Same. GL was the best addition to Halo in forever, so gutted that it's only getting a 1 game cameo, sticky detonator looks much less fun and I can't see it having nearly the same skill curve as the GL.
Plus the GL was by far the best thing about rocket hog race (which was overall an inferior gametype to rocket race). I pulled off some crazy long-distance, multi-bounce EMPs.
I'm still gonna rebuild Labyrinth to use with SD just to try it out. And obviously for intense Shotty/Sword games. Wait, has the sword been confirmed? It would be sacrilegious to exclude the sword.
Well we can't all spend 99% of our waking hours on Forge Hub, NeoGAF, and with our penises taped to Frankie's forehead, NOW CAN WE
Just saying. It was shown during the E3 campaign demo, several times in multiplayer and a few times in Spec Ops footage. GET WITH THE PROGRAM
Maybe he was unconsciously blotting it out of his mind due to overwhelming fear of perma-sprint + thruster AA + sword lunge. I mean... OH GOD, WHY???!?!?! Could make for some entertaining sword-based minigames, though!
Or how about a double-length thrust perk that works on both sword and melee? Y'ALL ARE GONNA CRY AND CRY
I wish we could like/thank posts. This is the best I can do. I wonder if we could get zero gravity from the trait zones. Or, use a combination of that lift zone trait thingy I thought I saw in the HORSE games and increased grav zones to make a zero or almost-zero grav zone. Remember, the enemy's gate is down.
I cracked up at this.... ENDER!!! Isn't the sticky detonator only available in the Infinity Slayer thing? (within MM) I feel like the SD's not going to be one of those weapons that get placed on MLG maps... which isn't really all that bad considering there are some cool new weapons (rail gun )
Nope, available in other gametypes too depending on map. The Grenade Launcher is in MLG, why wouldn't the Sticky Detonator be?
Thats true... Totally spaced that off, and i play Rocket hog race all the time. NOT TO FLAUNT MY STUFF BUT I'VE BEEN ON IGN TOP 10 KILLS WITH A GL STOP FROM ACROSS THE MAP.
Getting 40 points in a single infection game, when I was human twice. Making maps. Getting the sniper.
No bouncing, so you have to hit a person directly... and if you do that.. insta-stick. It's like a body-sniper at close range... Sounds quite overpowered to me.. and in addition, it doesn't provide an unique gameplay mechanic like the GL does (bouncing off walls to kill hiders) EDIT: I'm still mad that I got put out of Silver division in Arena, but at least my team and I managed to win a game over some randoms 50-4... Take that, ranking system!