Hey folks, Not sure if anyone here still remembers me...I was one of the OLD mods here (Shock and Sarge might recall, possibly others as well), created the first Best of Forge contest. Anyhoo... I just wanted to tell the community how excited I am: I received a call this morning after a few interviews with various Test Leads that Bungie wants to bring me onboard in the Matchmaking test department. Needless to say, I agreed and will start there in two weeks! My passion for Bungie has been festering for quite a while now, and I moved from Tennessee to Bellevue, Washington to pursue that dream and goal. After a few months contracting at Microsoft Game Studios, I'm in. For anyone who's ever considered the awesomeness of working at Bungie: make your dreams goals. Don't settle for anything less. Also, Jerome is remarkably kind and don't let DeeJ tell you differently. Per Audacia Ad Astra
I'm quite happy they don't...nothing slaughters creativity like endlessly beating an IP to death. I'm much more thrilled about their new, unknown expanses. =D
Congrats dude! I think I remember you posting about applying and **** awhile back, right? Anyhow, best of luck to you in your career. That's some pretty awesome stuff! Another ForgeHub member, BleuPrint also works at Microsoft with T10. Pretty cool dude, should probably hit him up on here.
Agreed with that. Well good luck man, I hope to see you out there someday. Not necessarily for Bungie, but somewhere. Enjoy
You didn't happen to mention what job your actually doing, I would be jealous if you where working as a janitor for Bungie never mind an actual cool job where you get to create. Anywhere here's your sincere but obligatory: Congratz
"... Bungie wants to bring me onboard in the Matchmaking test department. " Think you missed that. ; ) EDIT: Just to be clear, I'll be a Matchmaking Tester in a contract-to-possible-FTE job.
Your right I did miss that but a Department usually involves more then one position so it's Good to hear a Forgehub user is a Matchmaking tester but if any unbalanced maps make it into matchmaking I know who didn't test hard enough. (If that's even what that job does lol)