Donnie Darko isn't that great of a movie. I thought I never finished it (I remember turning it off half way through the last time I tried to watch. And I've seen the ending on tv before) But now I've seen the whole thing. Why do people think it's so great, or deep for that matter?
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Spoiler What that the whole movie is a tangent universe where donnie survives and becomes a "What could have been." and because he didn't die all of that happened, and at the end of the movie you get transported back to the original or main universe where he actually dies. Seems pretty straight forward to me, not thought provoking or profound or anything.
Was that because you haven't seen it? Or a request because people that frequent here may have not seen it.
because he's a self-important fuss-pot. Spoiler didn't you feel anything for the characters? if not, i can see why you just think its straight forward. you're supposed to be left feeling sad and remorseful for donnie but then happy because better people than donnie live instead.