What do you like most about Halo

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by SilentJacket, Aug 26, 2012.

  1. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    So I was wondering what you liked most about halo.

    What draws you in, makes you play it over some other game?

    • Graphics
    • Armor
    • Firefight
    • Customs
    • Forge
    • Matchmaking
    • Story
    • Campaign
    • Community
    • Cortana

    You can choose more than one facet
    #1 SilentJacket, Aug 26, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2012
  2. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Cortana's boobs.
  3. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    It is not on your list, but I've always enjoyed the simplicity of it. Unfortunately Halo 4 doesn't look too simple, but I still have faith it will be a good game.

    If I had to chose from our list, it'd be forge.
  4. DC

    DC Ancient
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    oh and i like it for its story, read up on it, it's actually pretty ****ed up haha, government steals kids to act as super soldiers, clone them, clones are a ****ed up, most of the kids die because of the work done to their bodies, some messed up **** lmao
  5. Loco Little

    Loco Little Promethean

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    I like the matchmaking compared to other shooters around, you don't die instantly so no one guy can easily just run around on his own sprinting everywhere and gunning people down, it's a really good team game and the matchmaking rewards that with quick kills when fire is concentrated. Plus ninja assassinations are awesome, and jumps are gonna be higher in Halo 4 >:)
  6. Yellow Sausage

    Yellow Sausage Promethean

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    Forge, Campaign and the freakin' epicness of Halo
  7. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    flr .

    But seriously, the relative simplicity of the multiplayer, especially compared to other shooters on the market. Unfortunately Halo 4 won't be like that, but I also love the Halo campaigns, so it'll be fine.
  8. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    For the campaign side I love the atmosphere created, especially in some of the earlier games. That feeling that the whole world around you is so massive and containing so much power is awesome, especially on Forerunner levels.

    For multiplayer a few things do it for me that other games don't do:

    1. Recharging Shields: Other games may do it too, but I feel Halo does it the best. I love the fact that you are rarely killed so fast that you don't have a chance to fight back or flee. Shields separate Halo form just being a pure twitch shooter and in my opinion add a lot more team strategy to the game, leading me to enjoy Team Objective more in Halo than anywhere else.

    2. Vehicles: Halo has one of the most sheerly badass vehicles sets in a multiplayer game. The Warthog, the Ghost, even new additions like the Falcon; these are all really enjoyable vehicles to use. This is why I forge Big Team, because I sincerely enjoy the vehicular elements of Halo. I don't want it to be a pure arena shooter.

    3. The Weapon Variety: Does any other game have a comparison to the needler? Halo always has an interesting, varied weapon set, with new ones coming on each time. I prefer Halo with it's set of 20 interesting, very different guns to games where I can choose from 1 of 10000 assault rifles.

    Finally, I love forge. Not because forge is the most powerful map editor out there, but because it is where I got started, and because I can design multiplayer Halo games for the aspects I like about Halo. Finally, Halo's large population makes it easy to get a variety of tester's, something valuable when trying to perfect a map. The community (while often full of derps) helps make the game more enjoyable as well.
  9. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    I have to say, that sums it up for me as well. The one thing I would change for myself would be the bit on the campaign.

    I enjoy single player a bit, and love the ideas that were created for the Halo campaign, but I was not ever able to get in to the story. Halo3 for instance was a blur of boredom for me, and Reach was an excuse to shoot things. I didnt play Halo 1 or 2 enough to comment on them. I still am sitting on level 3 of Anniverary because I just dont care a whole lot to continue yet. The ideas are great, but they just didnt click for me.
  10. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
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    Forge, story, customs, mm
  11. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    In a nutshell, that's how I feel too.

