Hey there, I've been scrolling through these forums for years now on and off, I think it's about time to join up! Really love the community here, I consistently find great maps here. Speaking of that, I'm really looking for a group of people to play custom games with! HMU on XBL: DethByFenix That's pretty much it. I might make an appearance in the G&A Section, as I'm in a graphic design class at school, but we'll see about that
Why hawo there. You'll find the custom lobby here, where you can organise or join customs. hold on and I'll get a link... That should work: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/customs-lobby/
Congrats for being one of the first that have signed up in a while that have not managed to piss me off in regards to either "hosting cool customs" or "uberhax0rZ clan signups" or "machinima filming join up". Basically not joining in order to ask for something or advertise something. So, congratulations.
Hello DethByFenix! I don't think I should say Welcome since I'm the new member here.. But I would say, happy to meet you. Regards,