Ocasan v1.1

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by KaL, Aug 27, 2012.

  1. KaL

    KaL Forerunner

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    Ocasan is an inversely symmetrical map which is ideal for slayer. It's best played in 5v5/ 6v6.

    When playing a team game (Red vs Blue) the teams initially spawn in this area on either side of the map:


    From here you can either go to the right which leads to a tunnel flooded with water between the two bases (Contains rocket launcher, which was put here to increase the use of this area):


    Or you can go to the left which takes you to the rest of the map:


    Here is a screenshot of the area you first encounter:


    In this area you can find two snipers (One on each side):


    You can follow the stairs up to the next level:


    As you can see, the centre contains a shotgun.

    If you follow a path that leads over the two pyramids, you reach this area:


    The teleporter takes you up to a sniping level:


    Although this seems like a very campable position, the sniper has been placed on the lower level to make it harder to camp. Here is another screenshot of this area:


    Another feature of this map is the turret:


    Here is a bird's-eye view of the map with the roof removed:


    Because i couldn't fit the whole map in, here is a screenshot of one of the sides (Remember the map is inversely symmetrical):


    One side of this screenshot contains a man cannon, the other side is where you land if you use the man cannon from the other side:


    Weapon list (Name/How many):
    Sniper Rifle/ 2
    Rocket Launcher/ 1
    Shotgun/ 1
    Needler/ 2
    DMR/ 2
    Magnum/ 2
    Machine Turret/ 2
    Plasma Pistol/ 2
    Plasma Grenade/ 4 (two pairs of two)
    Frag Grenage/ 8 (four pairs of two)

    Thank you for reading!

    Download OCASAN here
    #1 KaL, Aug 27, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2012
  2. Yellow Sausage

    Yellow Sausage Promethean

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    No,no no no no.

    You don't post a new thread for every map update. You add new pictures and tell people what you need to tell them.
  3. KaL

    KaL Forerunner

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    But i made big mistakes on my last one and this is it finished?
  4. Yellow Sausage

    Yellow Sausage Promethean

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    Im not taling about the map I'm saying if you have updated the map then you should post it in the ORIGINAL THREAD.
  5. KaL

    KaL Forerunner

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    I asked a forgehub moderator to delete the original thread a few days ago because the mistakes were so great that I thought I might as well re-launch the map. The mistakes were not so much visual by the way.
  6. Yellow Sausage

    Yellow Sausage Promethean

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    Well if the mistakes were so great why did you post it in the first place? Surely you shoulda' tested it before you post?
  7. KaL

    KaL Forerunner

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    Well yes, that was my mistake. The map was still playable, but flawed.
  8. Yellow Sausage

    Yellow Sausage Promethean

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  9. KaL

    KaL Forerunner

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    I don't like how you've taken the topic away from the actual map.
  10. Yellow Sausage

    Yellow Sausage Promethean

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    Before you post a map for MUST MUST test it. Alot. Doesn't matter if you think everything is alright, you still have to test the map constantly. That's what makes the good maps great and the great maps fantastic.
  11. KaL

    KaL Forerunner

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    Yes, and now I have tested it, not with as many people as I would have liked though.
  12. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yellow Sausage, pull your head out of this guy's ass. Stop backseat moderating and stop being a prick.

    Kal, I will download the map and take a look at it for myself to give some in depth feedback, but to be honest, the screenshots don't look promising. The water looks too deep, the connections look awkward, and the verticality did not look well implemented.

    I told you via PM over xbox live to post your map here at FH so you would get some honest feedback, but there will always be dudes who want to harass you. It happens to everyone. Don't let it get to you, just keep forging and making new maps man.

    DEADGAMER Forerunner

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    From what I can see, the map doesn't look too interesting.
    I agree with Noooooch about these things. I also think that the Tower Talls look out of place. If you look at some of the good maps, there is a lack of buildings and for good reason. They just don't work.

    Keep trying though, I used buildings on my first few maps and then realized that they just didn't work. Thankfully, I never posted those maps :p
  14. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I think I played this with you and Goathead the other day. The negatives on this map definately outweighed the positives for me, but the map is pretty good nonetheless.

    Normally, dead ends are do nothing but hinder flow, but when they are used correctly and carefully, they can turn into great risk versus reward situations as they are here with the sniper rifles. That was the single most enjoyable aspect of this map for me, although I dislike the tin cups that the sniper rifles are resting on as they are clearly out of place.

    Like Noooooooooooooooooooooch guessed, the primary problem with the map is verticality. To be more precise, the catwalks. They were elevated enough to provide cover from the bottom floor with correct positioning and there was only one entrance to each which could be monitored because they were right below. Areas lacking paths are advantageous, therefore should be given disadvantages as well. In this case, you could lower the catwalk down some or add a counter position with strong lines of sight on the position. You technically have the latter with the adjacent catwalk, but in the end, it just becomes a battle of who can control the catwalks. Other problems were pretty basic. Premade buildings are lame, twoway teleporters are lame, deep water is lame, lights are lame, random cover is lame, turrets are lame, cover at advantageous positions is lame, and the mancannon is lame ;)

    Despite the problems, I really did enjoy playing the map. I look forward to whatever other stuff you can cook up man. Invite me some time and I'll go more in depth in game.

    Tone it down some mang.
    #14 Auburn, Aug 27, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2012
  15. KaL

    KaL Forerunner

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    Thanks, I'd like to hear your feedback so I can take it into consideration when making maps in the future. Haha don't worry, I will do, thanks again :)

    Edited by merge:

    Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, I'm starting to realise the flaws in using buildings :p

    Edited by merge:

    Thanks for this feedback man, it was really useful and I'll definitely use it to improve my forging :)
    #15 KaL, Aug 28, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2012

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