Cerulean So, this is my newest 1v1 map, Cerulean. Cerulean is a very small, fast-paced map. I know it's not the flashiest, most super cool map in the whole world, but I wanted to go with a map that had no major gameplay problems- a map that had solid gameplay as well as solid aesthetics and clean forging. Basically the map revolves around the center atrium, in a circular motion. A big thanks to xzamples for helping me out with this one. His suggestions really helped the map to not become another unfinished project. I'm not sure if I'm going to keep this or not, yet. I might re-do parts of the map to improve the layout/gameplay and aesthetics. So, give me your thoughts and concerns. Good day. DOWNLOAD CERULEAN 1V1 GAMETYPE DOWNLOAD CERULEAN Pictures:
im just going to kind of guess that it is a Asym map of yours, i think for a start that it looks really good. the way you explained the map it sounds like the map should be named Concourse, but i am going to tell you this, stop with the Brace large camo thing i dont like it, i love how blue the map looks, but the bridge medium thing is really inovative and cool, i think if you finish this one, itll be great, if only i could test it
Looks crap. In all seriousness, it looks like you're bringing the grass back into your maps, which already looks to be providing a nice touch of colour. The Plasma Grenade....thingy looks nice. Whatever that thing on the wall is. Also liking the use of rocks. No doubt I'll pester you for a peek at this soon enough
lol. Even though the bridge medium/1x2 block thing is getting played out (thanks to Xzamples I've really begun to notice it), I think you were one of the first people I saw using it back on some of your older maps. I'm always a fan of the teleporter piece; it makes for great platforms and trim. The selective use of pieces that have lights on them in order to add a little flavor is nice. Not sure what else to say. The map looks like your standard Eightball fare, meaning great aesthetics and fast-paced game-play. I'm sure I'll see it in it's entirety soon enough.
Thanks, but I've already named a map Concourse. The brace, camo walkway is there for game play purposes not aesthetic purposes. Having the camo on that platform helps players move in a circular motion around the map. I'll see if I can change the brace to something else, though. I'm kinda tight on forge pieces. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thanks, the pillar in the middle allows players from the top window of the map to get to the bottom window of the map. I'd be more than happy to show you and maybe we can get a game on it. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I do agree the bridge medium/1x2 is getting old, but in a 1v1, my piece choice is limited. I wanted to make sure proportions on this map matched perfectly, too. I would've used the 1x4 block, but the glass is just...meh.. I'm not sure what else I could use for walling, too. It's not like our choices are great I'll see if I can do something interesting for walling in my next map. Thanks.
I know it's not your fault. Piece choice is limited and they make for good walls without resorting to colosseum walls, brace larges, or 2x4s. It looks good here and doesn't appear to be overdone.
If that doorway thing is supposed to be a teleporter, I'd reccomend using a Hologram AA to show them that it is. Other than that, It looks damn good. Too bad it will never get posted, damn previews.
Thanks, man. The name Orion is already in use by Schnitzel. It seems I suck at naming maps, sooo, I'll probably try to come up with something else. Thanks, but if I try to put a hologram under the floor it will disappear. I'll give it a shot, though. I wouldn't say this map isn't going to be posted. I just have to make a few adjustments to it. Rude..
i can see how the BL/Camo spawn thing works, just look into it and see if you can find a alternitive. im also diggin the new name! im gonna be online be online tonight so mabye ill be able to test it tonight
I object to the map being named Cerulean but having nothing to do with water (in reference to Pokemon), but I suppose being colored blue will do... Anyway it looks very nice, with some great structural and aesthetic ideas, but I would say the sticky grenades could be in a place that involves less risk.
Wow, this looks really good so far. It's actually refreshing to see the main color be blue rather than orange. With that, I can't wait to download this.
So don't put it in the floor. Put it in the wall. The emblem is always facing you so it can be angled however you like it.
Thanks, man. The definition of Cerulean has nothing to do with water, though. It refers to the color blue. Since the nades were originally on the top window, I figured, the top has the height advantage, why give it more power with nades? It's not like nades are a power weapon and should even need the "risk vs. reward" title. Nades are just something you should pick up along the way- That way being jumping from top window to the pillar, or even jumping from bottom window to the pillar. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thanks! Currently, I'm working on giving the map more dance floor, while also improving aesthetics and layout. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Wow, I never knew that. I figure, though, everyone knows by now what 1v1 teleporters look like. Once you go through the tele, you'll know from then on what it is. If it becomes a major problem, I can make changes where necessary. Thanks.
Gunna agree with you there. How many maps already have that long elevated walkway 2 forge units wide leading to a powerup? One too many. You even put the little square under the powerup too.. Not trying to dog you for it, cause you're right it always plays nice. I'd just like to see an alternative next time. And that's probably my only complaint before testing, and it's not really even a complaint more an opinion. The rest of the map looks boss as always. Its an eightball map, who am I kidding. Your so good at making Atriums wtf! Everything looks fairly refreshing. Another thing I like is the weapon set up so far. Nothing looks overpowering and it looks dangerous to throw yourself in the open to get one.
The map has been changed quite a bit in terms of weapon/ power-up placement, as well as some structural change. What you see in the pics is the previous version. I just didn't update the pictures. Thank you for your kind words, though.
As far as the layout goes, it looks great. My only complaint is that it looks just like every single 1v1 in the pat several months. The same 1x2s surrounding the same bridge walls outlined by the same color coded ramps. I know you are an extremely talented forger as well as a few other guys using the same methods, and you have come very far since your early reach days so don't take offense to my statement. You say it's all about gameplay & I don't doubt that's solid but I am just tired of seeing these same aesthetics in all these 'quakeish' asym 1v1s. Especially after the forge contest. About 75% of those maps looked exactly the same.