The SAW frightens me. I have a feeling it's going to become very abused. The railgun really excites me. Lack of SMGs is dissapointing. Maybe the 5th.
How would a double barrel shotgun be different than a shotgun in Halo? This same issue is here with the bolt action sniper. It would do basically the same thing, but bolt action. Not worth development time. As for the rest I would be happy to see (Aside from chainsaw/sword. That's not Halo, that's Left 4 Dead 2)
This. A revolver as seen in the Killzone series would be cool. [br][/br]Edited by merge: What I do not understand is why can't they just add all the guns that were loved from previous games and add them into H4. So far they've removed the SMG, the Grenade Launcher, and other weapons that were loved in past games. Are they that close to the data limit that they have to delete loved guns?
I think a UNSC melee weapon would be pretty cool. I mean, I know the shotty covers that area nicely, but the elites have a sweet sword, and the brutes have a sweet hammer. Why can't UNSC have a sweet knife or something? Maybe a portable compressed-gas-powered door breaching tool like a battering ram? And I mean who really cares if two weapons fill the same niche? Don't put them on the same map and it won't matter. It wouldn't bother me if there was a three pronged red energy sword available in forge for no reason. It would be cool. Like golf clubs. And I think a revolver is too outdated - it would feel ridiculous IMO. I do, however think that it would be nice if the Magnum actually performed like a magnum. The specs for it indicate that it's basically eight artillery shells and a one-foot tube lol It should be a ****ing cannon. The fact that they've nerfed it down to a 5sk is sad. They shouldn't call that a Magnum. They should rename it something else, make the model a little smaller, and then have an actual 3sk Magnum as a pick-up or a primary. I would take the CEA Magnum over a DMR any day. Even a ZB DMR. The smaller clip and the greater power, coupled with the range limitations make the Classic Magnum (IMO) the most balanced precision weapon iteration in Reach. ZB DMR right behind it though. Then TU DMR, Vanilla NR, TU Magnum, Vanilla Magnum, TU NR, Vanilla DMR, and ZB NR - destroyer of worlds lol And yeah - normal sniper doesn't fire fast enough to be any different with a bolt action. It would just be weird and out-of-place. Old-timey guns are cool and all, but they really change the tone of a game. And at some point you just have to go dive into Borderlands if you're craving bajillions of guns. Oh man - the skullmasher. The ****ing skullmasher. And my Bloody Unforgiven. Holy flaming ****, I can't wait for BL2. Stoked for H4 too, but now I'm all worked up for cartoony old-timey sci-fi shenanigans lol
Both the energy sword and gravity hammer are primarily ceremonial as you might note from the arbiter killing the prophet of truth with an energy sword. Spartans are about practicality rather than ceremoniousness so the closest you'll get is the katana armor in Halo 3. The point of different weapons in Halo is to have largely different characteristics rather than giving slight variations of the same thing. Having all those random guns just isn't how halo works.
i suppose your right about the bolt-sniper but the double barrel would be cool for a more powerful, longer ranged version of the pump shotgun, but with only 2 shots before reloading. This could put a whole new spin on infection games. something like this would fit in the halo universe Spoiler As for the chainsaw in Halo, left4deads not the only game with a chainsaw. Id like to see some UNSC melee weapons like Gordon said. Also, on a side note, I played a modded Halo 2 game once where you could pick up and use jackel shields. That would make for some crazy fun gametypes
But a Double Barrell Shotgun would be pointless compared to one with quicker reloading and a larger magazine size.
I'm with splatterman on this one. But I do want my pro pipe back. This is kinda wishful at this point, but what about having options to change the damage of each individual weapon? One could make the game as fast or as slow paced as they wanted...
The attitude that you can just put whatever you want in a game and it'll work shows a fundamental misunderstanding of game design and balance. Putting weapons in has a wider effect on the sandbox, and the game is being designed to work in its own right, as a complete piece, not offer every Halo weapon experience rolled in to one. I seriously doubt that data limits are the reason. Time constraints, perhaps, and in that something I have more sympathy for, as it implies that they could spend time balancing these token gestures which they don't feel contribute to the desired weapon roles, or they could instead spend the time getting the game as it stands balanced the way they want it.
It's not like any of the Halo games have had a balanced sandbox. BR has been notoriously OP, AR's UP, Magnum OP, then UP, then perfect (but OP with ZB). You present a very valid argument but none of the Halo's have had a balanced sandbox so it kind of collapses on itself. I would like to see the SMG and GL return though.
Nothin pissed me off more in h3 than somebody popping out of nowhere with dualwielding SMG's blasting away at me. Of course, dualwielding wont be returning (thank you 343 <3). And having an SMG without dualwielding would be pointless, since its so weak without having the other.
