EDIT: I re-uploaded it with only the call of duty part. Still opinions are appreciated. Heavy 2CE - YouTube
Agreed with above. The two have nothing in common and the changes between them were more than awkward. Seems like a pretty low way of trying to grab peoples attention.
What seems like a cheep way to get views? Posting it on forgehub? I have no subs and I'm not known in any other community so I can't get pros and cons on my videos anywhere else. People do model edits and people do cod edits, why is it so bad to do mix edit. Would it be better if I made 2 different edits rather than one creatively portrayed mix? I understand different = bad but in I thought it'd be something fresh.
Different doesn't always mean bad. What I figured you were trying to do was just add semi-naked women to try to draw people in who might not have clicked on the video without them. Guess it all usually depends on the thumbnail, though. It that wasn't your intention, then I would just try changing the way you transfer from modeling clips to COD clips. It might've just been the music change, but it felt very sudden and more or less odd. I'll PM you an example of what I'm thinking could get my point across better.
This feels like an extremely exploitative attempt at 90s MTV-style editing. I realize that isn't your intention but there's nothing being commented on (even in a subtle, almost nonexistent sense) such as there being a tonal difference between CoD and Modeling while still holding onto the fact that it's exploitation of the female form in one and hailing death in the other. That's just an example of what you could go for but this just clashes outright, it's just switch from one to the other instantly, and with nothing to unify them (theme, pace, whatever) it's jarring and comes off as you panning for views.
Much more understandable. Different isn't always bad, agreed but until there is someone to portray it correctly it usually is. i changed the thumbnail, I just kept it tht in the beginning because the only cod one is a scope. Haha. I was going for a tube tv channel surfing feel. I completely understand that it's sudden and clashes because of the flow only being channel switching. I wasn;t sure about that myself but I tried to make it seem as close to actually changing the chaannel as possible. On the other side, I really wanted to get a good variety of stuff and try some new stuff.
She grabbed her [redacted] and I was like, "dude, this Cod edit is awesome!" Also: Yeah, kind of cheap as the others said... it's just, women + videogames = shallow, to be frank. Otherwise, nice clips!
thought it was call of duty player model edit. then i get butt in my screen. i dont deal in half measures when i comes to pornography. >:|
Alright guys. Until I can correctly portray this I'm just going to stick to regular edits. Haha Here is the just COD edit. Heavy 2CE - YouTube I'll also edit the original post.