Hey guys, this is my Invasion Project that I have been working on along side Long Way Round as a reaction to my first attempt at an Invasion map; Plateau. Plateau was fun to make, I got lots of helpful tips from Berb and Able Sir Thomas but it just wasn't good enough for me. I managed to finish it, but I knew I could do better so I started working on this, employing everything I learned through my first attempt. This map has a forerunner design featuring two spire-esque structures much like the one on the mountain in Forge World. (What are they called?) Phase 1 Phase 2 Neutral ground Territory 1 Territory 2 Left defender spawn Right defender spawn Backfield spawn Core room/middle spawn Overview of Phase 2/3 The structure in the following image is something I am worried about. I am concerned that it may promote spawn killing as defending players can advance straight through. Would the best option be to add some one way shields? I don't have much budget so it may be difficult. Extra shots Thanks P.S Think of some names.
Brilliant invasion map, I liked the main Spire structures, Though I couldn't glean much through the remainder of the pictures, though I can tell the map looks cleanly forged. Don't know what you can do with the structure in the last picture really. I admit it did get confusing at that point. Sorry. Maybe add more screenshots? Here's a couple of ideas for names: Chronicle Illustrious
You should submit it to the pfl's contest you could win a free copy of halo 4. If you need a link just ask me.
I created the map on the 25th of June. I think the map had to be created after the start of the contest Thanks man, yeah I will post more pictures if that will help. I think I will do it tomorrow though, so tires right now
Instead of adding one way shields, if you're concerned, you should just change up the structure to block LoS. You may also want to watch out for that one way shield by the wraith spawn. I haven't played much invasion, but it looks like a player with plasma grenades, a rocket launcher, or other anti-vehicle weapon could stand right outside of the one-way shield and keep the wraith inside. Again, I don't play much invasion and I don't know where it is relative to the rest of the map. Just thought I would bring that up.
The vehicle spawn is pretty far back, it is rare that an attacking player goes there and even rarer if he goes there with a power weapon. I don't see it as a problem at the moment but I will keep an eye on it. Thanks.
I like the common place where u build it, and the brilliant way how. I really like the structures in this, especially the one on the first and third picture. I think the spire-esque structures are called installations or columns. And besides that, i think i got some names for you : Anthurion Fortyr Evantage The Tide has Turned Hiding our Hope Tension Glory Brilliance Greatfall I hope you like one of the names, or take inspiration from it Or just take the name
BTW its not the PFL contest for all those people that pay attention, its a contest from ReachForgeNetwork
It's so cool to see you're really getting into using the inclines, just like I did back in the days. And they're very useful for Forerunner maps anyway. I'm glad you're taking my tips into account The map looks good, I really like the looks of the structures in the 7th picture. We have to check it out sometime Ell!