All of forge world infection with power weapons for the spartans, invisible zombies, and everybody at 300% speed/jump. ^worst-case scenario lol It has a cult following - my little brother can scratch up a 16 player lobby for it any time he wants. And they do it for hours. I can't even begin to fathom it though.
Somebody brought that into one of our weekly lobbies one time, except the zombies didn't have camo. It was horrible.
I think they may be talking about Grifball enhancements. Throwing the Oddball may be hint to throwing the bomb around. If they add some other stuff, probably a new Forerunner Melee weapon to replace the Hammer or something that makes it more interesting I wouldn't be surprised if that was the gametype they were alluding too. Plus, they put the jackpot in Grifball the weekend after that bulletin. Most likely nothing, but it's what gave me that idea. Race could be a contender as well, but I don't think it got big enough or popular enough in Reach for them to invest that much time in it.
Any theories on why? I mean, I asked my brother why he plays it all the time, and he tells me it's just what everybody wants to do, apparently. I mean, I've played some pretty lame mini-games, but they're usually more exciting than the average fishing trip..
I have no idea. That game was so boring and bad that it killed our lobby - half the participants quit out rather than suffer through the whole game.
Race is definitely in big enough in Reach. It's all people flippin' vote for in Multi Team. Which, while I'm on the subject, should go back to teams of two.
Yeah I hate how people gravitate to hog race in multi team. I kinda agree about it returning to To2, but there's a part of me that likes having something stupid to play when I have 2 guests.
I don't feel like they do any more, though maybe it's just the games I randomly end up in. But I play quite a bit of multi-team (it's my go-to goofing-off playlist when I'm by myself) and it seems like the vast majority of the games I get are king of the hill or slayer. 343 seems to have demoted hog race - it usually doesn't come up until last position on the second round of voting, and then it's not even voted for that often in my experience. Months ago, you could count on playing it like every third game, but not lately.
Huh, fair enough. I haven't actually played MT much in the last month or two, so my perspective is somewhat outdated. Glad to hear that, though.
This. I play Multi-Team for the same reasons, and I don't see RR nearly as much as I used to, hence I said I don't think it has a big enough following anymore. Meanwhile, Grifball usually has more players than Super Slayer and MLG...same with Living Dead... My money would be on one of those two. Probably Grifball. Aha! Someone else found something a little more solid to support this over on Waypoint. Personally, I never cared much for Grifball after my 5th game of it in Reach. Although if it gets some depth in H4, I may try it again.
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With depth or without, the thing that keeps it from being fun or competitive is the fact that the winner of each hammer duel seems to be entirely dependent on who has the better connection. Even swinging a millisecond early against players who usually win gives you only a chance of winning, because the other player gets more accurate information on their screen. Based on what I've heard (or maybe read?) a while ago, there was a similar problem with melees in halo 2, which is why they had both a noticeable lunge and and a longer melee time in H3. I couldn't find any pattern to what causes partial damage to be inflicted in Reach grifball, but if it was simply the outer portion of the field of damage, it could possibly work well (I haven't spent much time thinking about it though). I remember that in H3 the hammer blast and the sword lunge were close enough that a hammer user could lose if the sword user was just out of range and countered in time. H3 also had aerial grifball, (I won't bother explaining it, but it added depth) and elevated goal posts. Reach had jetpack grifball, which didn't seem to be to popular, and evade grifball (under different names). If all of these gametypes (and possibly more) were in one game, I think it could be fairly interesting. Throwing the bomb should be exactly what's needed to complete grifball's resemblance (in terms of gameplay mechanics) to a sport. I don't consider grifball a "cult following", especially not since Reach, where it seems to be mor of a goofing-around playlist, as opposed to H3, where there were parties of high exp ranks in the weekend playlist.
I said if it gets depth. As in add throw mechanic, fix the low ping=flawless victory, stop it from being boring and repetitive and add shiny things the player can control and utilize to make strategic decisions. As is, it's shallow, obviously. That doesn't mean it has to stay that way.