Hello all, have you missed me? I just realized it's been since February that I've posted anything new, whether that be a map post or just a preview, so I figured a new map is long overdue. Sorry for being lazy and not wanting to put the effort into making threads and stuff. Rhine came about from me wanting to veer away from my normal, safe tendency to design room-based 1v1s and focus more on creating a map that is more singular-arena styled. I personally find maps like this more challenging to me as it really makes me think more about the design while I'm forging. And here's a download link of the first playable version. Test it out with your favorite no radar 1v1 gametype. I'd recommend the Smackdown settings, but without radar.
this looks awesome! the asthetics really stand out love what you did with the glass covers btw what piece is that on the bottom part of the bridge in the first pic?
I think you've learned from Ether. Dance floor is no longer a problem for you. Solid layout, appealing structure, and minimal usage of rocks!
I checked this out in forge a little while ago, I'll hopefully get a 1v1 on it soon... It's pretty difficult to forge a map this small, since the pieces are huge. On top of that, the map is full of a variety of angles and corners yet still clean and coherent. Very cool. There were a few things I didn't like though. The first being the pillar in the middle of the map, the 1x1 tall(?) in the first image. I get that it's supposed to be a LoS blocker, but it's just hanging from the ceiling and in my opinion would simply play better without it. The bridge with the two frags, also in the first image, doesn't allow players to jump. It would make sense of it was on the same height as the custom platform beside it, although you would have to make it thinner so you have ample headroom from the ground. I would move the receiver node (1st image again), probably behind the staircase nearby. You already have the man cannon that puts brings a player to that exact location, so it seems unnecessary to have the receiver node also bring you to the same location. Plus, it'd be awkward to take the man cannon and have a player teleport right in front of you. Other than that, it's a great design. Kudos to breaking out of your comfort zone, which is hard to do.
I like this Downloading. I'll get back to you with more feedback once I take a look on forge. Me too. Maybe we can get a game together?
Thanks for the kind words guys. I've taken some advice and made a few changes to the map. -Added a hard route to the custom platform -Moved the high teleporter receiver to the other side of the platform -Added a health pack on the 1x1 in the middle of the map You can download the new version here. @neverendinghalo: Those pieces are cover, smalls.
I don't think cover, smalls exits... Just covers, right? Cool angles, the way there's so many things interacting in such a small map is cool. And yeah. Plays well too minus a few spawn problems..
I am pretty jealous of the object use on this map. The forging is downright clean, and the objects match remotely well. I'm not a fan of having a lift sending you to the same area as a receiver node (at least on the version I downloaded). Other than that, I like the design too.
I did move the receiver to the other end of the platform, so hopefully that alleviates any issue there. Has anyone gotten a game with the new changes? I want to know if there's still any spawn problems and I haven't had the time to get a game on it myself. @Zombie: My god I never even saw that!
I checked this out a few days ago in forge and it looks pretty damn nice, Ace. Great layout and use of objects, as usual. I'm looking forward to playing this sometime with you.
Yup this map is glorious. I did get a game on it. 4 shot absolutely pooped all over me but I still had a lot of fun. I found the encounters to be somewhat more interesting than other maps. I found myself in close combat quite a bit. Sniper doesn't really seem like a good power weapon on the map. Also, one other thing is you can pretty much camp CPU spawn. It's in kinda of a power spot. Other than that, spawns were great, gameplay was fun and there's no bad sightlines which makes for an exciting match.
Has anyone ever attempted setting up by the top teleporter and the area behind it because it seems like it would fairly easy to just set up in that area. The grenade launcher and custom are both right there.
You sound like a legitimate concern. Jk. But I'm guessing the sniper acts as a counter for that spot and there is a higher ledge you can drop down on someone from (I think, right?). Also, the GL spawns on a rock on the bottom floor. You would have to pick it up if the other player hasn't already and try to make your way to the top without being shot down before-hand. It really seems like something that's going to have to be tested to make sure. I'm just taking guesses, as well.