What do you do most to keep yourself busy while on Forgehub? 1. Look at and download maps 2. Browse the blogs 3. Chat generally 4. Talk about Halo 5. Lurk the Off-Topics 6. Stare at the lolbox
Ummmmmmm... 2browse the blogs, 3chat generally, 5lurk the off-topics Sometimes 4talk about halo and 6stare at lolbox Used to 1look at and download maps but only do that like 4 times a year And the point of this is just curiosity based or boredom or whaaa?
i try to look at most of the maps, like to lurk the off topic, and when im bored ill wait for something to happen in the lolbox
Talk generally in the lolbox and threads all over the place. I look at maps but have only downloaded a few Some maps I planned on testing and port authority