
Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by PA1NTS, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    12-16 Players
    Forged by: PAINTS 420

    Well, here's your sneak peak at Oceana, a BTB Map I worked on for a total of about a month, on and off. The map was actually forged quite a while ago so it's some of my earlier forging but technically my latest Big Team Battle map. If any of you are farmiliar with a map called Hivemind, you probably can see the similarites with a short glance. I didn't intend to fix anything from Hivemind, because it already was a perfect map. So I based it off of the warthog type track that went in a rectangular shape around the map, and also the falcon gameplay. I find that these types of maps have some great action when you counter vehicles with power weapons and explosives; you get more of that BTB style feel. So in a way, my goal was just to create a fun map for players. Oceana currently only supports CTF and Slayer, but to me these seem like the best gametypes to try on this map. That's about it ladies and gentlemen. Hit me up for a test if you like BTB!

    Here's some pictures of the latest version.

  2. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks interesting, though I see a few things off the bat that could be issues:

    • Concussion Rifle's and Warthogs do not mix well, as the concussion rifle's are notorious for sending hogs flying into the air. With so many places to fall off the map along the maps edge, the conc. rifle's will likely be too powerful, as one clip can send a hog flying part of the way across the map and will at least disable it if it is not killed instantly.

    • It may be a good idea to separate the rockets and the ghost. First off, if a player runs over and grabs the rockets and then gets in the ghost (as many a player does, not thinking about the fact that he can't use them) it will remove a power weapon from play, as he will likely stay in the ghost until his death. This may or may not be an issue however, so I'd check it in testing.

    • There are some fairly long lines of sight down either long side of the map, and while it is broken by some height variation it still looks pretty open on either side. Then again I can't see it very well so maybe I am missing an infantry path somewhere. Just something to keep an eye on though in testing.

    • While this isn't necessarily a problem, the rectangular nature of your map only leaves room for one driving path with no cut-throughs or side paths for ground vehicles. This isn't map braking but it will make vehicles a bit more predictable and drivers will probably not enjoy themselves quite as much. Remember that in the future.

    • Finally, the slope of your ramps right now will give the hogs air when they go off of them, something that makes them easier to flip and harder to control. Ramps for warthogs should be 15º or less if you can help it so that the hogs drive smooth and can drift up them without sending themselves rolling across the map.

    Hit me up for testing if I'm online, I'd love to test some Big Team and I still need a large lobby to test Heights in!

    One more thing I do see is a lack of Aerial cover. It seems from the pics that the falcons would be dominating while they are alive, as besides the bases there are very few roofed in areas.
    #2 Skyward Shoe, Aug 2, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2012
  3. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    That's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too cramped for rocket hogs and the vehicle spawns need more cover if you're going to keep the rocket hogs and falcons. To do a full circuit around the map a hog has no choice but to go through the enemy vehicle spawn.
  4. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    OMG , you made so many changes .

    1 Question : Do you have framerate when you drive the Falcon Around ?

    Also change the Rocket Hog for a Machine gun Hog , I know that the rocket hog was supose to help taking down falcon so add a weapon on each side that can take down those falcon .
  5. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    A couple things: (not really, it's a wall of text)

    Somebody already said this, but it is worth noting that in order for a vehicle to make a complete circuit without doing a 360, one must pass through the enemy vehicle spawn, the ghost/rocket spawn, and the enemy base (or, at least, it looks that way from the overview). Maybe add an extra path in front of the bases? (Of course, you'd still have to deal with the vehicle spawn area problem. Maybe consider moving it back so that it's in line with the falcon spawn and giving it some cover to separate it from the general vehicle circuit?)

    Also, in the fourth picture, you've put two sticky grenades near a grenade launcher. Given that stickies and GL EMPs can really screw with bigger ground vehicles like hogs, AND that the hog spawns point right there, I can see hogs being destroyed quite soon after they are entered. Testing will reveal whether this is a major problem (I don't know the GLs' spawn times and ammo), but, given that you have concussion rifles on your map, underpowered warthogs might be a problem.

    Not sure why you put your map exactly where it is in Forge World -- The shading seems a bit weird on those brace larges (vehicle spawn, 3rd pic)

    Someone else mentioned this, so I won't spend long on it, but the rocket spawn and ghost spawn are quite close. Maybe move the ghost spawn back or add cover so it's not in the open when viewed from a hog going along the vehicle circuit?

    This is more personal (and more picky), but I don't really like that rock you used as cover. It doesn't quite fit with the rest of the cover on the map. Again, this point is just my opinion. It doesn't have to be everyone's.

    I would also like to see a couple more snaps... especially from the inside of the bases. I'm not quite sure where the ramp + 5x1 walling at the back of the bases (in the 2nd pic) lead.

    Apart from what I mentioned, I rather like this map. Apart from that one rock I mentioned, your aesthetics look great to me. And finally, one last note. It may seem that from the length of this post I'm trying to be some kind of d*bag wrecking your map to make me feel better. I'm not - honestly. If I didn't like this map, I wouldn't have posted.

    I'd like to see this released sometime - hit me up on XBL sometime or just invite me while you're testing. My GT is thealm0ndkiller.
  6. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The stickies and GL are a bit close. It was my attempt at placing weapons that take out the vehicles. I think some of the funnest BTB maps have lots of vehicle versus power weapon action, which in turn makes lots of excitement, explosions and hogs go flying, which in my opinion is a good thing.

    Yeah, ghost needs to be moved, I thought of having a long giant garage at the back portion of the bases to house all of the vehicles, this would solve lots of the aforementioned problems.

    The rock is there to co-ordinate rocket launcher spawn by simply calling out ROCKS. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Maybe not. Lol. It does look kinda ugly now.

    The ramp is leading to the falcon.

    Id love to test this with ya. Add me.
  7. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    Paints, I wrote some stupidly long post before, but it has been destroyed by some black magic (I accidentally hit f5). I need to get used to being concise.. you summed up my post perfectly and much shorter, too :)

    The jist of my old post was:

    Are the times for the GL/Sticky spawns coordinated?

    If you do choose to have a vehicle garage, make sure the enemies can't get in and make sure there are multiple natural ways out (your current design has only one natural way out - forward).

    And finally, about the falcon.............. derp.

    I'll add you once I get on my xbox.
  8. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You moved the sniper? lol it always took me so much tries to get it without dying by incoming fire from the other side of the map, I'd have to see if it's saver this way. :)

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