I'll be seriously disappointed if we don't get many new items. Emphasis on many. And these reskinned items damn well better be friendlier in regards to framerate. If H4 Forge is just as or more handicapped by framerate as Reach, you can probably kiss my ass good bye. And yes, the jumbo coli wall is confirmed. I think it was in one of the weekly updates by bs_angel.
I don't care how many new objects they include, as long as they're useful pieces I'll be happy. A large brace without the tail is a perfect example.
Basically any flat pieces with good-looking textures would be lovely, and I'm more concerned about small pieces than large ones. It is too difficult to make a good-looking multi-floored map in Reach.
Unfortunately they've already shown a brace large with the tail, so it seems unlikely that we'll get another one without it. Arrr, that stupid tail - useful 5% of the time, annoying the other 95%.
If the blocks and walls look better we won't be as dependent on brace larges. (I agree the tail does suck) That's the thing people aren't getting though, they just assume they're going to use the same pieces because we're getting the same ones.
I really wish instead of building 20 of an object they would just add extension points in objects. Here is an example, say you have a bridge piece and at one or more points you insert a dynamic extension point. You would click on this point allowing you to pull out the bridge as long as you need, then you would let go and and it would lock. Now fully moveable as if it were an original forge piece. It would be easy enough to have the textures update in engine. This would work much the way dynamic web pages span across different sized browser windows. It would be easier in a sense because you wouldn't require the same compatibility a web browser requires. If they also included extension 'joints' to specific objects they could go a step farther and allow us to build a wall that could wrap around, or a multi graded ramp, ext. . . . All of these fantastic alterations would continue to be interpreted by the engine and account for only a few extra lines of added code on the map save file. This is just the surface of an idea, imagine what forge would be capable of in the hands of the engine designers of Modnation Racers. PS. If Certain Affinity is building forge then it is safe to say that it will be well optimized. Creating map lag in the future should require a bit more effort.
Magnetism won't fix that issue. It has to do with the way objects are saved, so unless that whole system has been changed, then we'll still get tilt. EDIT: HOWEVER, if this coliseum wall is massive enough, you made never need to connect more than one.
I just had a random thought that I don't know if y'all have covered yet. With the dynamic lighting and every forge object casting shadows now, do you think we will have many movable objects? I think it depends on how they handled the shadow rendering. Like does it render once at the start of each game (or when switching from Forge to player mode in a forge game) or does it constantly update during a game like for players? I hope it's the former because if it is the latter I can see that being a major performance issue so that they don't include many if any movable objects like the foundry dumpster and what not.
In the demo video they started out with a pile of small boxes and palettes, so I think we can expect at least a few moveable (and destructible) objects to work with.
Yea well Reach had a few destructible and movable objects and none of them were useful for anything other than decoration.
I hope we can set a certain durability to the pallets so that we can have zombies hack at it for a substantial amount of time before they break in to your holdout area.
yeah, but then you would need a custom gametype. Besides, even on the lowest settings, pallets will break in 2 or 3 hits.
Here: How Certain Affinity Improved Forge for Halo 4 - IGN Certain Affinity developing Halo 4's Forge mode, includes gravity augmentation [Update: now with video] | Joystiq Yeah 50th post!