
Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Dax, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is my latest map I just finished for the Smackdown contest. I had to rush it to make the deadline, and so I didn't get quite as much testing as I wanted. But now I'm going to spend some time tweaking some things here and there and fine tuning the map to really get it playing the way I want it to.​

    Meaning of the name? As it was nearing completion I was really getting this Zelda OoC vibe for some reason. I thought, the only thing missing was that annoyingly cute Navi hanging around me. And then it stuck :D

    Let me know what you guys think.​

    Teleporter^ (Bank 2x2s/camo)​

    Receiver Node (Covenant barrier)​

    Tree (tree)​

    Thanks to Aschur for making the awesome borders!​

    Here is a download link to the current version if any of you guys want to try it out for yourselves. Any and all feedback would be great.​
    #1 Dax, Aug 2, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2012
  2. neverendinghalo

    neverendinghalo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    looks sex, only problem I can CLEARLY see is the tin cups, it looks odd, but good job making them not look so circular. I really like what you did in the second picture with the ramp and block thingy xl.
  3. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    As you know, I had a game of this and my my, I loved it. The entire map has great aesthetic quality. I never found an area I didn't want to go to because of the looks. The layout of the map provides a nice mix of vertical and horizontal gameplay. The weapons in this map are extraordinary. There is the Sniper and the GL but in the middle, a Spiker. Nearly all of the time, such a weapon would not be as powerful as the Sniper or GL, but on this map, it is the most powerful weapon. It may be due to layout, I don't know. But it's one of my favourite things about this map and is a really unique thing that sets it out from the rest. The map also never favours one side. During that game, I felt the balance tipping quite suddenly, which was great. This map is definitely one of my favourites.
  4. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks! And yeah, I was a little worried about using the tin cups as a floor. I couldn't really find a suitable area on ForgeWorld's terrain and I felt a gray floor dulled the map down waaay too much. It hasn't really affected gameplay as I made it as smooth as possible, but I do agree that the tin cup grass is not as appealing as real grass on FW. But at the same time I'd rather have that then a boring gray floor haha


    You don't know how happy that just made me. It's a good feeling to know that my hard work's been paying off :D I've really been trying to better myself as a forger in Reach since I started a couple months back, and it's good to hear I'm making some progress. Glad you liked it, Chief.

    EDIT: Updated the OP with a download link for whoever wants to check it out.
    #4 Dax, Aug 2, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2012
  5. SuperCoolHerb

    SuperCoolHerb Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    i liked this when u showed it to me the other day. again tho, i think u need to make the teleporter a bit more obvious. Getting to the custom powerup was fairly simple but i wanted to be able to make the jump from the ramp adjacent to it onto the CPU platform but thats not something id change, just a feeling i got. is this the one where the teleporter leads to different exits also? cuz i remember that one exit was kinda awkward and put u on top of a 1x1 which didnt feel right.
    Aesthetically i didnt notice the platform, large but after neverendinghalo mentioned it, it does look really nice. Idk wats goin on with those covie crates tho in the same pic. Hit me up next time we're both on so i can help u test spawns....and by test the spawns i mean ur gonna die a lot :D
  6. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    The tin cups really aren't necessarily a "problem" , if you're in game you don't really notice it, and it goes good with the colors throughout the map. I do get what you mean though about them looking odd.

    Gameplay wise, this map is actually really great, there is flaws though, like getting caught up in the lift, you can fix that with 1 way shields. Also, put a soft kill on top of the reciever node, cause that gets camped. I don't know if you intended it, but coming out from the receiver, I could jump my way across on top of the map from the edges.
  7. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well there are two different teleporters in the center area, each one takes you to a different side of the map. But yeah you were right about that one sending you to an awkward position, so that's been fixed :D

    And about the covie crates, those are there to signify where the receivers are. I think that I showed you this before it was actually finished so you might not have been able to really tell at that point.

    Oh geez. If only there were mercy rules in Halo...

    Thanks Shik! Already fixed the lift you mentioned. I'm glad you showed me that. And about being able to jump across the map, did you mean you were able to jump from the receiver ledge (in the room with the silent lift) to the other platform with the Needle Rifle? If so, then yes I intended that. It balances the map to where you can get to the top of the map on either side from the teleporters.
    #7 Dax, Aug 4, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2012

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