It's going to be funny when I come up to a guy behind cover, and his long ass horn is sticking out. Easy head shot.
Do you guys think that if you shot the horn it would be in the hitbox? That is a big question I have been wondering.
I don't think so, if you were wearing a party hat, and someone shot your hat, would it hurt you? (other than emotionally)
I hope they're using more than one or two sets of hitboxes this time around. I would assume they would have a unique one for each armor permutation piece or something like that. Jetpack too. If not, hopefully it will at least look like a headshot and give a nice spatter of blood, just to piss me off when I play SWAT lol Because we need more neck.
Different size hitboxes was a big problem in Halo 3, when armor permutations wer first introduced. People would always pick the Rogue (?) Helmet because it had the smallest headbox. With the spread of the BR, and distance taken into account, this got VERY annoying. Missing headhots because of helmet size sucks. That's also why some people chose to be Elites; the headbox was not right above the body if they were turned left or right. With Reach, they kept the helmets all about the same size to address that (huge) problem. I hope the hitboxes are the same across all armor permutations. I wouldn't understand why anyone would want different hitboxes for different armors.
Well, I would hope bullets wouldn't just pass harmlessly through your horn. Or your jetpack. I am very familiar with the H3 head hitboxes, and I agree - they're very frustrating - but I think having a standardized head hitbox with a horn hitbox on top would make more sense than not detecting hits there. I guess my preference would be to have the only variations from the standard head hitbox be larger than it. It would really piss me off to get non-hits that look like hits. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Prediction for next pre-order bonus to be announced: Spoiler
Thing is, when helmets each have their own individual hitboxes and the helmets are all different sizes, the player models are no longer equally balanced. Or balanced at all really... Every hit box should be the same. Period. And on that note, I'm relieved that stupid dino's are gone from MM.
Unicorns > dinosaurs? lol I'd rather have a few helmets that are at an obvious disadvantage than all exactly the same. Like EVA. Keeps things interesting. Serious competitive play will all happen with default armor or something like that anyhow, right?
Say buddy's shields pop and he crouches behind cover to regen them. All you can see is his horn. You gonna shoot it? I sure would. I guess I would prefer my hitboxes be consistent with the graphics, and that the graphics just be relatively consistent, size wise, so as not to give too much advantage to a minority of helmets. Before anybody tries to pull realism out - the horn is a lot more connected to you than your gun is. And I can shoot your gun and kill you. Oooh, if they filled it with explosives and confetti Birthday Party becomes canon lol
It's a horn... I don't care if it gets shot. Know what? Maybe it's a freaking magical horn. Like a Unicorn. I mean, you get it for Team Unicorn and buying the crazy LE stuff right? Magic can make plenty sense. There, we have an answer. If the horn is shot, it doesn't register because the horn is mother effin magic. Magic horn!
I'd rather it burst into a cloud of fairy dust, personally. All blue and sparkley and pretty. *sigh* lmao it's not even that big. I don't imagine it'll be that different from any other helmet's hitbox. I just hope all the hits register cleanly.
I think it should register as a normal shot to the body because it has nothing to do with the actual head.
Well, you could justify it as torque to the head in general. I mean, I know they're wearing armor, but the gun can shoot through it. It's not that much of a stretch to say it's snapping their neck or just knocking their brain around. It's not like you need to land a headshot dead-center to get a kill anyhow. Plenty of times I've trimmed an earlobe with lethal results.
Hit scan with hit markers... If your shot lands, it lands. Except in the case of crap latency... But I don't see any game EVER overcoming that hurdle for online play.