My brother. Can't seem to do simple logic Can't seem to understand the importance of good grades on a resume Can't understand that his ideas aren't typically good ones Smokes and dips, normally I'd have no issue but his rationale is that "most Marines do it" Whines and bitches about anything not the way he likes it Shitty music taste (sample convo: him-"what is this" me-"pink floyd" him-"why do you listen to this, you should listen to more popular music" me-"why" him-"cause thats what everybody listens to, like lil'wayne and katy perry"), to the point where I am embarrassed to be in his car with him. In his mind, if you don't work out as much as he does then you are worthless Worst of all he is a little over a year away from becoming an officer in the Marine Corps. I hope he makes it through his (hopefully) last year of college for my parents sake, but after that I don't give two shits. Luckily this is the last summer of him living at home, hopefully. Oh and he quotes movies constantly, especially dumb and dumber, I swear I have heard the lines about Petey's head falling off or Lloyd having two pairs of gloves so many times that I want to just tell him to shut the **** up whenever he starts. I only don't because typically my mother is nearby and would chew me out or he would just go into a bitchfit which is more obnoxious than his quoting. Oh yeah and did I mention he constantly throws bitchfits? (him-"hey lets play call of duty" me-"i just got on the xbox and want to play skyrim" him-"what the hell, why the hell don't you want to play call of duty? You are so addicted, god, you are always on the xbox, you hardly even work out")
You know who I hate? The Halo 3 assholes. Please, Shut up. please post your frustrations in the halo 3 threads so that I will never see them. That is all. Thank you for your time and understanding. ****.
Drops clean, dark colored shirt on the floor and it's instantly coated in light colored pet hair. -_____-
Yup, I know what you mean. I have a friend who always asks me what is my favorite song (sample convo: me- "I like Stairway to Heaven" him- "That is so old" me- doesn't mean it isn't good music" him- "Listen to rap or pop music, it is real music" me- That music doesn't even have a message. They are always about getting drunk at a bar and what not. Those singers don't even write their own music" He can listen to any kind of music he wants, but he doesn't even know what he is listening to.
People who think they're clever when they're actually just arrogant assholes who think nothing affects them and they can do and say whatever they want. They should be shot, then stabbed, then shot again.
Yeah, Dylan is a ****, not an asshole. I don't have anything to vent about, my life is great, I have to go to a meeting in the morning and its on my day off, but great nonetheless.
I hate when someone takes an axe I just sharpened, misses, and swings it straight into the ground. Why do people think testosterone magically gives you the ability to use an axe well?
^It makes me so sad every time I see some idiot break a really nice victorinox doing something stupid like that. I always pretend I can't find my pocket knife but it's pretty hard to hide a hatchet.
Yeah, assholes are clever. Douches do it for appearance, assholes do it for the sake of funniness, dicks do it to be dicks.