spoiler Surpressor (Similar to Storm Rifle) Spoiler Incineration Cannon (Similar to Fuel Rod Cannon) Spoiler GRENADES TYPES Frag Grenades Plasma Grenades Pulse Grenades ARMOR ABILITIES Hard Light Shield: Allows users to a protective barrier of hard light which stops most small arms fire and some explosives. Regeneration Field: Allows the user to release a short-range energy field that heals any nearby spartans. Jet Pack: Allows users limited flight through a vertical lift propulsion system similar to that of EVA re-entry packs. Thruster Pack: Enables a powerful burst of movement allowing the ability to evade or quickly close the gap. Hologram: Allows users to generate an almost identical holographic decoy to to deceive enemies during combat. Active Camo: Allows users to generate a visual effect astonishingly close to invisibility. Auto-Sentry: An automatic turret which can be deployed to defend its user or command a key battlefield choke-point. Promethean Vision: Allows users to predict enemy signatures through walls and other hard surfaces. TACTICAL PACKAGES Shielding: Speeds up your armors recharge rate. Mobility: Allows unlimited sprint. Resupply: Allows the recovery of grenades from fallen allies or foes. AA Efficiency: Increases the rate at which energy recharges for armor abilities Grenadier: Increases grenade carrying capacity. Firepower: Allows the use of a primary weapon in the secondary weapon slot. Fast-track: Allows the user to advance quicker in rank. Requisition: In modes with personal ordnance, requisition lets the player request new choices when an ordnance is granted. Wheelman: Increases the long term durability of your vehicle as well as how it reacts to EMP charges. SUPPORT UPGRADES Stability: Steadies your weapon while being struck by incoming fire. Ammo: Increases ammunition capacity for both starting weapons and ordnance drops. Dexterity: Speeds up reload and weapon swapping. Sensor: Increases motion sensor range. Awareness: Allows the use of motion sensors while using a scope. Explosives: Alters grenade performance, increasing blast radius and decreasing grenade damage received. Ordnance Priority: In modes with personal ordnance, offers more frequent ordnance drops to the user. Gunner: Increases how long a mounted weapon can fire before overheating as well as movement speed with detached turrets. I will add/update weapons and stuff as we find out more.
No. The primary and secondary weapons available for normal MM loadouts are denoted with asterisks (as explicitly stated in the OP). He's just listing all the available weapons so that there's a central resource and so people can discuss them.
Hmm. I hope they tell us a little more about the Boltshot soon. It looks like it could be a really sweet sidearm.
Oh ok i see then I would do: LOADOUT NAME: Anything PRIMARY: Lghtrifle or Carbine SECONDARY: Boltshot GRENADE TYPE: Plasma ARMOR ABILITY: Thruster Pack TACTICAL PACKAGE: Requisition SUPPORT PACKAGE: Ordnance Priority (maybe awareness) (almost exactly the same as WhackyGordons) But in a BTB, I would do: LOADOUT NAME: Anything PRIMARY: Lightrifle or Carbine SECONDARY: PP GRENADE TYPE: Pulse ARMOR ABILITY: Jet Pack TACTICAL PACKAGE: Wheelman SUPPORT PACKAGE: Ordnance Priority
Requisition/Ordnance Priority is a pretty mean combo, depending on how much the multiplier is for Priority. I have a feeling it's going to be pretty dominant in 4v4 matches.
I hope that I'm misunderstanding what you mean by "rock paper scissors". First of all, rock-paper-scissors is a game of chance, not tactics (some may think it's a game of psychology, but how many "reverse"s you put in front of that psychology is random). Why anyone would have a favorable opinion of that in any other gaming context is beyond me, whether one thinks about it deeply or in a cursory way. We already have a sandbox with a better system than rock-paper-scissors in terms of weapon roles (short, medium, and long ranges). Certain weapons are supreme only under certain conditions, but each player needs the situational awareness and weapon knowledge to try to get into situations where his/her weapons are superior to that of his/her immediate enemies. If each weapon role is split into rock-paper-scissors, players will not have an option to use tactics to get an advantage. It would be impossible for a single player to play on even ground unless they were lucky; the strategy that rock-paper-scissors seems to encourage is getting each player on a team to choose a different role (which now means everyone needs a different type of every type of weapon), such that when they see an enemy with a scissor rifle, they can call their rock carbine from wherever he is on the map up to chase that scissor rifle, who is going to try to hide behind a paper gun, and so on. This would entail that every player on a 4-man team would have to stick as close as possible all the time. But players already have an incentive to stay in groups, and players can already have specialized roles, with range-specific (I wouldn't mind more role-specific variety) weapons (either spawn or contestable pick-ups), AAs, and, if that wasn't enough, tactical packages and support upgrades. Role-specific is not rock-paper-scissors that have the same role, btw. Role-specific is like a needler for enemies away from cover, a concussion rifle for close range, high ground (or with a lot of surfaces), and vehicles, or a plasma rifle/spiker for quick shield elimination (they're redundant with each other, but they're not rock-paper-scissors with the AR). Here's another reason why I think I'm misunderstanding you: I don't see how it could be accomplished for every set of three. Weapons do damage to players, but the players will stay the same, and the firepower of the weapons can't cancel each other out. Even Sword-Hammer-Shotgun isn't an exact rps with shields (nevermind Grifball), because the shotgun is supreme with the right timing. Take the shotgun and Sword in practice, though. Both users have to remain out of view/radar and wait for an enemy to walk around the corner, or pop out (that's the sword's role) with so little time that they cannot prepare for the enemy's weapon. That's why most shotgun-sword battles are not avoidable, and the sword user is just unlucky. They know that the vast majority of the time the enemy won't have a shotgun, maybe a sticky (1 death for 1 kill), so they take a chance. It won't be as extreme as this case with other rps weapons, but having a situation where every single weapon difference forces players to disengage can't be fun. With rps, there is not a single fair one on one encounter.
I can see myself using this a lot. LOADOUT NAME: 1 PRIMARY: BR SECONDARY: Magnum GRENADE TYPE: Frag ARMOR ABILITY: Pro Vision TACTICAL PACKAGE: Mobility SUPPORT PACKAGE: Stability/Dexterity
Just a quick question, is there a particular reason why you chose the BR and magnum together? I'm wondering whether or not I didn't catch something about either of those two weapons in H4, and how their functions, or strengths and weaknesses, were different.
personally, i would probably use that combo in a 4v4 slayer game as of now. magnum just for a backup semi-precision weapon to get that last headshot just in case, and BR just because i feel its midrange niche would suit most 4v4 maps fairly well. plus i just prefer it do the DMR, and im not sure how good covie carbine will be since they nerfed it, and i havent really seen enough light rifle gameplay to judge it yet.
Formerly beloved blops combo: Scavenger + Warlord pro + Semtex Future beloved halo 4 combo: Promethean Vision + Resupply or Grenadier + Explosives Pineapple Express
Really, the Magnum would just be good support weapon or weapon for cleaning up kills with. Plus, since they've nerfed the Plasma Pistol, I can't see it being too good for anything other than BTB, and the Boltshot looks terrible. The Magnum looks like a solid backup weapon, with its scope, relatively low bloom and fast firing rate.
So is anyone else a little confused about the Binary Rifle? It seems it has only 2 shots per clip (so likely no more than 6-8 shots total) but it 1 shots players even with just a body shot. I mean, this weapon is basically a free killing spree if you are even decent with it. Then again, I believe the scope gave you no reticule (watching Naked Eli use it in his flag game on Exile.) This might help but I still think it's an odd choice for a sniper weapon, taking away the whole point of the headshot.