Since someone already asked me who I am, I'll just tell you here. I'm a person who lives in Lake Zurich, IL near Chicago. I am middle class, not rich, not poor. If you need any more information (which you probably dont) just message me.
Hi. If someone called Sky comes in here and tells you to smell a rag, don't. He tried that to me and I woke up blindfolded in his basement. Anyway, welcome to the forums. When I saw Zurich.. I immediately thought Switzerland. Especially since there's a Lake Zurich right there...
I thought so too at first, but then I saw that we wasn't rich, so he woulnd't really fit in the area around lanke zurich CH
@Silent Jacket Oh sorry. @LD Yes, I'm not rich. @Eightball Well, I'm not rich, so you dont have to like me. @Berb Sure. @Loscocco I like money (but not getting beaten) @SpinCycle014 Hey I know you! (sort of) @LD (again) Yes I'm in America and not Switzerland and I'm not rich.
Just a little bit As if anyone here would care about the income of another member. Don't take stuff like that seriously on FH. Welcome to the site Oh and can you keep a secret? I'm not rich too, but don't tell the others!
You're not rich, not poor. Thenks. @LD the first time I saw your name, I got really confused because under LD it says banned. I know you probably just decided to put that there. But I read about infractions and all that stuff, so yeah. I was wondering: "If you were banned, how do you post?" But then I realized... yeah.