    Not sure what I'll do when Halo 5 requires a next-gen Xbox though...I don't know if it would be worth it now that my xbox is almost exclusively used for Halo.
  12. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Just do what I do and play zillions of hours of Halo. Get your money's worth!
  13. LD

    LD Ancient
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    Changed the Thread title because I clicked on it over and over again, expecting an Introduction Thread ..
  14. mazdak26

    mazdak26 Forerunner

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    when was the last time you shot blue, sticky, motion tracking explosives from a GUN?!?!

    never. That's when. Except for in halo. Halo is ****ing awesome.
  15. a sharp corner

    a sharp corner Ancient
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    Weapons being placed around the map discourages camping unlike spawning with a set of power weapons... *cough cough* call of duty *cough*

    also i like how the campaign levels are so different from each other, it makes you feel like you are somewhere completely different rather than making the transition from downtown to uptown Baghdad
  16. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    The physics... 'nuff said
  17. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
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    Why is this in halo 4 discussion?
  18. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    I'm just wondering what people like about halo, given the criticism H4 received, It made me wonder why people are complaining, when the changes from H3 to Reach were just as big (if not larger) than the changes from Reach to H4. I also wanted to know why people stay loyal to the halo series, despite said complaints.
  19. TheFerociousOne

    TheFerociousOne Forerunner

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    Oh, boy... Where to begin? **** it, I'm doing all the games!

    Halo CE:

    I love the simplicity of the story, the atmosphere and the real sense of exploration that you are given as a player. The story is basic, but it works great. The characters doesn't really discuss the outside world and keeps the focus on the ring and it's secrets. I know the backstory gives you a lot more information about the universe, but it works just as well as a standalone game. Also, the music in this game is amazing and always seem to kick in at just the right moment.

    Introducing co-op to the campaign was the best thing ever when you had to play through some of the less popular maps (I just hate The Library) and it was a great way to pass the time as a kid.

    Halo 2:

    Personally my favorite Halo game. There's just something to it. The story is deeper this time around and you get to play as both Master Chief and The Arbiter. Who saw that one coming? While the story ends on the biggest cliffhanger in gaming history (maybe) It's still enjoyable to play through.

    Halo CE had good gameplay, but this time they really perfected it. All the weapons, vehicles, grenades feel natural to use and the physics of the game was amazing at the time. I love getting a headshot on a grunt and see his body doing a backwards rotation mid air. Nowadays it's all about animations, which just doesn't feel as natural to me.

    I love the level-design in this game. It was that great time when developers didn't put invisible walls everywhere and you were free too explore the world if you just found your way outside the main area. Anyone that spent 45 minutes to drive around the lake on Delta Halo knows what I'm talking about. Also, no repeating levels! Halo CE had maps that repeated or got played backwards. Halo 2 has original content wherever you go and that's a big plus in my opinion.

    And well... multiplayer. I'm a good Halo player, doesn't really matter which of the games I play. But I have never, ever felt this kind of control in a game before. When I play Halo 2 I feel like I'm king of the world, no one can take me down. Thats not exactly true, but that's how I felt playing multiplayer with my friends. Despite the sword being OP and the brute shot being a pain in the ass, this (to me) is the perfect multiplayer experience.

    Halo 3:

    Man, I was excited for this game and I wasn't disappointed. The story doesn't have as many twists and turns as the previous title, but it's still good. The fact that elites fight alongside humans works really well. I love the final stage with all the references to the first Halo. I didn't care much of the ending though until I saw the legendary ending. I thought it was a nice way to round up the trilogy.

    Multiplayer was just as good as in Halo 2, but I never cared much for the equipment in-game. I don't know, but it felt clunky to me. It's true that they needed another "gimmick" for the sequel and I guess it is a good addition to the gameplay.

    I guess forge and theater mode deserves a shoutout here as well. I'm not much of a forger, but I love the concept. Theater mode also made it way easier for machinima creators to make incredible movies, which is appreciated. Thanks Bungie for these awesome features and one of the best series in gaming history!

    THE END!

    Well, that took forever...

    If you haven't fallen asleep from reading this, you might wanna know what I think about Halo ODST and Halo Reach. I don't like them... I'd love to go into detail about why I don't like them, but that's not what this post is about. It's about the good aspects of the Halo franchise and to me that's the first three games.

    I could go on forever about this. I'll just end here and call it a night.
    #19 TheFerociousOne, Sep 21, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2012
  20. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Pretty much everything.

    Which is why I like forge so much, I like other FPS but when I play them the controls or physics or graphics or the reticule speeds all the little details aren't like halo. A lot of fps I play i often think "Why can't this just be a custom made halo game made in forge with its own custom game settings with just this changed" because halo controls etc are preferable to me.

    I'm not saying it's better just saying I halo gameplay/controls/etc suit me better.

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