So, instead of doing what Yellow said (I didn't recognize him at first because of the avatar ) how about just putting in some of Oakley and Darth's maps into the playlists? (Although Oakley already has Floodgate in MM)
This. I was almost MLG at it. I could score end to end if I got a decent amount of space. Haloball was the worst excuse for a minigame ever. Who wants to sit in front of 4 continuously spawning golf balls and hit them into holes? Not me. Shotty Snipers had it's good moments, including an overkill with a 241 with the sniper only.
Well, my favorite was shotty snipers, but it had a lot of other interesting stuff. Obvious troll. Hockey sucked.
Dude I wasn't trolling, I actually enjoyed hockey. I used to be really into it with my friends, going for sick goals and stuff. The only thing that made it annoying sometimes was when people just went for AR kills. Everything else in action sack was terrible, or atleast I thought it was.
We need to bring back hockey as a whole new playlist. Remove the ARs too and make players who go for kills loose points for their team.
What the flop is wrong with you? Not only are you suggesting we slap a single overlord on top of a set of VERY general catagories (all of competitive stuffed into one catagory? What the ****?), your selections are FAR from the "authority" in their respective fields. An entire team of trained, circle jerking narcissists can't fairly regulate matchmaking playlists. What makes you think a single, unqualified, biased, (ect), can? I'm not trying to bash anyone-- Duck is a pretty reasonable person, and I'm sure he'd be the FIRST to admit that he's nowhere near qualified to run an "all-inclusive competitive" section. I don't think anyone is, but you've just elected The Halo Forge Epidemic to take charge of basically all of matchmaking.
Why can't 343 be reasonable and put popular customs maps into a MiniGame playlist? (Speed, Jump Rope, Race maps, ETC)
Mingo, I think the intention may have been that they each head a team to do said playlists (note that they are all leads in the respective areas on THFE) which would probably work quite well.
If that's the case it's one of the stupidest ideas I've ever heard. Even with the larger number of current community cartographers they can't seem to get good maps in matchmaking.
I've never played on it either, but reading all the stuff about it sounded fun... like shotty snipers.
No offense to anyone who liked hockey, but to me it sounds like a Grifball ripoff. By the way, I have this very unique Grifball map I'd like to get into matchmaking. There's tons of height variation and cover, plus the layout is intriguing.
Not every minigame that resembles a sport is a ripoff of grifball. And as for your map, I don't really think they are looking for new maps for matchmaking with halo 4 this close
Should've. And yes, shotty snipers is a lot of fun. If you ever want to play it, message me on xbl and I'll see if we can get a group of people together.