Hey, Im looking for a group to join. Just send me a PM or a message on Xbox Live. My Xbox Live name is RubbrDuckE
Yes, please don't. If you haven't deleted one of those posts by the time signups close, you will likely be DQ'ed.
* working on name TEAM : x Zerosun Super1us HOLLA DOUB Lord Sick1g - empty - will fill up team later. Still need to ask a few more pple
I have formed a team called SilentKillaz. These are the members: Team SilentKillaz RaidBlitz (leader) RubbrDuckE bull9684 ==OPEN== ONE MORE SPACE LEFT!
Team for the tourment man i need a team i peffer so people who are good i got a good win record my Gamer tag is XBlackDarknessX