Soliloquy I started this map last night and worked on it throughout the day. I'm really liking it, but I feel it's missing something. Maybe you guys can help. Soliloquy is an asymmetric 1v1 map that has some interesting gameplay. I've only played one match on a slightly older version, and have fixed a few spawning issues I encountered. Soliloquy has some tight spaces suited for the Assault Rifle, as well as a few longer corridors, suiting the DMR. A lone Overshield sits atop the bridge, while the grenade launcher lies in the high vent. The Sniper found a nice home along the atrium's back wall, near the railing. A sender node waits on the lowest hallway; the receiver leading to the vent/ Grenade Launcher. I'm also having trouble bringing players into the atrium, rather than the vent area. Any suggestions? Weapons: Assault Rifle: 2 DMR: 2 Grenade Launcher: 1, Spawn: 120 sec, Total Clips: 3 Sniper Rifle: 1, Spawn: 120 sec, Total Clips: 2 Plasma Grenade: 2, Spawn: 30 sec Overshield: Spawn: 90 sec Screenshots: ^Red Spawn^ ^Just outside Red Spawn^ ^Sniper in atrium^ ^Overshield bridge^ ^Blue Spawn to OS Bridge^ ^Dropping back to vent hall^ ^Vent/Grenade Launcher^ ^From Vent hall to Atrium^ ^And vent hall to Red spawn^ Feel free to DOWNLOAD Soliloquy and check it out so far. I'm looking for ideas/criticism.
If everyone's running to that high vent, I'd say you need to change a few things. Here's my ideas: -Move grenade launcher. -Add a high point on the other side of the atrium. -Change spawns?
looks interesting. hit me up on live next time we're both on for a test. and wats to the left of the picture with the sniper? is it just a wall or does it lead to another section of the map? i cant quite tell from wat u show in the screenshots. EDIT: uve got 2 clips in the sniper in a 1v1??? that seems ridiculous. going against a good sniper the other player is boned. idk wat the max # snipers is set to but id say put it at 2 so 1 player doesnt control when it spawns
This looks really nice, I love how you used the door piece. Invite me on this next time you're testing!
UPDATE: Here are the updates, along with more screenshots and the new gametype/settings: -All weapons have been removed for gametype (more on that later) -Oversheild has been replaced with Custom Power Up and moved below bridge -Two Plasma Grenades spawn on bridge (I know I said no weapons, but SHUSH.) -Added room by red spawn -Took out old Tele corridor -Added two two-way Tele's. Onto the gametype: The game is 1v1 SWAT. Odd, I know. It's still sort of a concept. Here are ze specs: -Shields and Health are SWAT standard -Radar: Enhanced -No Secondary. Just you and your DMR. -Speed/Jump height: 110% -CPU Traits: -Radar: Normal -Equipment Usage: enabled (Evade) -Appearance: White -No Health Recharge Screenies: WILL BE POSTED ONCE WAYPOINT STOPS BEING A DIPSHIT DOWNLOAD link updated, so feel free to download and tell me what you think.
I love what you did with the map during that last change. Also, I gotta say that evade thing is cool. I never thought of having CPU as an armor ability but that is just genius.
I've heard that you can't be headshot while evading. I've never done it, so I can't say that it's true or false (experienced players, help me). Also, given that players now have no shields, would plasma grenades be overpowered? (larger kill radius)
I've gotten in one game with the new settings, and the Plasnades were no problem because of the 200% damage resistance. I'll test it more, but I was pretty close to those 'nades when they aslpoded and they didn't seem too powerful.
Haha, this is a fun map man. I dislike the amount of covenant crates that are scattered across the map though. Weak cover is weak. Lets play it again some time.
I NEEDED TO BLOCK OFF SOME LINES OF SIGHT MAN! Lol, I know, they suck. Any suggestions? I'm running low on budget, too... Edit: Now that I think about it, I think that the huge LoS under Blue Vent would be suitable for my gametype... DELETE ALL THE COVIE CRATES!
Okay, first of all, let me say I haven't check this map out, yet, but I will. Second, I love how neat and clean the forging is on the map, and kudos to you for making a map without severe light-mapping issues. Also, I like your use of banks in the walls. The only thing I'm not too fond of, (Here it comes), is the over-abundance of covenant crates scattered around. They are more than likely useless, (Unless they block LOS), and overall, don't add any creativity or aesthetic appeal to the map. I do suggest removing them all around, but the choice is yours. I will definitely check this out soon; It looks solid as hell.
Thanks man! I'm thinking you didn't see my last post about the crates... haha. My biggest challenge so far was keeping the aesthetics tidy and continuous. Some parts still seem a little... messy. Thanks for the compliments.
Yeah, haha, sorry. I hate reading, but hit me up on xbl and maybe we can get a game on this, sometime
Looks really nice, i'm liking all the height differences but the covenant crates don't seem to fit in (to me at least). If you need more testing send me an invite!
Okay guys, I'm in a hurry, so Here are the screenshots in my Fileshare. The only difference is that the covie crates have all been exterminated. Edit: Screenshots are temporarily down for another map preview. Apologies for the inconvenience. Lol, like you care.
WHAT. You are working on a 1v1 swat style gametype? I'm intrigued, seeing as swat is the only enjoyable game I play on Reach besides customs. Literally if you look at my recent MM games all you will see is Team Swat. But yea, how's the gametype working? I want to play this. I've already checked it out in forge and it's a very clean map, that's for sure. Add me
"I feel it's missing something. Maybe you guys can help." I know this might not be very helpful, considering it's hard to do, but try making it more colourful, by adding some grass, water, rocks, or pieces with lots of colour into the map. Other than that, it looks great!
The gametype is coming along wonderfully, but slowly... I'll add you when I get on and we'll get a game going. I also need to tweak the spawns a bit more. They can be kind of predictable at times, which blows when you're so vulnerable to headshots. Took me a while....