Your Halo 4 suggestions

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Rigest, Jun 10, 2012.

  1. Rigest

    Rigest Ancient
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    We now have a general impression of how the multiplayer of Halo 4 will play like. Although I'm really impressed with 343's work so far, I think it's important to start making some suggestions for Halo 4 already. It's important to make it easy for 343 to show what the community wants.

    At Gamersuggestions you can post your suggestions for Halo 4. These suggestions will be either supported or crushed by the community, so that 343 can see in the blink of an eye which suggestions are the most popular!
  2. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    Fix a lot of the sounds for Halo 4, a grenade hitting the ground sounds like they just kicked a can. I think the Halo 4 Discussion is already this thread so making this one is kind of redundant.
  3. Rigest

    Rigest Ancient
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    Well the point of the thread is that there is a better option to organize our suggestions for Halo 4.
  4. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    These all pertain to forge...
    -Better file organization, possibly some kind of folder system or something.
    -Ability to move/delete multiple files at once.
    -fix save glitch

    These would help tremendously as I can get up to 500 map variants very quickly, and who honestly wants to spend hours deleting files?

    I see no problem with this thread, the halo 4 discussion is for speculation and discussion on what's been revealed. This is for what the thread implies, suggestions or ideas that you feel would improve the game.
    #4 ThrowinDemBows, Jun 10, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2012
  5. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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    I think we should be able to attach certein control schemes to certein classes.
  6. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    As long as they add two more good BTB maps at launch to go with with Longbow I'm set.
  7. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Let's all suggest that there is a lift in the player cap, and everything else is reverted back to Halo 3/2. I think everybody wants that to happen, right?

    These sort of threads are completely useless and arrogant, as they promote assumptions instead of actually waiting to see how something works out.
  8. Rigest

    Rigest Ancient
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    Well there are certain things that have been missed in all previous Halo games, that would make Halo 4 a lot better. I really hope there is some sort of custom game support, where you can join other custom games easily. Halo has some of the best custom games I've ever played, but you can only join custom games of your friends. None of my friends still play Reach, but I love to play custom games.
  9. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    Incoming wall of text.
    Here's my current thoughts on Halo 4 Campaign: 8.5/10 Looks fantastic, and the new enemies look pretty badass (even if they are Bionicles). Clearly these Forerunner constructs are different from what we've seen before. In the first trilogy, constructs had a blue/white on grey metal scheme, and seemed to be mostly defensive; while these new ones look completely different and have a red/orange on grey metal scheme, which suggests to me that they are meant to be offensive and/or hostile. The question is why. Why is humanity seen as a threat? Is it because of MC, the destruction of the rings, or different, rival Forerunner faction than the previous installments? Only time will tell, I guess. Spartan Ops: 7/10 Hopefully this isn't the final name and 343i comes up with something a bit more original. But so far, it looks like Firefight with a story (if it's anything like Reach FF, I would hope it would still be customize-able), which I am more than ok with. I still think they should keep the functionality of Reach's FF.
    Still waiting on that Flood Firefight, 343i.
    Multiplayer: notsureifwant/10 At first I thought the multiplayer would be ****, as it was fairly obvious where 343i was getting their inspiration from, and it looked like they were pulling a square-peg-round-hole on us. Not to mention any questions about multiplayer are basically answered with a "just trust us, bros" or other cryptic answers.though it doesn't quite seem to have that Halo-feel, and it seems like too much has changed. To me, Halo is about even starts and the golden triangle of melee, weapons, grenades. Keep that and you keep the Halo-feel.
    But when I saw the B-roll last night, I have to admit that the multiplayer looks like fun, even if it is the bastard love-child of Reach and Modern Warfare. I'm still not sold on the multiplayer, but it looks enjoyable, at least.
    And here are my humble suggestions for 343i: *If you must have "perks," please make them optional/ make a "classic" playlist that doesn't utilize them as heavily. *Weapon drops are a little odd, but whatever. I would still prefer weapons/powerups spawning on the map that you have to earn, though. *No "kilstreaks" please. *Make AAs function more like equipment (ie. they drop and can be picked up when you die) *Bring back Elites in multiplayer, ala H2/H3 *Bring back the flamethrower. Please? *Please don't litter the MP maps with unnecessary killzones; we like being able to get outside and explore. *Armor should not effect gameplay. Ever. *All armor available from previous installments. *Armor looks decent, but a little less power-ranger-ness would be nice, too. *The Elephant/its replacement: should be included in at least one MP map and one SO mission. *Flood Firefight would be nice, too.
    Forge: *more small, decorative items (like what we got in High Ground) *Actually, just include all forge items from both H3 and H:Reach *more textures *more "Forgeworlds" *breakable glass *more Covie stuff *A terrain editor might be bit much, but maybe some weather filters???? *All weapons and vehicles from past installments (excluding things like the Scarab Gun and Pelicans, of course) That's all I can think of at the moment, but if they implemented these changes I would be sold.
  10. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
    Senior Member

