I've seen people post this in some other places, but never knew what it meant. Anyone care to explain? Also, nice to see that those covenant crates are gone
Well, I do like how nice and neat this map looks and there were a lot of cool ideas here. I just think the health packs are too much but I guess it may be neccessary for this '1v1 swat', I'm not sure. But one thing I suggest is to remove or change any spawn points that spawn you facing a wall directly in front of you. That's a little dissorienting (spelled right?). Other than that it's cool & I'm ok with the covy crates, maybe not as many but there fine. Forget all this malarchy of "lazy cover", use whatever piece works as long as it serves a purpose & doesn't look bad. I'm wondering about this game type though, sounds kinda crazy.
NO ENHANCED RADAR THAT SUCKS just use normal radar. And you cant really use evade with a DMR. Put like Sprint instead. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Soliloquy is sorta a long and hard to pronounce name. Like my friends are obsessed on Asylum, so they say "Lets go to Asylum!" But if they tried to go to your map, theyd go like "Lets go to Soli- Solilo- Soliloq- wait what was the name again?" So make the name easier. Just a suggestion.
Glad I finally got to play this with you It was just as fun as I was hoping it would be. I think your swat gametype really fit well with the map. The evade was really interesting and fun and was surprisingly useful. I found myself always looking out for it. Only thing though, I noticed myself camping in the little corner hallway right next to the cp spawn waiting for it pretty frequently. You may want to push it out towards the other side of that room to prevent camping. And I think you could even lower its spawn time, say by 15 seconds or so? I don't think it would be too overpowering yet it'd promote more movement. Just suggestions though! I really liked it, man. Great job Also, why no mic?? Xzamplez.
Throughout my life I have had an obsession with catchphrases, the most recent being: Forgehub. (it's all in the delivery), drop your balls (I brought it back from the grave), broken (common term, but I abuse it to define anything that isn't perfect). But a staple in my vocabulary for the past 2 years has been anything relating to SaLoT. Some think I worship him, some think I am attracted to him, some think I make fun of him, some think I AM him. It's a mystery that even Sherlock Holmes couldn't solve.
I put that in the category of anything related to SaLoT. Along with dumpster. And B Tower on SaLocTagon.
Don't you realize that we have so many inside jokes, that we basically made a new language? I'm not going to give you the definition of every word...
Who cares about meathouse? On the other hand, 5-Flag combined with dumpster forms the one true meathouse, discovered by the Dean of OU.
We just went past 1 page of comments that don't even mention the topic. I only have an idea of what the main atrium is. I'm unaware of the connection to the areas surrounding it.