Turns out the Justicar isn't as good as the Drell after all. Cluster Grenade is better than Biotic Sphere, and the Drell's speed is more useful than the higher shields of the Asari.
I love my Quarian Engineers and their Turrets/flame throwers. Out of the 10 characters I promoted so far, 4 were Quarian engineers. Blasto, the first Hanar Spectre. Now there's a DLC I've been wanting for sometime now lol! Also, Black Widow> all other weapons
Anyone else still play this? I recently bought about 15 spectre packs and have not got a single N7 Operative and have a lot of everything else. The N7 Demolisher looks interesting, I would love to see a Defensive Pylon, Defensive Biotic Sphere, and a Defensive Geth Turret. Maybe a N7 Devastator inside as well to be spec'd into defense.
not near my xbox oh well. i do enjoy me3 multiplayer. surprisingly easy to just hop in and out and get your fill of mass effect even if there isn't any story. (makes me worry that the only good story telling was only in ME1)
I bought it but haven't played it yet. One of my roommates who played it said it was awesome, better than Shadow Broker.
Oh, that's what we're talking about? I havent bought any of the SP packs. I stick with the game's multiplayer.
I only played multiplayer for the higher rating in singeplayer, but it was fun. Has multiplayer improved with all the new multiplayer DLC? I'm also curious what the singleplayer DLC has to offer.
I thought all the single player DLC was worth it. Leviathan gives some more history about who the reapers are and where they came from. Omega was pretty linear but I liked working with Aria and that female turian. Only part I didn't like about that DLC was that you can't visit Omega after you liberate it and the game takes you out of it a bit was Aria appears back at the Citadel like nothing happened.