Well.. I did it by lowering the area where the ramp would be so that it is level with the lower area. Then I drew lines diagonally connecting the left and right edges of the ramp, and Sketchup made the ramp automatically. It's not very exact in terms of angles, though. EDIT: I got my map done in Sketchup! About the map: Spoiler So, with this one, I tried to have verticality without a bajillion teleporters and lifts. As a result, The map is incredibly small (~14x14 units in Forgeworld) but I'm pretty sure there are enough corners that spawning will be safe, although limited. Most of the hard corners on the map will have small 45 degree inclines on the walls for GL bank shots - I just didn't include them in the Sketchup.. it was too painful.. Weaponry: GL (120sec, 1sc - subject to change, start:true) CPU (Evade, and 50% shield regen to prevent endless escaping - %s subject to change. 70sec, start:false), DMR (50sec, 0sc, start:false) AR (Same as DMR, but with start:true) Health pack - spawn time same as CPU 2 frags - Same as AR Some of the areas on the map have a higher ceiling than the others (the central atrium and CPU side) and as a result, ceilings in some areas are adjacent to walls of others (orange area). So any weird 2d objects there are the result of me cutting out ceilings so that you can see inside. (they're the walls between the two levels of ceiling) Blue and red dots are the individual spawns. GL is at the green dot. CPU is at the yellow dot. A sender node is at the purple dot - it connects to the receiver at the orange dot. DMR is also at the blue dot. Magnum is by top Orange. The Frags are by the dropdown from top Orange to Red and by the red side of evade. Pictures Spoiler Overview Blue Side (There's some overlap between blue and orange that can't be seen in the overview) Any feedback? I'm worried about the size of the map (Lol too small for 1v1) and the pathing ( Are there enough routes for running away?)
ok well I bought a usb mouse and downloaded google's sketchup 8. I started messing around and so far I only know how to create rectangles, zoom in and out, and rotate the template. I plan on NOT using halo reach forge components, so is there a halo map-specific tutorial that you guys know of that I can watch? The only ones I could find were ones involving Halo Reach's pieces, which I"m not interested in. Edit: I also tried to find sketchup guides directly from MLGpro, but considering their forum conversion, all of the past links became broken.
Why would you need a halo specific tutorial? Scale the map (I used 1m = 1 forge world unit) and build it based on a drawing (it's so much easier with a graph paper drawing). The sketchup makers (trimble) have a few tutorials on their site - those are basic things like offset, rectangles, circles, lifting + lowering, etc. EDIT: Here's a link..
I'll try to watch the basics. Also, does it matter which template I use (as long as it measures in Meters)? I'm assuming one of the black and white ones would work.
I don't think so. I don't really see a reason to use something more complicated.. If you'd like to know, I used the Engineering:Meters template.
I don't know of any tutorials, but I can show you the steps I usually take. Also, I used feet and inches. 1. Start by changing the standard view to Top. [Camera > Standard Views > Top] 2. From there, I basically replicate the design from paper into Sketchup using the pencil tool and accurate measurements. Spoiler 3. After the sketch is finish I change the standard view to Iso and begin the make the flat surfaces 3-dimmensional with the push/pull tool and measurements [Square with a red arrow coming out of it, right next to the move tool]. If there are ramp sqaures, I keep them at the same height as the floor they start on. Spoiler 4. After that, I erase useless lines and make the ramps by connecting the two elevations with diagnals. I left the bottom left one unfinished so you can get an idea. Spoiler 5. Then I sketch the outer wall, push/pull it, and color everything so that it won't look confusing. Spoiler 6. Finally, I add teleporters and lifts, but I didn't do that here. It's pretty easy once you get the hang of it. If none of that made sense, I'll explain it in greater detail. Also, instead of the rotate function, use the orbit function. It's much easier to rotate the model that way. Don't worry about writing feedback for this one, I already know its problematic, haha.
