Minigame concept

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by II6clique jxIxj, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. II6clique jxIxj

    II6clique jxIxj Ancient
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    I've always been intrigued by the ability to fix objects. The first time I forged, I set my guns to fix so that they wouldn't tip when leaning against a wall, but then during play testing I discovered that when you pick up a different weapon, the old one floats.

    Here's my concept, it's a mini game. Teams of two each have a pair of towers. The towers are right next to each other and the floors are slightly offset with a small gap in between them. The objective is to move a special gun(the objective) to the top of the towers (the goal) before any other team. One point wins.

    How you do it is by passing the gun back and forth from tower to tower which forms a Z like progression until you reach the top. Fix one gun between the towers at each floor levels ceiling heights so that in order to pass the objective gun you must jump and swap the objective gun with the fixed gun above. The gun, once swapped will stay fixed in the air. Your teammate then looks down and picks up the gun you just dropped. In the meantime you must run up to the next floor of your tower so that when he looks up and sees a similar nonobjective gun fixed at your second floor. He can jump and swap out the unimportant gun with the objective gun. The process is repeated until your team reaches victory.

    I've address in my mind some key issues already that may cause cheating or breaks in gameplay. The floating, fixed, neutral, nonobjective guns must be different for each floor. The reason being that your gun, when bumping into the fixed arial one, will pick up its ammo making it disappear. So the guns must be different for each floor. Also, how do you keep a team from simply keeping the objective in one tower and running it all the way up? Well what you do is put a flat softkill barrier in alternating door frames for each floor of both towers. Objective aren't fond of kill barriers and are instantly reset to the starting line when coming in contact.

    So that's it. Here are some interesting concepts I've thought up for each floor. Start the game off simple. A pass between bars. Then the next floor make it where you have to jump to progress. Third floor make it where you must make a leap of faith to swap out weapons. (Don't worry, a teleporter will put you back on your platform if you fall.) Then incorporate custom power ups to create new challenges for higher up floors. And of course all tower progression systems will be identical for all teams so that the race is even chances.

    If anyone wants to help me, give feedback, or expound on my concept please do so. I'd be very appreciative
    #1 II6clique jxIxj, Jul 31, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2012
  2. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Sounds pretty interesting, although I think it would work better for a Puzzle map. And then probably a multiplayer one, so you can work together to do achieve the goal.

    I foresee one possible flaw already in your idea. What if you accidently drop the special weapon? I would build some kind of checkpoint (for example, using a teleporter or something which you can unblock by setting of an explosive) so the players don't have to be afraid of doing everything over again when the weapon falls down. Unless you want this of course, but it depends on how high you're plannin to make the tower. If the tower is really high, I think it will get frustrating having to start all over again and again each time you drop the weapon by accident. It's just a minor thing though, and it doesn't have to be an issue right away.

    Either way, I'd go for it. It sounds interesting and refreshing. Make sure to work out the aesthetics, though. It would be a shame if this map wouldn't look too good, thus not getting a lot of attention. The first looks on a minigame can usually make it or break it.
  3. II6clique jxIxj

    II6clique jxIxj Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback. A checkpoint system would be really good. It prevents staleness and keeps gameplay streamline.
    Yeah it's impossible to drop the weapon. When you set a weapon to fix, it's impossible for it to fall. When you swap it out, it floats indefinitely. Unless you know something I don't know. If so I'd appreciate an expansion on what you mean.
    #3 II6clique jxIxj, Jul 31, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2012
  4. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm talking about the scoring weapon. It's the only one that's set on Normal.
  5. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I thought that the glitched weapon is only visible for host.
  6. II6clique jxIxj

    II6clique jxIxj Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You don't spawn with the objective gun in your hand. it's in the starting room sort of like an assault bomb and the items properties are set for fixed as well. I'm sure that that probably didn't answer your question. My guess is I'm missing the point. If so, just let me know.

    Is it? I'm not experienced at forging mini-games, so all of this is new to me. I've mostly stuck with competitive forging. The weapon isn't technically glitched. It just possesses a unique character trait that the game wasn't designed to perform. Why would a fixed gun only be visible for the host?
  7. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well if it's also fixed and you actually drop that one instead of the other weapon, then the game will be broken, because you can no longer pick it up. I'd set it on Normal.

    And now that I think about it, Oli might actually be true there.

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