Of course I'm talking about real guns. Last time I shot a bb gun was more than ten years whereas the last time I shot a real gun was last weekend. That said, the new halo weapons sound more like paintball guns to me.
Just wanna point out "what you hear when shooting a real gun" and "What you hear when recorded a real gun shot" are different, they could easily shot real guns and record it but that probably sounds bad so they make fake ones then they could make it fake in a way sounds like it does to shoot a real gun irl or make it sound like a recorded gun or sound like a over glorified badass gun. Just for reference this saw and the saw in OP sound pretty similar imo. (besides echo) M249 SAW Rampage! - YouTube Spoiler To compare easily, 1min. Halo 4 UNSC Weaponry - Sticky Detonator, Railgun, Saw, Sniper Rifle, Battle Rifle, and More! - YouTube
The SAW closer than any of the others. It really doesn't matter what a recording of a real gun sounds like. There's a whole profession of sound editing so stuff sounds real when you play it through speakers. At this point in development the weapons should sound how then intend them to.
I don't know about you guys but I have never played a video game with guns that actually sounded like real guns. Sure, the Halo 4 team used real weapons for reference, but they didn't just copy+paste those sounds directly into the game. They mixed them to make them sound higher or lower in pitch, to make them sound more futuristic, etc.
When I hear the Magnum and the DMR being shot I think of two pieces of metal knocking. That is about the only way I can describe it. I tink the sticky detanator, splazer, railgun, covenant carbine, and br sound fine. The SAW needs to be louder and they should switch the ar sound with the turret. The DMR and Magnum sounds need to be redone. I haven't heard the pp or the sniper so...
I hate to agree with this guy but in this case I have to. That's what I meant about it sounding like a paintball gun. At least with the guns I shoot the shot being fired is the dominant sound rather than throwing the bolt back but the reverse is true for most paintball guns.
you guys also have to think, this is 500 years in the future, these guns are not going to sound like the gun sounds we already know, this isn't a modern war game, so to enhance the feel they have to make things sound noticeably different. I actually like all these sounds in contrast to the game being played, if i heard them on cod or battlefield i would use the disk as a coster
yes, but most of the UNSC weapons are quite similar to modern day weapons, based on descriptions and appearance. they should sound quite similar.
For one audio technology as gotten pretty good at capturing gun and other loud sounds. 2, if they sounded exactly like real guns you would bleed from the ears because of the decibels. and you have to remember you are a super-soldier in 2000 pounds of armor that has a fair bit of sound suppression. 3, Its mostly the crappy youtube video know offence to the guy that ripped it off waypoint. I was lucky enough to play Halo 4 at RTX and that was pretty much all i got to do. I can say if you have a turtlebeach headset or something like it, I doubt you will ever complain about any of the sounds let alone the gun sounds. I was in a room with 4000 people and as soon as the game started i was warped right in. Those of you complain about the guns not sounding beefy enough, will eat your words when you play Halo 4, unless you have hearing damage then maybe not. BTW the SAW is in some concept art for halo reach, and one of the SIII's is holding one in one of the menus. All in all the sounds are better than Halo Reach so what are you guys complaining about?
Have to agree. On the wiki the Halo UNSC Weapons actually use rounds that were used in WWII, such as the 9mm, .22, 50.cal, ETC. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Whats really disappointing is the lack of the Grenade Launcher.
I will miss it as well. The sticky launcher is nice, but no fitting substitute. It will be sorely missed.
Just because its the same caliber means almost nothing. Are bullets made of the same material, have gunpowder evolved over the next 500 years? Are guns made anything like how they are today. Here is a great example would the smg from halo sound anything like a 5mm gun today? it could if it was built the same way and shot caseless ammo. As far as we know every gun has a built in sound suppressor. It all comes down to do you like the sounds or not you cant say it should sound like this or that. no two sound exactly alike and the same gun does not sound the same every time. Most of the guns were recorded from real world guns close to the specs of its ingame equivalent ex. Sniper rifle uses sound files from the barret 82A1 .50 Cal And if you take of your ear protection the all sound exactly the same a loud roaring band followed by some ringing. I you like the sound great if you dont then say so but dont blame the audio guy, because i am certain he know more about the subject than you do. I miss the smg too but if their is a Saw maybe they will add the ma5k which is kinda close.
Hmmm the Railgun and the Sticky detonator seem good. Saw is OK but I've seen it in many other games. I dont like the battle rifle because I HATE 3 round bursts. I'm looking forward to the Promethean weapons.
haha someone should rename this thread to "Halo 4 Gunshot Sounds" lol. I think a smaller, automatic weapon would be nice (SMG!!1!!). I thought of them coming back with the silenced SMG w/ scope (from odst) HEAR ME OUT on this one! I actually liked this weapon. Its the only silenced weapon in the Halo universe (or that i remember). They could make it different from the AR by having it a larger clip size, higher fire rate, silenced, and the fact of having an automatic gun with a scope was cool. I think they didnt put the SMG in reach because the lack of duel weilding made it no different or useless compared to the AR. THIS version of the SMG is a LOT diffferent than the AR so I suggest they put the silenced SMG in Halo 4. More human guns are more fun
i loved using it in ODST as well, but i feel like having a silenced weapon in multiplayer is just odd and either pointless or overpowered, depending on what they would make the effects of the silencer.
the effects probably wouldnt do anything unless you play a gametype with no radar. people would make more stealth-slayer gametypes
Wasn't the odst pistol silenced too? Those are two of my all time favorite halo guns, up there with the likes of the nade launcher and what not
heres what id like from 343 requested guns: silenced SMG w/ scope double barrel shotgun chainsaw (or other human sword-like melee weapon) revolver bolt-action sniper any one of these would be cool