LOADOUT NAME: PRIMARY: SECONDARY: GRENADE TYPE: ARMOR ABILITY: TACTICAL PACKAGE: SUPPORT PACKAGE: * = Primary Available in Matchmaking ** = Secondary Available in Matchmaking UNSC WEAPONS Assault Rifle* Battle Rifle* DMR* Magnum** Railgun Shotgun Rocket Launcher Saw Sniper Spartan Laser Sticky Detonator COVENANT WEAPONS Beam Rifle Carbine* Energy Sword Fuel Rod Cannon Gravity Hammer Needler Plasma Pistol** Storm Rifle* Concussion Rifle (Now confirmed) PROMETHEAN WEAPONS Binary Rifle (Similar to Beam Rifle) Scattershot (Similar to Shotgun) Boltshot (Similar to Plasma Pistol)** Light Rifle (Similar to DMR)* Surpressor (Similar to Storm Rifle)* Incineration Cannon (Similar to Fuel Rod Cannon) GRENADES TYPES Frag Grenades Plasma Grenades Pulse Grenades ARMOR ABILITIES Hard Light Shield: Allows users to a protective barrier of hard light which stops most small arms fire and some explosives. Regeneration Field: Allows the user to release a short-range energy field that heals any nearby spartans. Jet Pack: Allows users limited flight through a vertical lift propulsion system similar to that of EVA re-entry packs. Thruster Pack: Enables a powerful burst of movement allowing the ability to evade or quickly close the gap. Hologram: Allows users to generate an almost identical holographic decoy to to deceive enemies during combat. Active Camo: Allows users to generate a visual effect astonishingly close to invisibility. Auto-Sentry: An automatic turret which can be deployed to defend its user or command a key battlefield choke-point. Promethean Vision: Allows users to predict enemy signatures through walls and other hard surfaces. TACTICAL PACKAGES Shielding: Speeds up your armors recharge rate. Mobility: Allows unlimited sprint. Resupply: Allows the recovery of grenades from fallen allies or foes. AA Efficiency: Increases the rate at which energy recharges for armor abilities Grenadier: Increases grenade carrying capacity. Firepower: Allows the use of a primary weapon in the secondary weapon slot. Fast-track: Allows the user to advance quicker in rank. Requisition: In modes with personal ordnance, requisition lets the player request new choices when an ordnance is granted. Wheelman: Increases the long term durability of your vehicle as well as how it reacts to EMP charges. SUPPORT UPGRADES Stability: Steadies your weapon while being struck by incoming fire. Ammo: Increases ammunition capacity for both starting weapons and ordnance drops. Dexterity: Speeds up reload and weapon swapping. Sensor: Increases motion sensor range. Awareness: Allows the use of motion sensors while using a scope. Explosives: Alters grenade performance, increasing blast radius and decreasing grenade damage received. Ordnance Priority: In modes with personal ordnance, offers more frequent ordnance drops to the user. Gunner: Increases how long a mounted weapon can fire before overheating as well as movement speed with detached turrets. I will add/update weapons and stuff as we find out more.
^ I see no reason to include non-loadout weapons in this thread, it just makes it confusing for those who don't know the loadout weapons.
Custom games you can make any loadout possible. I also did it for a cohesive list of all the weapons, perks and stuff, since we didn't have any yet.
Anyways, I've got a couple in mind right now: LOADOUT NAME: Whatever stupid name I think up on the day PRIMARY: DMR SECONDARY: Light Rifle GRENADE TYPE: Frag ARMOR ABILITY: Pro Vision TACTICAL PACKAGE: Firepower SUPPORT PACKAGE: Dexterity LOADOUT NAME: Same as above PRIMARY: DMR SECONDARY: Not sure on this one, I'd tend towards PP right now but it'll really depend how they feel GRENADE TYPE: Frag ARMOR ABILITY: Pro Vision TACTICAL PACKAGE: Mobility SUPPORT PACKAGE: Dexterity I'm probably going to end up going with the second one more often, simply because unlimited Sprint seems like it'll be huge, it'll totally change the way I approach open areas and enable me to stay alive much longer. Weapon choices are the most speculative thing right now. Secondary is totally up in the air, I'm gonna need to try them out a lot before I decide whether the Pistol is worth having, if not then PP for sure. Boltshot is a wildcard, I'll see what it's like. Primary will be interesting. Right now it looks like DMR>BR without question, but Light Rifle looks hella sexy, and Carbine could really go either way. Fair enough, but I think it's going to get a little confusing. I think a separate thread for a full weapon list would make more sense.
