League of Legend [Season 3] Well it seem I like many have played or starting playing League of Legend. In a recent report on PC gaming it was revealed that League of Legend is in fact the most played PC game in the world with a staggering 1.3 Billion hours clocked in 2011. WoW their closest rival a measly 600 Million. Source I honestly have always heard about this game and I have only recently started playing, about 2 weeks, on the suggestion of Rusty Eagle. I have to say its F2P Model and store is addicting. I have not spent a penny on this game and been able to purchase different characters, try new characters in their weekly free rotation of their 100+ Champions, with new champions added almost monthly even bi-monthly. The game itself is quite simple knowing/learning each champion is where the challenge begins. The game is difficult once you reach ranked matches and against high level players, at 2 weeks I'm still a noob even though i don't lose against similar level players. If you have no idea what this game is and have never heard of it. Check it out League of Legends - Play For Free This runs on the lowest of spec computers, im proof. If you do want to play add me and ill be able to teach you some basics because like all games its more fun when you got fun people to play with. my name is ViciousVice TLR Go download League of Legend cause its more addictive then Cookies. EDIT: teemo is in fact awesome yes.
I've been playing for close to two years now, I've loved the game the whole time. I can attest to it being more addicting than cookies. You probably won't like its style of gameplay if you're a big fan of CoD though, you simply CANNOT win if you try to go in and lone wolf to victory. Tf there is one thing this game stresses above all else, it is teamwork. P.S. Everyone should use my referral link to sign up. http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=4c4559cf4ac18 P.S.S. My favorite champions are Teemo and Kog'Maw
I've been playing this game for a year now. I'd be surprised if nobody here had played it. LoL is annoying when you get bad teammates, you have to stick it out most of the time.
Well, reflex... If you've heard of Dota then it is the same type of game. If not... the genre is Moba (multiplayer online battle arena) currently there are 100 champions (character) to pick from, each of which has a passive ability and 4 other abilities that are bound to your Q, W, E, and R keys. The ability on your R key is the characters "ultimate" which is generally a stronger ability than the rest but with a higher cooldown than the rest as well. I will use the character Teemo as an example. Passive: Camouflage, Teemo becomes stealthed after not moving for a few seconds, when he moves he will come out of stealth and gain a buff to his attack speed temporarily. Q: Blind dart, Teemo shoots a dart at an enemy which causes all their basic attacks to miss for a few seconds, it also deals damage. W: Move quick, passively gives Teemo extra movement speed as long as he hasnt been hit by a turret or champion recently, he can activate it for a stronger boost for a short period of time. E: Toxic shot, makes Teemo's basic attacks put a poison DoT on enemies R: Noxious Trap, Teemo places a poisonous mushroom on the ground which gives sight in a small radius around it, and will explode on enemies dealing damage and slowing their movement speed for a few seconds. Now that is only one of the champions, and most of the others are all completely different. Some focus mainly on Basic attacks, while some focus on maximizing damage on their skills. Others just tank damage or disrupt enemy team placement, and a very small group is "support" which... well, support the team and heal and stuff like that.
That description suffers from the "curse of knowledge" meaning only someone with knowledge would understand it anyway. I like to call it "MTD" Multiplayer tower defense. You've played TD games before basically you don't control map or minions you control 1 champion (your character) and kill there minions who automatically spawn to fight each other in middle of map to get to there towers to kill there nexus (like a generator in firefight) and other teams trying to do the same to you and there's 5 people on each team. Edit: I use to main Morde and I LOVED!!!! vsing a teemo finding him in stealth with W+E (caus it gives me shield if i hit him in stealth) and then sitting on him slowly lowering his health then when he decides to run Q+W+E+R+ignite dead teemo ghost for me Teemo annoys me so much on other champions so i love getting pay back.
Few tips if you wanna pub stomp the comp. 1. Last hit minions, Only getting the last killing blow on minions gives you gold and this is most important rule in the game so by 30minutes if you have 500cs(cs=creep score:how many minions you've killed) you have enough gold to buy any items to kill enemy team 1v5.(rarely happens to that extent but as an example cs is that important) 2. Don't push, Minions will automaticly fight each other in middle of lane and more you damage enemy minions the more your minions will kill enemy minions meaning the minions will fight closer to enemy tower, which is a bad thing. Kinda complicated to explain depending how new you are but trust me if you want to be a competitive try hard and win you can't "push"(hitting enemy minions) this coincides with the last hitting rule only hit minions to get the gold from them. 3. ProTip: "S" key stops all movements and attacks to not attack minions. Wanna know anything else ask but everything else seems to come naturally over time these 3 rules are just REALLY!!!!!!! important and I found hard to naturally understand though natural progression of the game. By all means when learning the game you can just have fun with it dont worry about it but if your every wondering why you lost a game it almost always comes down to cs.
Gonna pull some minor necromancy here, but I started getting into playing as support recently. I love it, I really do. Only time you really get bitched at is when you are being stupid and derping around in the bushes instead of healing when you can.
Level 24, about to be 25 soon. I've been playing Xin like a complete monster lately. I went 16-1 last night (finally died only AFTER I got my 16th kill) as Xin. It was weird, everytime I poked someone with my spear, it took down a bunch of health with only boots. Literally. So, this is who I've been playing: Xin, Naut, and I got Renekton who I REALLY want to learn how to play.
I started playing, and I got 6 friends in too. We're starting to go in as a team. I love playing Jungle/Gank, primarily with Akali. She has neat burst and mobility, and it's oh so satisfying to catch people off guard and instantly slice away 600 health.
I got the Dota2 Beta. So i will be attempting to use my LoL skills, very low skills, to that game. I've heard good things and im pretty sure if i like LoL ill like valves vision of the same gametype.
Oh god... don't even remind of of Akali. I played against an Akali last night that just... bursted down my entire team and... god it was horrible.... SO MUCH DAMAGE ;-; but I want to learn how to play Akali and Nidalee as well, they seem like a lot of fun.
This quote explains why so many people play it imo, "When you can fight robots and children and the guy from 300 to death who really cares" And on that note Dota2 focuses on the gameplay of this genre, I like to think of it as kinda like Starcraft its simple and there is preset tactics to choose from and counters and whoever best executes them wins and its MUCH more serious environment. I wish i could play nid but her skill cap is to high and I'm to lazy lol That's why I bought Jayce its similar play style(specially long range poke) and feels more of a badass to pull off combos.
Nice TotalBiscuit quote. XD Anyways I got the Dota2 beta a while ago, and I honestly suck horribly at it. I'm much better at LoL. I basically can play any role BUT jungle competently, I'm getting the hang of playing Sona as a hyper aggressive support/carry. But my favs so far are: Support: Sona/Lulu Tank: Maokai Top: Olaf/Xin/Riven AP: Fizz/Sivir AD: Kog/Ezreal EDIT: I'm level 30 btw. Been for around a year.
that was as clear as mud. i want to know what the hell this game is, what it does and why it does it. not some random snippet of some reference
League of Legends Champions - Beginner Guide: Basics (Ep.06) - YouTube This might clear things up, a little.