At first glance you may think that this map seems small, especially for 4 vs 4!; and you'd be right. Let me be clear, . . . It was never the intention of this map design to be roomy or to allow too much breathing space - especially for the seriously competitive player. Greetings and welcome to my first map post to Forge Hub. I'm looking forward to the feedback this map and it's supported variety of gametypes are likely to stir up, and am willing to compromise with any reasonable improvement suggestions. Team based games on this map will force you to work as a team if you want to win, don't think for a second that just because you can see the goal that it's going to be an easy jog to it. 1v1 and 2v2 may be what this map looks to be made for, but the real fun is in eight player FFA. That is where the maps namesake is truely rooted. The layout is inverse symmetrical on a mostly octogonal, level ground. The only obstructions are the upper tunnel entrances and the poles in the center. While there is an upper tunnel in which to move, there are no weapons in there for slayer based gametypes so you may have to come out sometime if you want more ammo. The ramps aren't the only openings through wich to throw grenades, there are windows on each end and if chucked right there can be few safe places for cover. Let's take a look around . . . The Red and Blue sides (east and west respectivley) are identical, with one frag, one sticky . . . . . . an upper level health pack . . . . . .and a ground level health pack near the center. The Green (north) and Orange (south) sides are where the firepower are placed. The only sightline obstructions on the ground floor are the tunnel entrances and center pole. I've found that although the overhead tunnel can seem cramped, it can still make for some interesting exchanges and suprises. So there you have it. The general layout is simple, and yet can provide strategic challanges and advantages. I'll be patiently awaiting your comments and advice, as well as any suggested changes or improvements. Thanx for taking the time to walk with me through here. I'll cover more about this map in later discussion. 1 Shotgun ----------- 60sec. / 0 spare clips 1 Needle rifle --------60sec. / 1 spare clips 1 DMR ---------------60sec. / 0 spare clips 1 Concussion rifle ---60sec. / 0 spare clips 2 Frag grenades -----30sec. 2 Plasma grenades --30sec.
Can someone tell me how to post a map to the latest community maps on the front page because I just posted a map and its not showing up there
ok I just played your map and you have major spawn killing going on and the middle is a pointless upper path. you should fix it you gots the budget
I haven't played it, so I can't say anything about the gameplay or layout definitely, but I think you need to clean up those aesthetics. Look at the seventh picture. There are so many pieces used as floor there Also, the grammatically correct way to say what you're thinking of is "Nowhere to Run." Welcome to forgehub
I have mixed feelings about how you did on this map. On the plus side, I can tell you put a lot of time, thought, and effort into making this, considering all of the angled pieces you put on your map (including a majority of the objectives). On the down side, I really don't think this has a chance for 4v4. I realize you implemented "spawn-cannons" to replace regular spawn points. How I see it, it's basically a delay on spawns, which won't prevent spawn-killing (just delays it). This seems to be a nice largescale warmup map, but not so much a map for conventional 4v4 play. Your object coordination isn't too bad and you make the effort to put objects at unusual angles, so you should use that dedication to create a more standard 4v4 map. I'm not sure what the concern for too much breathing space is about. Anyways, Welcome to forgehub. A solid first impression you made.
Alright, addressing these first couple of concerns: @ Cheiyijei - I understand and have always known about the spawn-killing issue. Being as how the team based spawning is going to put you somwhere on your teams (red or blue) general side, every time you respawn back into action you are immediately pushed to be on your toes before they even hit the ground. I know you've had a chance to look this over in forge mode and I welcome your comments, but can you elaborate on your suggestion to fix the "pointless" upper pathway? Remember; I'm preventing any successful long term camping by NOT putting weapons in the tunnel. You're right I do have the budget to "fix" it, but how? The tunnel is used in some of the other gametypes with an emphasis on strategic compromise, did you just play a slayer match? or did you seriously give anything else a run, like 3v3 CTF or 8 player oddball? @ SpinCycle014 - I see what you mean, I can only say that the floor patterns were more of an effort to "fit" the layout more than to look great. Did you have any aesthetic improvement suggestions? (oh, and your right the grammatical error got by me, sorry ;p ) @ - Remember Isao - Okay, I'll be honest...I made this map more with FFA in mind and wasn't sure how well some of the objectives would work out at first. It did take some time to build but I didn't lurch over it for more than an hour at a time per forge session. I really apreciate your feedback from both sides of your opinion and would like to take it a step further by asking for any ideas or improvements. As for the breathing room. . .I based this map design on one of my first forge map concepts back when the game came out, which was the same layout but almost exactly half this size. BTW, what do you mean "more standard" 4v4 layout? ** Thanx to all for those replies, I look forward to more **
Great feedback *Applause As for the map itself: you can see the upper floor pieces sticking out into the basement are of the map. The stairs you made out of the 4x4 corner piece is impractical not only b/c it would require jumping to climb it but grenades and other objects would get caught up on it. Was it really necessary for that last screenshot which does not add to aiding the players understand the map layout? The is also an overall lack of cohesion of the aesthetic of the map. You have th4 4x4 flats, and platform XLs as well as Curved Bridges, and 5x1s all working against each other.
For a "more standard" 4v4 layout, I simply mean one that can support conventional gameplay; a map of proper size to support regular spawning. If you're going for a unique form of gameplay here (which you're going for a quick-paced FFA), then I don't really have ideas on how you can improve on that. Maybe for your next map