Rugby and Footy are the only sports that I have some minor skill in, and I'm much more of a defender in football than a striker, but I enjoy both sports quite a lot. Though I don't play hockey (sacrilege!) I do sit down and watch it quite frequently.
Why do you like basketball, I did ask why do you like your sport in the thread. Is there something you really like about your sport?
Truefax. Period. I like basketball because I've been playing it since I could run and do atleast two things at a time, its so enjoyable because of how close the games could get and you dont know the ending untill the buzzer goes off. I'm good at it too, so if you take that its really fun.
I never really stuck with one as I love sports and I can't say I'm a good athlete because makes me sound like an ass but yea. Played pretty much all sports except hockey but officially I played AFL,Gymnastics all though primary school in both i represented my state in tournaments, then highschool played NRL in school and out of school when I was 16 I was playing reserve grade NRL(basically reserve grade is all ages but not 1st grade which is all ages but the best of best players they could get) but hey been 16 playing with 20-40yr olds in full on tackles in NRL is hard even if its not 1st grade.
I like basketball because it's a rugged sport. It's extremely competitive, or maybe that's just me. Either way, I never get tired of hearing the swish from the ball going into the net. And dunking is so much fun...
Ice Hockey has always been my sport. Played up through Highschool. Started in the B Leagues, eventually reached AA level by time I was a Freshmen in Highschool. Then my school started a club team and I played for them. Was offered a walk on spot on Eastern Kentucky's team, but I joined the Marines instead. Also played while I was stationed in Okinawa for the Armed Froces team, The Okinwan Snipers. I plan on starting up again this winter. That aside, I just do weight lifting.
-basketball -rugged sport pick one i wrestled growing up and through high school. that was my main sport, my best. but i also played soccer, i thought it was a dumb sport though and quit like sophomore year. now in college i play club roller hockey, kind an extreme change haha. but i also play a ton of intramural sports.
snowboarding/skateboarding/longboarding and hopefully one day surfing. As for a traditional sport? Soccer. Played in highschool as a goalie.
Soccer throughout a good portion of my life, baseball too. As far as favorites go though... ... table tennis. Holy **** I love ping pong.
Sport includes motorsport right? Drifting and F1 If it has to be a physical sport, I'd say Quidditch. If it HAS to be a real sport then Tennis.
Sex Oh and free fighting stuff, I know I may appear like a douchebag and schnitzel will hate me for it. I never followed that league or watched any professional matches. I just favored the art of fighting over others. **** like judo won't take you far, most of the other gyms looked strange. The free fight gym had some guys I already knew and it played some great hardcore metal music when they trained, which is the best thing to train with. Other than that, I enjoy mountain biking, not downhill or some hipster stuff like that. Just you, your bike and the woods. Nothing beats that after a day at the office
Rugged=Strongly made and capable of withstanding rough handling. In a sport context usually refers to the players and in basket ball there is no force for the player to withstand there's no tackling or physical contact. Someone can accidentally run into you and get a penalty but that can happen in soccer or uncorindated volly ball team so if all sport is included in definition of rugged then it loses all meaning. That been said I did play a lot of basketball and enjoy it, I was constantly dragged into it for been tall and been able to jump(high enough to slam dunk sorta)and I played soccer as goaly so I have good hand eye coordination to act as a sort of "goaly" in basket ball. Sorta like the goaly in a Slam ball game except without trampolines. Slam Ball - Top Plays - YouTube
Paintball is what I enjoy the most. Especially Woods Ball objective games like Capture the Flag. **** gets intense if you are assigned to guard the flag.
Basketball. Older brother got into it for some reason, I followed. I was really young so... I guess I've just always been playing it. Never given many others a chance... My school doesn't offer much. So yeah.
Douchebag. @Macoroni: Not sure my age, but I was in the 2nd grade. Mid 90's I think... Mighty Ducks 2 was out when I got my first pair of Ice Skates I think.