Hi! This is a 2 base symmetrical map with a twist... The bases are in the corners, with platforms on the sides. The only weapons are BR's, Carbines, and 2 Maulers (1:30 respawn with 0 extra clips). All the bases are identified by powerups. Concussion v1.1 has a damage amplifier top mid, Concussion v1.2 has Camo top mid. Your choice. Alright, enough talk, here it is: Overall view: Red and Blue Bases: Yellow and Green Platforms: Top and Bottom Mid: Red and Blue Ramps: Under Ramp (either one): ==================================================================== Here is the link to my file share. There are two 4's versions (Concussion 1.1 and 1.2), and the FFA version (Concussion FFA). 1.2 runs TS/CTF/King/Ball, 1.1 runs settings from my file share. Thanks to SaLoT, That Blam n00b, and Namllu for the great ideas for improving this map. Also thanks to Abooort and TruE x Prodigy for keeping me company while I build it.
Ok, your map looks pretty good, but two problems. First off your thread tile needs to be the same as ONLY your map's name. Secondly, this doesn't look like 75 hours of work, it is a good map but this wouldn't take more than about 10-20 hours tops.
No, this is my first map, I've never glitched anything before, it literally took my about 3 weeks with 3 completely different versions of the map before I arrived at this. Sorry if it's seems misleading, but it's true. I'll edit it anyways.... Now lets get onto the map itself, now that the confusion is over. Thank you!
Please do not link to your fileshare. Post the map from your fileshare to the Bungie.net forums, then link that thread here.
yeah.... except for there is 2 versions (camo instead of damage amplifier) for fours, and an FFA version, and one of the fours versions needs special settings so the custom is a damage amplifier instead of an OS... just figured it would have less clutter and confusion... but I will do.
this map looks very good. it has a great look to it especially the bases they look sweet nice symmetrical-ness, overall great job
Looks good, just do one thing Instead of just placing the two boxes on top of the center walls, stack up seven double or single walls while the center walls are unspawned, then place the center boxes on top of those and you will get a perfect hight level and the middle will looks smoother
What exactly do you mean? Right now I have 4 single boxes interlocked to have a smooth walking space. Just so you know, the bridges leading to top mid right now BARELY reach, so making top mid any higher or anything probably wouldn't work.
Looks like a good MLG map i got a bunch of these already but you can always use more for the normal custom games alot of my clan members are 50s and all they like to do now is MLG
I cant help it, i guess its a pet peave of mine but 70 + hours, i really cant beleive that, im sorry its just me, but now i move on to the map. looks decent, nothing really seems to pop out at me, it probably would have been a good idea to turn some of those boxes upside down becuase it looks better and it may even be smoother to walk on, i konw i like to walk on them better that way.
I couldn't turn the boxes upside down cuz that would look ugly, since you can't use upside down open boxes, and the combo of upside down + regular is worse than what I have now. But yeah, it DID take me around 75 hours, I worked for around 3 weeks, morning till night every day until it was done. Like I said, I made completely different versions of the map with different mids, different plats, and different bases. It probably is MORE than 75 hours because of all the games of testing and slight revisions. And you can't forget that this is my FIRST map, so I wasn't completely used to geoing and intertwining (EVERYTHING is geo'd and intertwined, as pixel perfect as I could make it).
It is an MLG map, but they changed the title of my thread to just plain Concussion. Sorry if your post was directed to the person right before you.