Hey guys, Not sure if this has been posted yet but I've found an interesting article on the possibility of Time of Day changes on some of the maps shown at E3: Here's Longbow: Halo 4 Multiplayer Time of Day Setting?Halo 4 Nation | The Halo 4 News Site Now, after reading this article and the comments, I was still a little iffy on that subject ... However, surfing through some comic con footage, I found two very distinct versions of the map Haven. Normally this map has a blue-white tint to it but the second video has an orange-green tint that could be a different time of day, perhaps sunset? First Video: Halo 4 Comic Con 2012 Walkthrough Part 1 (Inside Gaming Extended) - YouTube Second Video: Halo 4 Comic Con 2012 Walkthrough Part 2 (Inside Gaming Extended) - YouTube Do a side by side comparison Either that or the T.V it was played on seriously did a number on my eyes. Although, the HUD on both videos had the same color so i think it really is time of day! Could there be a chance that the maps shipped by 343 will have different time of day variations? If so, wouldn't that mean a similar feature could also be present in Halo 4 Forge, whether via SFX or other means? Could I be embarrassingly wrong about this whole situation? Let's discuss!
Nice spot. From the looks of the skyboxes, they must be in their final iterations. 343 would not put a high level of detail into a skybox if it were to be scrapped, and would not show a map that would undergo large changes. It would definately be of interest. Fighting at night? Could be indicative of the return of the flashlight! I miss that. Old white button. I think subtle time of day changes could be quite clever. Whether it would keep maps fresh is a different question though. If you only just noticed it, then it would be very difficult to pick up during normal gameplay. Could go either way, but i'd rather have time of day changes than not.
This looks great, there is a definite difference in those videos. However, there is always the chance that it is just random with the maps or maybe it is based on the time IRL. Anyway, whether it is a feature or not. I think that it is highly unlikely that it will be a forge feature.
I hope it won't be based on time IRL cause then the Americans would always be favoured, and things would get screwed up for you and me.
Didn't Frankie already say this wasn't happening during RTX. And then said the closest we're getting is the interactive lighting on forged items.
Well there is a distinctive difference between these two videos. And you can't say it's the TV because once they go underneath the map the shading returns to the more blue hues present in the first vid. Interesting find though...
I'm thinking FX maybe? I really don't know how they're implementing this if they have confirmed that it will not be a forge feature. Maybe it relates to the time it is in your area? I really have no clue as to what 343i is going to pull out the bag on this one.
No, they said weather FX wasn't included. Normal FX like you see in reach could definitely come back.
I could see why a helmet could add a tint to a map, but why would it add a completely different skybox to Longbow?
Did you guys ever think it was just a different version of the map? Nobody ever said the maps were totally finished. And I'm sure the FX from Halo 3 / Reach will make a return. And I doubt Visor color will change anything.
Glad to see there's some discussion goin on in here =] Well if Frankie said officially that there isn't any time of day variation.. it doesn't necessarily mean the new FX can't reproduce tht effect better than halo reach or halo 3. One of my first guesses to be honest was the map could be a post-e3 build but seeing how they played the two games back to back, I'm not so sure. Either way, I don't think this is a TV/camera issue, Although visor change is kind of an interesting concept if this is what it is (doesn't make much sense tho) If anyone's got the sharp eye for lighting, can you tell if the sun is shining at a different angle? maybe that can shed some light (mind the pun)
Definitely just the cause of filming off-screen with a camera. In the first video you can vaguely see the orange tint at the top middle of the map seen in the second video but the way they film it makes it so that everything has a blue filter over it. I really wouldn't get your hopes up.