How about the ODST SMG? At least that one was fun to use. They could make it a secondary weapon used only to clean up kills.
The SMG was easily more lethal than the AR in close ranges, single wielded even. I liked the SMG. It was terrible as a starting weapon in Halo 2 (since there was no AR), but it's a great secondary weapon. The thing with dual wielding was that the weapons being wielded were slightly nerfed while dual wielding, if I recall correctly. The advantage was that even with the two slightly nerfed weapons being dual wielded were administered more damage than either one wielded singularly. Also, you could reload either one on it's own. On that note. **** Team Duals. The Focus Rifle is beast yo. It takes a steady hand to be able to wield it properly.
@Roboartist - read the quote ^ putting the SMG back into the game would obviously mean making it different
As long as they bring back flame-throwers and choppers, and passenger vehicles such as hornets and the no weapon warthog I'm happy.
I found from playing H3 (I didn't find weapon precise kill times) that the SMG was actually better than the AR at a slightly-longer-than-AR range, and about the same at AR range (I think I tested that with a guest controller once, but it was a while back, so I'm only 90% sure). That small difference was actually useful for covering a lot of rooms in smaller maps, though. The SMG could beat dual SMGs at this range, and dual SMGs were only slightly better than an SMG at AR range. The dual reload time also took really long, even if you reloaded only one- it seemed as though it was twice the normal time, because the single SMG reload time was really short. The SMG already had a large clip, so there really was little to be gained by dual-wielding them, probably as the designers intended. Dual wielding in general was only found in low levels in matchmaking, because players were experimenting and/or not good with a BR. I saw a lot more of it when Reach took the population away. For some reason, though, Dual SMGs were surprisingly effective at shooting an enemy out of an intact banshee on Valhalla. Edited by merge: The SMG was replaced with the LMG SAW, and the grenade launcher was replaced with the sticky detonator (I explained why I think that that is an inferior, more redundant with grenades, skill-reducing choice in a different thread), so they are keeping the same general roles with changes. I think that these two weapons (SMG in H3 and GL in Reach) are pretty clear examples of the proverb "if it isn't broken and you're not going to improve it, don't change it" (or something like that). I don't know what other weapons he's talking about, but so far they haven't removed much without keeping something similar. They could have removed the Fuel Rod Gun in Reach because it wasn't used in H3 MM, and was just an overpowered brute shot. It was a fun campaign weapon since H2 (unusable in CE, enemies had it). They just powered it up to a one-shot kill in Reach, and put it on Spire. Even this, however, did not have much effect on Spire's gameplay. I honestly can not see how there could be a greater problem than "another FRG" that could result from rolling previous sandbox elements into the game, especially if they apply the same method of balancing sandbox elements as they have for elements in the past. With experience from past games, I don't know how it could not be easier than before. I'm guessing that deciding parameters for sandbox elements (projectile damage, projectile speed, ROF, amount of auto aim, clip/charge amount, aim assist (reticle speed), bullet magnetism, reload time, full reserve ammo, vehicle speed/ boost time, others) with experience from how these sandbox elements worked previously would be more straightforward than programming or other game decisions, but I don't know anything about programming or other game decisions. I also doubt, though, that leaving out sandbox elements has anything to do with a data limit, considering how much data any other variation (like one more campaign mission or less) that these video games have would require in comparison. A complete variety of sandbox elements is more important now that forge, and thus custom games, is getting an upgrade. MM maps might have only falcons, but a H3 transport hornet (objective passengers, passengers using their own weapons, guns for the pilot that are weak enough) might be of use in a custom map/game. Also, I can't imagine that development/balancing of sandbox elements could take close to as much time as developing a second campaign, which they've gotten a jump on. If someone who knows about the work that goes into a developing campaign missions can weigh in, it would be better than my guess.
To be fair, I think the Railgun is more of the functional successor to the GL. I mean, the Sticky Detonator is obviously related too, but I guess I'm looking at it as if they've split my favorite weapon right down the middle. You have the predictive aspect and even easier trap laying with the detonator - thus enhancing one aspect of the GL - and then you have the insane bankshot faceblasting and the delicious efficiency of a single-shot 1sk weapon in the Railgun without the ballistic aspect complicating the destruction. Well, I hope it bankshots well - I think I heard a reference about that, but I'm not sure now.. I'll admit, I would still be happier if the GL was in there too, and the Sticky Detonator does look like a useless annoying piece of garbage, but he Railgun looks sweet, and I think it will be a decent successor. And we'll have to see what this Boltshot looks like. The GL's void may well be filled. As for the SAW replacing SMGs - that just doesn't make sense to me. I mean, I can see the correlation, but functionally it looks totally different. That Storm Rifle might be something though. We'll have to see how it turns out once they're done playing with the settings. It could fill that role if they wanted it to.