That's very interesting Mock. I'm worried about the rocket room though. The paths leading into that room seem extremely narrow. Whoever gets the rockets could just camp in there for a few easy kills. Edit: unless the black space in between is open space and not walls. Apologies if you've already stated thy earlier, haven't read through the whole thing yet
@Mock: Much better. You addressed the vehicle path problem and gave infantry more areas. I can't tell if the sides are elevated, but that what I would recommend if they're not. I would give each side a line of site into each base, these sides would be the highest points of the map, and they would be accessible to vehicles (4 u. wide or 3 u. wide). Are you planning on having natural geometry on the map?
Black is solid wall areas. The hallways leading into the rocket atrium aren't actually as narrow as I drew them, that was just to convey a smaller infantry-only pathway. In reality they're gonna be the standard 2u-ish wide. The idea behind the rocket atrium is that teams will make an initial push to control the room, and then once somebody wins the rockets will move either out toward a base to attack or out to one of the sides to kill a warthog. I think four entrances is gonna be fine. @Xamples: Yes, the side tunnels are raised up. There's a couple of different levels on each side. If you look at that bottom sketch, there's some raised drop-down ledges that overlook each base, and the snipers are at the top of an upward-sloping tunnel.
Looks pretty good mock. As I'm putting this together in my head (darn you paper for not being 3d) I feel like infantry and vehicles are going to be a little more separated than you'd want though. Some structures around the edge like a smaller version of the revenant platform I put on spectre should be able to remedy that though.
Alrighty! I got most of the design details ironed out, so last night Duck and I hopped on for a marathon forge session and got most of the map built. It's amazing how quick you can build stuff when you know what you're gonna do beforehand! I'm working on pics for a preview thread right now, It'll be fun to see how your interpretations of the sketches match up with the real thing
I know it is frickin sweet when all you have to do is really think about object usage because you already have a layout.
NEVER LET THIS THREAD DIE!! Anyway, here's my new sketch. Spoiler Bottom platform (for more clarity - there's some overlap here) Blue is water, Yellows constitute a "custom trail", Green is a receiver/sender node going to the top, red is a lift up to the top, that orange dot is a concussion rifle, and the pink dot is most likely going to be a sniper rifle, but I'm not sure yet. The height variation is exaggerated. That top area is probably going to be a block lower.. EDIT: Context of the design... It's essentially two concentric rings with a couple connections between the two. The outer ring is higher and the two rings overlap by the concussion spawn. The main atrium is the center of the rings, while the other three rooms are in between the two rings. The bottom left is a bit awkward, though.. I don't know what to do with it.
That sketchup looks yummie Spin, you could make a portion of the area you have designated as water the lowest level of the map, it would create more of a atrium feel in the center of the map if you did so, and it would mix things up a little. Right now theres several areas that seem to be capable of being very powerful areas, with not much of a reason to venture to the center of the map. Instead a smart player would avoid it and keep to the outskirts and work his way to the more vertical portions. I do enjoy maps that use water as death pits though so Im excited to see what you do with this, I feel lazy lately been a while since ive forged .
Man, it's been awhile since I've checked this thread out... Spin, your sketchup skills are getting pretty good. I envy you. About the map, I agree with xzample that you need more dancefloor. Right now the majority of the map is made up of 2 unit wide pathways which will lead to some pretty repetitive encounters in-game. I would definitely find a way to add more width to some of those. Well not so much add width because then you essentially still have a map made of pathways, just wider ones. But you know what I mean, right? Overall I like the idea though. I think it could definitely turn into a nice map. I will help you in keeping this thread alive Spin! Here's a sketch of a map I recently threw together. Since I'm used to making cqc 1v1 maps, I thought I'd try for something different and go for an open 4v4 style. I'm not entirely fond of the way it turned out though. I showed Auburn and a few others and they didn't sound too impressed either. I feel like there's not enough connections between the sides of the map, especially by Snipe. Also it just feels too open. Maybe because I'm just not used to this style of forging, but any feedback would be great If you have trouble understanding the layout or height differences let me know and I'll try to clear it up. As usual, one graphing square equals 2x2 in forge. Spoiler EDIT: Forgot a few dotted lines on the sketch so I went into paint and fixed it. Also added green lines indicating connections under an overlying path. Hopefully that helps Spoiler
Dax, I really like that for some reason. It even makes me want to forge. however some corners i can see as problematic. I believe once forged, you can edit accordingly. Invite me to join you if you start this, I'd like to see it in 3d.
@dax Thanks The thread was almost dead.. no one posted in it for about two weeks.. As for the sketch, that leftmost walkway looks uber OP. LoS on rockets and both S2s and high ground over any significant approaches (both nearby lifts are obvious, the center plat is obvious too). It can nade FR, too. Oh, and I'm not sure about the even half los from custom area to the far S1. It makes the custom area almost as strong as the previously mentioned walkway. The outside lift area also looks campable by a winning team, too..maybe open that up? Most of the problems seem to result from the openness of the map. I know that's what you were going for, but I suggest you tone it down (along with the weapon set) a bit. Most of th weapons seem to be readily accessible from the main power positions. I have a couple ideas I want to try out as for my own sketch, but I need to make sure forge can fit my requirements. I might get a sketch up tomorrow or wednesday. EDIT: Maybe I should just build this map in Murder Miners. The editor seems to be a lot easier to use there - no budget/object use issues. Only annoying thing is no teleporters.
@Audienceofone, I'm actually about 90% done with forging the layout, but it was done pretty quick so I could check out the height variations and LOS in person. I'll definitely have to do an aesthetic overall after I work on the layout, if I end up keeping this. But yea I'd be glad to show you next time you're on @Spin, yea, the leftmost side has way too much control. Any suggestions? The tele positions are still up in the air, I've even been switching them around some today. About the campable lift, could you specify which one? I'm a little confused haha. If you're talking about the furthest right one, that area shouldn't be too campable considering it's low elevation. I don't think there are too many lines of sight from there. But then again I could be wrong, I'll have to go back in forge to see specifically. I'd be glad to let you see too if you'd like. And yea overshield area seems like it will have too much control too. I'll work with that. Thoughts on sniper walkway? I'm worried about there only being two ways up there, both pretty visible from most areas of the map..
A side ramp would be an easy add, as would a teleporter that ends there. Also, the rocket should not be other there. In fact I'm not crazy about it at all.
I'm talking about the landing from that outside lift. As for the sniper walkway, you're right, you should add a couple more routes up. How about a connection from Snipe to the landing of the lift directly to the left? And also Snipe to the lift area itself? If you're open to changing the weapon layout, why not delete the focus rifle and put the rockets there? Then put the s2 teleporter nearby on the current rocket platform and create a route between the current s2 location and the current Focus Rifle spawn. Also, move the further s2 teleporter so that it can't be seen from the left walkway. Maybe also move that lower left side lift so that it leads up to the left walkway?
@Redy so it's large and symmetrical? @Paints I would use graph paper. I'm guessing that it's a 1v1/2v2 map, but without the scaling, it's difficult to tell. I like your use of numbers to denote levels I might try that, if you don't mind. Also, the font's hard to read. What do the circles mean?