Slender comes to Halo: Reach as you try to escape the torment of a faceless beast! Search for the eight notes (health packs,) possibly giving you a bonus! Play with only two people for a better experience, or with up to 15 other friends! Spoiler Here are a few details from the map and gametype: Map: -There are eight "notes" (health packs) hidden around the map. Finding them can heal you if your health is low from a fall or a close encounter with the Slenderman. Gametype: -The Slenderman is always white, just in the legends. He also gets a Gravity Hammer, Hologram, Poor Camo, and radar (15 feet.) He is also invincible, just like the game. -Humans get an Energy Sword as a "flashlight" (this will be fixed later; the filters remove this light effect,) they move slower, and have Sprint. They also only have one life, so when you're killed, you're done! -Although it does not have an in-game effect, try to find all eight notes as a human. This is counted as "winning." However, no matter what, you need to try to survive the whole round.
Finding a system that allows you to actually score points for each note (such as with safe havens) would help the game tremendously. Otherwise you are just running around trying to avoid an invincible enemy for a time limit. I can't see much from this pic, but a lot of cover and many routes to each location would be necessary to prevent slendy camping or being to easy to spot.
If possible, I'd recomend doing something like this on Ridgeline where there are more trees, along with FlyshoeIRL's advice.
If there are only two people, a gametype using an easier method to score points (maybe stockpile) would be great as well.
I've never made any maps using Safe Havens, but I'm guessing that each health pack would have a Safe Haven objective on it, and by going to each one you gain a point? Again, I have no experience with Safe Havens so correct me if I'm wrong.
Haloball with 8 objectives with no respawn timers? You could use a plasma pistol on overcharge as a "torch". I'm not sure about lighting effects but it'd look cool and more torchy than a sword.