Aerowalk is one of the most beloved duel maps of Quake. It's a fast paces single atrium map that features three pairs of teleporter as well as three distinct levels. Although Quake and Halo are extremely differnt FPS games and Quake maps generally don't port well to Halo, I felt that this map had some potential as a 1v1 map for Forge Hubs 1v1 Smackdown. What I find most intriguing about the design is the way the teleporters connect the map together and offer quick routes to counter an opponents movement in a way that overcomes the ring-around nature that occurs in 1v1s with radar. Above is an outline of the map I've taken from Memento_Mori. As the game mechanics of Halo and Quake differ so significantly, particularly the movement and jump mechanics, I took the liberty to make some slight altercations to the map. Initially the green teleporter was a one-way teleporter to the top floor of the map on a ledge overlooking the blue teleporter corner. As player movement is much slower in Halo, the drop down available there would have lead to a repetitive cycle in which a player could continually run a gauntlet through the blue and green teleporters to elude the opposing player. Because of this, I filled in the drop down which significantly limits the paths a player has available to run to when using the green teleporter. The Sniper Rifle fills the role of the lightning gun. Initially the Focus Rifle was chosen, however it was significantly under powered in contrast to the rest of the map's sandbox. The Yellow Custom fills the role of the Red Armour, and the Grenade Launcher acts a power weapon on its own. Additionally the Spiker and Concussion Rifles were places on the map to further diversify the sandbox. Although less powerful than the Grenade Launcher or the Sniper, both act fulfill their role as tier two power weapons that encourage continual movement to control. Over all, the map ported amazingly to Halo Reach for use with the Forge Hub Smackdown settings. It brings the same memorable fast paced and intense gameplay that was so loved in Quake. Oh, and major thanks to Warholic, Rouge and Kaos for helping me out with this. Download Aerowalk
I remember downloading a random remake of this map before, and the forging was beyond bad. I've always wanted to try a remake of it, but I could never grasp the layout. Thankfully this map will suffice. Looking forward to trying it. I think you should've forged this high above the coastline though, so all the pieces would be light. The 2x2 banks are all spotty. Edit: sorry to hear about Rho Fs's post being deleted. It came from the heart.
One of the most aesthetically pleasing maps I have seen you make, it cleaned up pretty nice, the map design transferred seamlessly into Reach and plays great. Although in regards to that drop down you blocked off, could you not maybe rotate the tele 90degrees or move the dropdown back because I think that dropdown is pretty important for the maps connectivity.
Unfortunately the dropdown makes the teleporters far too abuseable in the Smackdown settings because of the ease of running a circuit through the green and blue teleporters. While it may be important for the map's connectivity in Quake, it significantly dampers the competitive merit of the map with Halo's movement speed. @Isoa: Shamefully, I thought the Quarry wouldn't have the light mapping issues that I ran into. If it weren't for the time constraints of the 1v1 submissions, I would have reforged it else where. I'm working on a design inspired by this that I'll definitely forge in a more suitable location though. Thanks for the support guys.
Played a four man FFA on this yesterday, and you are missing some important jumps that makes the map flow better overall. 1: From GL spawn to lift platform over the middle. 2: 3rd floor to 3rd floor jump over the middle. I would make a quick update and add those jumps if I were you.
Gonna be on Reach tonight? If so, hit me up and we can hash it out. I did significantly nerf one jump... The one from Concussion Rifle to Top Red Tele. It's still doable though, although I can't do it myself. Overkill pulled it off three times on me last night. :/ And the jump across the atrium from GL to Plasma Nades is still there. I can actually make that one consistently. How'd it play over all for ya though?
Great. Aerowalk is a great map. The scale felt small in some of the rooms, but I guess that makes it play faster.
That was my intention. I mean, for a 1v1, the scaling felt suitable. I suppose I could make those two jumps a little easier. Just realized that the ones I described were exactly the ones you were talking about. lol. No issues about the green tele drop down being removed? Or that I made it a two way node now?
For a map by you, I'll have to admit, it looks pretty clean. I'll try to download it to my xbox over a mobile connection and to lend you some feedback later.
I had a lot of help. And I've been copying the various popular aesthetic flourishes other forgers use... Particularly Xzamples. Haha. But thanks. Its looking a lot better now than these screens show. Cleaned it up a good deal more last night.
It's such a delicate line of change, but all the new weapon placements, jumps and tele positions really made this map transition well into Reach. I'm glad that yellow tele drop down is fully blocked so players can't abuse this towards the end of a match and do circles around an opponent. The bottom red tele positioning increases flow significanlty and perfectly fulfilled that dead space. Thanks for using my feedback for the final design, but I still feel this map could made better if given more time.
Most anything can be improved upon when given time... Shame I didn't make this sooner as there woulda been ample time to playtest and tweak it to best suit the game.