Forest Temple

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by sheehy1023, Jul 22, 2012.

  1. sheehy1023

    sheehy1023 Forerunner

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    Forest Temple

    This map is called Forest Temple, and it is played with The Legend. I finished the Earth Temple 15 months ago, the Desert Temple a year ago, and after a year of this map sitting in my local files incomplete, I got back in the forging mode and completed this map. This is a big map, using up almost all of the budget. It has been in production for a year (has only been worked on a few times in that year) and now that it is complete, this map is good.

    This is a puzzle map. It needs the game type, The Legend, to complete properly. It is supposed to be done with one players, but you can complete it with as many friends as you like, however it will make the map easier. This map is alike a Legend of Zelda dungeon. It features two parts, a pre-temple area (a cliff side village) and the temple itself. This map is difficult from a logical and challenging standpoint. If you have trouble, try another map in this series as they are easier (Earth and Desert Temple).

    Some key facts about this map:

    • Use the required game type, The Legend
    • The sniper is used to destroy the fusion coil, unblocking the spawn point for the temple
    • You are reunited with the DMR, the Earth Temple item
    • The dungeon item is sprint
    • The key is now crates, blocking teleporters by destroying the fusion coil holding it up
    Some pictures of the map:

    Starting Screen

    Overview of Cliffside Village

    Forest Shrine

    Main Room in Temple

    Speed Challenge

    Dungeon Item: Sprint

    Race Against the Kill Ball

    New Key System (Hint: Need four keys to access final challenge)

    Dice Challenge

    The Final Challenge

    Hopefully you guys enjoy, leave comments whether you like it, hate it, found a break, or are stuck (I will help you). This is a very fun puzzle with a good amount of challenge. This is a whole year of work put into it (not really, but...). Enjoy.

  2. MacoroniMayorTOFU

    MacoroniMayorTOFU Promethean

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    It looks like fun, but the forging isn't the best. No to be an ass, but alot of puzzel maps aren't downloaded on forge hub because we cant exactly see what you need to do. A puzzel map isn't always about the forging it is mainly about the puzzel. A picture dosen't show much of the puzzel, try making a video if you or a buddy own a capture card.
  3. sheehy1023

    sheehy1023 Forerunner

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    you do make a good point on how pictures don't show much, but there are two reason why i won't make a preview

    1. I don't have a capture card or access to one
    2. A preview can give to much away, it would show how to do the puzzles. When I want the answers revealed, I will post a walkthrough
  4. Juggacly

    Juggacly Forerunner

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    The images are small, is there anyway you could make them bigger?

    The map doesn't look too bad. I might give it a download. The challenges look pretty original. When I make or play a puzzle I want originality.

    Anyway. I'll try it and tell you what I think :)
  5. sheehy1023

    sheehy1023 Forerunner

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    For those who tried and failed, here is the walkthrough to this puzzle.
    Halo Reach Puzzle: Forest Temple - YouTube

    You can also check out my other walkthroughs for the other Legend puzzles on youtube as well. I won't double post on all of the threads, so I'm just giving the notice on this one.

    Hope this is helpful for those who need help on this map.
  6. Sasquatch

    Sasquatch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is definitely a good puzzle. I just beat it in under an hour a little bit ago.

    The first series of challenges were very fun to complete (the area you called the village & shrine). I liked the open theme. It made the challenges feel freer and more creative, if that makes any sense. Also, the location was fairly unique.

    My other favorite section was the path to get to the Sprints. It was simple, but flowed really well with its combination of speed, easy jumps, and some thought.

    Afterward, I watched your walkthrough video because I thought I might've completed a challenge in a way differently than you intended... turns out, there were four challenges I did differently. I labeled them by approximate time of appearance in the video:

    1:10 – Throwing the grenade through the slit is not necessary. I walked up to the fusion coil, looked down, and then threw the grenade. It detonated on the other side of the shield door just fine.

    5:10 – Shooting that fusion coil isn't necessary. I literally just walked around it (on the right). All I had to do was crouch repeatedly while walking forward.

    6:40 – I didn't do all that fanciness to retrieve the golf ball. I just shot it forward from where it started and it was launched out of the mancannon slowly, so I got it easily.

    7:30 – I just shot that fusion coil with my DMR from afar. It exploded fine.

    So yeah, I did four things differently. Not a big deal, since none of them ruined the experience, but worth taking a look at. As far as the puzzle goes, it was quite good. My only question is if there was any reason for the soccer ball at the end (I didn't use it for anything), and my only complaint was that the golf ball took a while to respawn. Aesthetically, nothing was substandard except for a few instances of Z-fighting. The temple theme was nice and it came across well.

    In conclusion, Forest Temple is a great map. It wasn't quite as challenging as you made it out to be, but I enjoyed thinking my way through it. Keep up the excellent work!
  7. sheehy1023

    sheehy1023 Forerunner

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    Nice review on the map. The only break that would be a problem is the last one, the others are not major enough. The soccer ball is supposed to block a teleporter, so you can get to the button (landmine).

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