Am I the only one worried about how multiplayer is going to go in 4? I've only caught portions, but the gameplay seems like a move toward other games.
I'm still extremely disappointed by the lack of variety in sidearms. A silenced SMG, the spiker, and perhaps a mauler would have made be a very happy boy indeed.
I don't see how any of those except an SMG (and it'd have to be nerfed) would work as sidearms. The Spiker's genius is how it tears through shields and still does a decent amount of health damage, nerf it too much and it's just another weak SMG like weapon. Mauler is just a no no, way too powerful for a sidearm. I kinda know what you mean about more sidearms, but I don't think any of those would work very well.
Like I said, I haven't followed all of that. I'm going by some of the gameplay videos with MLG/developer commentary. It's really just little things, like the scoring system and some of the loadouts.
Don't you guys think a combat knife for a sidearm would be awesome? It'd have pretty much no lunge, but it would swipe faster than a melee and kill with two hits.
The Boltshot seems like a mauler-ish weapon to me. Sure, you can single shot it but that charge looks like a damage heavy burst of pellets to me. That being said, the SMG and maybe some fifth sidearm would be very welcome indeed. I also feel like many of these new promethean weapons are rekinned old weapons. Sure, they have cute litte functions (like the bounce of a scattershot or the burst and single shot of the light rifle) but nothing that really seems to be as unique. This is fine, but an observation I didn't see here yet. Really what more can be done though? Health damage (human) and shield damage (covenant) functions have been taken care of. All that seems to be lift is some middle line with gimmicks. Fun, but not new. One thing I do live about the new weapon set is that we can at this point probably better theme maps, and so we might see all human, all promethean, or all covy weapon sets in forged maps. This would add immersion if it can be made well. Also I'm sure the Incineration Cannon is going to fill a different niche ever so slightly from the other launchers to matter in forge. As an example anyway. As for the matchmaking, it looks fun. Maybe not the most competitive, but Halo was never aimed to be competitive, it was declare that way buy players. There will still be stripped down modes, where I expect to see some forced loadouts. There will be new games, where we can kill one another with auto sentries (Which I for one love, it adds a new tactical element and the delay it takes to create it seems like a fair tradeoff for more firepower) and all of the other crazy tools. I for one look forward to the game itself, and not just forge/custom games (as I did with Reach). EDIT: Like Counter Strike? Oh my goodness, yes. As long as it could be balanced well I would support the crap out of that idea.
Well im not getting halo 4 until the end of the school year (starts tommorow) so i am just going to pile on tons and tons of ideas LOADOUT NAME: Sniper setup PRIMARY: DMR/Carbine/BR SECONDARY:Magnum GRENADE TYPEulse ARMOR ABILITYro vision TACTICAL PACKAGE:AA Eficiency SUPPORT PACKAGE: Awareness The primary weapon can be moded to your favorite of the 3 or depending on the map. Magnum is the only one that can scope in of the secondary weapons and the scopes fit in best for this loadout. Gernades, use pulse because if you can throw it far enough you can cut shields. The AA is pro vision to see around corners and to see people who are about to poke out of a hole. AA eficiency is so that you can use your pro vision as much as possible Awareness to see if any sneaky bastards are coming up behind you when you scope in.
This is cool list. Dont even know half of the weapons. what do the storm rifle/surpressor even do? never heard of them. And also about the beam rifle - thats the covenent weapon that shoots a continuous laser beam right? But it says that the binary rifle is like the beam rifle. But last i checked, the binary rifle was one shotting people. It was in this thread. So yeah.
Storm Rifle is a new variant of the plasma rifle, Suppressor seems to be a Promethian counter to the AR and Storm Rifle. The Beam Rifle is a Covie Sniper, not the Focus Rifle. I don't know how the Binary will bring anything new to the mix, but there are 3 confirmed snipers it seems. I'm hoping that with all these sets of 3's we will see some form of a rock-paper-scisors system between weapons.
the binary rifle seems fairly different. in the video, it had a large spread (looked larger than shotty) when not scoped in. and it seemed to be one shotting with body shots, although it was hard to tell exactly where the shot hit.