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    I need an Elephant Wars sea-battle based game.
  11. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Trivial, I believe Halo 4's multiplayer is more like a round peg in a square hole because it fits Halo-just not well.
  12. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    Give me a couple of playlists without AAs, hopefully Sprint outa there too, and no custom classes (read: same starts) and I'll be happy enough. I figure it's realistic enough to possibly happen and based on the footage I've seen it would be close enough to the Halo I know in my book.

    EDIT: It wouldn't be all that bad if they added some helmets with actual visors in a more traditional style as well, somewhat along the lines of ODST/Air Assault/Mk V/Grenadier style helmets. I like those infinitely more than the really busy look with small visors and awkward shapes that seem to dominate the current helmet lineup in H4. I think they look fugly.
    #12 That Scorch Guy, Jun 11, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2012
  13. zeppfloydsabbtull

    zeppfloydsabbtull Promethean

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    Don't worry, I think we'll notice the thread title and be able to keep the H4 info and suggestions as two seperate ideas in our minds. Have you considered that some people enjoy the discussion itself, as opposed to just info? What "use" were other Reach/H4 threads if not for enjoyment? You've at least matched the uselessness, arrogance and assumptions (yes, you didn't forget those) with your post. I may have matched them as well...
  14. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    I always thought it would be a neat idea to be able to send a bulk "update" message to anyone who has a particular custom content file saved on their HDD. Something simple, not able to be customized, something like "The Pit has an update available." "Update now? Y/N". Something simple to assure people have the most recent versions. This would be manageable by assigning each file a specific string of numbers/letters that no other file would have. There could also be a manual way to check for an update.
  15. Dr Manhattan

    Dr Manhattan Promethean

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    Working Doors as forge pieces!! for the love of god, we are talking halo 4 on the mother effing xbox 360 here. golden eye had them on the n64. is it too much to ask that 343 gives us doors that you walk up to, press x, and it opens or closes?? i think it would add an uber awesome (and uber simple) dynamic to custom maps that is long over-due. it gets me worked up just thinking about it. i remember playing perfect dark and golden eye on the n64 with my brother.. we would have these crazy shoot-outs centered around a flippin door that we were both trying to get through. one would open it, the other would close it and shoot through it. good times... cmon 343! do the right thing.
  16. assassin1928

    assassin1928 Promethean

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    Maybe the HUD layout should change depending on the helmet you have on that would be cool
  17. Yellow Sausage

    Yellow Sausage Promethean

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    Some sort of sea vehicle. Also more forge buildings. ie. better bunkers and stuff.
  18. mazdak26

    mazdak26 Promethean

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    -Change the F*king medals! CHANGE THEM!!
    -Get rid of all the halo 3 assholes.

    CAPNxXxCANT Forerunner

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    What does that even mean?
  20. UnseenBubby 117

    UnseenBubby 117 Promethean

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    There are several things I hope to be in Halo 4 Forge:

    1. Environmental status: Change environmental conditions, like time of day, weather conditions, water conditions.
    2. Human specific structures: buildings and walls that resemble human style architecture, like for building bases.
    3. Covenant specific structures: buildings and walls that resemble Covenant style architecture, like for building bases.
    4. More varied natural objects: trees, grasses, flowers, and more types of rock
    5. Larger budgets to fit more objects for complex structures and arenas
    6. Larger objects limits to fit more objects of the same type for easy builds
    7. Custom colors for all vehicles, whether for team vehicles or camouflaged vehicles
    8. The elephant from Halo 3

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