Hmm.. That's quite different from how I did it... I made a big block, then cut shapes out of it. And is that blue thing in the middle of the map a teleporter in the FLOOR? *ideas buzzing*
I'll keep that in mind, but I'll definitely have to watch some videos first. I have the sketchup youtube channel bookmarked. I tried creating one of the bases on Onslaught, but it looked kind of ugly and disproportionate
Do you, perchance, have the name of the youtube channel? Also, I'm looking for feedback on my map layout above. I'll put it in a spoiler so it doesn't annoy everyone. EDIT: Fail, found it.
Lol THAT was what he was talking about.... I haven't seen a telefloorter in any of your maps yet I'm not sure anymore if the idea is actually usable - it blocks off a certain section of the floor to players but not LoS. It might make for some interesting play... And it reminds me of Portal 2.. one of my favorite games
I had an idea where you drop down onto a teleporter from a high place and, with the momentum, you would shoot out of a reciever onto a platform of some sort. Almost like it takes the place of a mancannon Cycle, it's just water. With that design, I was using an rvr aspect seen in Quake (I know, I know) in which there's only one path out of the area that houses a power weapon. It's seen in a custom map called Evolution I think. In the end, the layout turned out to be problematic. I'll write some feedback for the above stuff later tonight.
@Spin Cycle: I still have the map though. I never finished it because the only idea I had was the telefloorter. I had not preplanned any other part of the map. @Auburn: That's exactly how it worked. If you walked through it from the first floor, you would teleport to the second floor. If you dropped from the second floor, you would fly to a platform. And Evolution is just a remake of Toxicity. A classic map.
@Auburn Thanks in advance Also, what's rvr? I'm guessing receiver, but I'm not completely sure. I'm assuming camping at a nice high viewing point over the singular entrance was the problem? @Xzamplez Do you mind sharing the map file with me? I'm kinda curious.
Ive never even seen a teleporter in the ground for a competitive map so that would be very interesting, but idk how itd effect gameplay, id love to see you finished ideas
rvr=risk vs reward I haven't been on much recently, but next time I get on I'll try to remember. The telefloorter is basically a the same as the pooleporter, but the pooleporter is in water. Tyrant has a map on his FS with the pooleporter. It's called Hazard I believe.
Well, given its heigh advantage and lack of paths, I imagine the topmost area would be abused and gameplay would revolve around players constantly fighting for that position. I tried to fix the problem with a teleporter and a strong counter position, but the layout is still broken. Not to mention the horrible lines of sight in some areas. Yellow: I know you don't want me to say, but I will anyway. There is very little height variation, so the map is basically flat. It needs more structure and complex routing because I shouldn't be able to see from one side of the map to the other unless that's what you were going for, but I imagine it wasn't. The map is very small and open, so the teleporter wouldn't do much good nor would the sniper of plasma launcher. Did you rush this one? I've seen much better stuff from you than this, haha. Cycle: I can see the inspiration from Aerowalk and I like it. However, I dislike the top area. The sender and ramp (Only two ways up there from what I can tell) could both be easily monitored since they are both in relatively the same line of sight depending on your position.
As you guys scale the maps on your sketch, do you go for exact dimensions (like 2m , 6m)? Or do you guys go for pure estimation / whatever feels right?
Exact dimensions. I used 1m = 1 forgeworld unit. I think I'll move the receiver a bit further back from the ramp, add a jump up where the dropdown to red is, and partially block the line of sight from orange to yellow so that players there won't be able to see the power weapons very well. I will also add cover to the GL and put in banked roofs over the GL and CPU spawns. Oh, and change the positions of the frag grenades so that players can't use the LoS blockers at Orange as cheap cover. Thanks, Auburn. I'll get to this right away and I'll have it put up later today. Also... I have an idea for an infection minigame... Humans are hanging by their heads (1way shield doors) and have limited cover to protect them from the zombies. Zombies have sticky grenades and are a reasonable distance away and around the human area. It would be an interesting game of "dodge the sticky grenades", but I'm not sure if the concept is overdone or it's just plain stupid. An alternate idea I had was to put up safe havens in more exposed areas / closer to zombies and give humans points for staying in the safe area.