Is anyone actually making new material in Reach? If so why? I find myself waiting for Halo 4 to drop so I can make the maps on it incase there are more objects that can be useful in forge to make the map better. I also don't want to waste my time with making a Reach map with 4 so close on the horizon. Would it be smarter to make my maps now, and then recreate them in Halo 4?
Depends on what map your making and how long it will take to test. Trying to make an invasion or BTB map right now would be terribly hard, but making a 1v1 shouldn't be an issue. I plan on releasing two more maps and I'll be done with Reach forge.
I'm mostly a Squad Slayer or BTB Forger. I like making bigger maps and I think that is why I can't bring myself to make them in Reach. I have a few Ideas set back waiting to by unleashed in 4 Forge.
I've never made a truly good map in Reach, so I'm dedicated the time left before Halo 4 on this one. Hopefully I can release it in October and actually have it not suck
Well... I'm making something unique, I posted a thread not too long ago proposing for some testing tomorrow. Which of course means I'm making a map.
I'm probably gonna wait till H4 comes out (cause I suck at forging) so yeah. You might wanna make like 1 simple map or something like that and wait for h4.
Still working on maps... Not because there's anything I want to accomplish with them in Reach, I just want to build them. If they play well, I'll port 'em to H4 with hopeful improvements.
@schnitzel That's a good mentality. Also I just came up with a new idea for an infection map EDIT: Has anyone seen any infection gameplay in Halo 4? Is infection even there in halo 4?
I'm still going to be forging in reach because I enjoy doing it. If I even get halo 4, it would be great to have something to remake in halo 4.
If you have trouble testing them, feel free to hit me up. I am still testing my own Big Team maps in Reach, as I don't want to wait for Halo 4 to enjoy building them. As there is no other forge to fill the gap, I don't see any reason to stop. If the few of us who forged BTB stopped there would be none at all pretty much.
Honestly, I am almost done building a linear infection map, I plan on completing it, After this last map I am done forging on Reach for GOOD! I am a big fan of making something that hasn't been done before, but alot of good ideas and aesthetics have been done. I will continue forging in Halo 4, but Reach forging is over for me. I always have bad luck, my lobbies are filled with kids that yell and haven't gone threw pubirty yet. I hate starting lobbies and I can never get my maps tested by good players who aren't squeakers. In my opinion why would you make a map in Reach if Halo 4 is almost here. Your map wouldn't get as many downloads and you wont be playing it when Halo 4 is on the Xbox 360.
Because some forge because they enjoy the process of creation, and because they learn more about map design with each map they make. Not everybody forges for publicity. Take my fat friend Tyrant. He has 25+ maps that he could post, but that's not why he forges. He forges because he's hungry. Hungry to learn. and eat
I want to release at least one map before 4... That will by my 2v2 MLG map impurity I have been waiting forever to do a map preview. Mostly because I am waiting for the TG feedback on it. And to organize a video for it.
I don't like being famous at all. Every time I built a map in Reach I got better and better. What I am trying to say is that Reach's forge is getting boring.
Lolwut. You are pretty inconsistent here. Just relax dude. You don't have to try and impress anyone telling people how hipster you are, or aren't. If you stick around long enough you will eventually stop caring about how many downloads you get, or how cool people think you may be. Most forgers make maps as a hobby. Because it's fun and it's a cheap way to kill the time between real life stuff. Because we enjoy it.