Like the title states.. What are some of the nicest things someone has done for you? It can be from a friend, family member, or significant other. I'm just curious and wanna hear some happy shtuff. Let's try and restore some faith in humanity here.. (also, I may steal some of these ideas for the future)
I actually have something for this that happened the other day. All cops are just complete dicks right? That's been my general opinion after getting several nonsense tickets over the past few years. They don't care if you really are late for your ballet class or if your grandpa really can't get his overalls on. They'll write you up for anything. That used to be what I thought until the other day. I was going to pick up my brother for class and I was late so I was going about 12 over the speed limit, when I unknowingly passed an undercover cop. Sure enough he flipped his siren on. I was all, "God ****ing damn it, not again." So I slowed down behind him, but instead of pulling me over he just turned his siren off, cruised past me and just gave me a nice little head nod. I was just, wait what? Cops can be nice?!? It really did make my day, and definitely changed my view on police in general. EDIT: Just realized the title said nicEST. It wasn't the nicest thing that's happened to me ever, but I thought I'd share nonetheless
In my experience, as long as you're respectful and show you're responsible and know what you did wrong (again, without coming off as a smartass) cops are pretty nice.
Well, I guess it all depends on the cop then. Every time I've dealt with one, I've been as respectful as possible and they still acted like complete jackasses (that is, until this incident ^)
In my experience, placing my losap ID card (firefighter ID card) in plain view when I open my wallet, minor traffic violations aren't really much of an issue.
Um.. I dont recall many people doing anything nice for me, except for shuting up when I tell them to. EDIT: Oli for working on a vid for me and My friend buying me Halo 3 EDIT#2: I feel like I do alot of nice things for people and they dont even notice it, and I dont really get much in return, but yet again, I dont really ask for much
I always chew gum at school, and it's usually trident something-or-other. So when my birthday rolled around, this girl filled my locker with a metric shitton of gum. That was a pleasant surprise.
niice. That's pretty sweet. It's the little things, ya know? Also, Dax, it doesn't have to be the nicest thing someone has done for you.. I guess it's just interesting to hear of the nice things people do for each other nowadays.
It's not the nicest thing that's happened to me, but once at Tim Horton's the guy ahead of me in the drivethrough payed for two doughnuts for the next person in line (me), as a result whenever I drive through and there's people behind me I'll usually pay for their coffee, it's only like $2, but it really makes somebody's morning.
My brother would often drive me around last year even though he lived an hour away. He'd complain sometimes, but often he'd just bear through it and we would vacation for a weekend up north. Was a lot of fun. He also calls me every so often just to catch up on stuff (I'll call him too). Similar to my other brother I moved halfway across the world to a new school when i was 15 and was terribly nervous the first day of school during lunch. A couple of kids, however, invited me to their tables and we became pretty good friends. Really appreciated it as I didn't know anyone at the time Some smaller things include: -Saying hi and asking how I'm/they're doing when I pass by someone -Being really engaging or at least trying to be in conversation -Non-judgmental/easy to criticize types of people
Maybe you are one of those people that you're talking about? Also, maybe it's just because I've been thinking about it since this thread, but I've noticed quite a few people doing nice things for me lately. Just yesterday I was at Quiznos with a few friends and this little old lady comes up and hands me 3 coupons for half-priced sandwiches for us all to use. Old people ftw.
It was the tail end of the summer of '09. My family and my aunts family had been in mourning over my uncle's death earlier that year, and they were finally here in America (they live in Italy) to visit his other family members here in the states. We were having dinner at my house one sunday evening, and over the course of discussion, my upcoming college freshman term was brought up. I explained that I was happy to get out of high school, but I let it slip that I felt that life was gonna be the same anyway. With a little prodding from my aunt, I explained that not much will change because I'd still be living on campus because my family didnt have the funds for room and board. Of course, my parents gave me the silent-furious face for airing dirty laundry, but my aunt digested the information (and the lasagna) and asked me in a soft voice how much the tuition was. My response was 8 grand. She then proclaimed to the dinner table that she'll pay for my first semester for room and board. My parents immediately refused and of course she didnt budge; I sat there in disbelief. She was here, on her vacation time, just a few months after her husband passed, and she wanted to provide for me. Eventually my parents agreed, but haggled to 6 thousand, and told me to thank my aunt. When I heard that, i just started crying. I hadnt said the words "thank you" more than that in my entire life.
Wow.. you've got an awesome aunt. A couple months ago me and a couple of friends were at Sonic for a shake before the premier of The Avengers and on our way out two paraplegics were on their way in. I took the 5 or so minutes out of my day to help them through the doors and they had the brightest smiles I might have ever seen. We ended up being slightly late to the movie, but I don't think anyone was upset after what we just experienced.
People never do significant nice things for me, my Mom bought me a laptop so I can make machinima and do other work, but.. Last year I had a crush on this girl named Kiana, and I made a Valentine's Day card for her when I noticed no one gave a card to her that day. I paid this one douche to make a really nice drawn rose, and I gave it to him to give to her in her class. She said one thing: "Umm, thanks." Next day I got teased so much for being a nerd that everyone hates and I gave a card to one of the most popular girls in my grade. She never responded again. I talk to her every once and again, but she's an asshole and I don't really speak to her anymore.
This is not the nicest thing anyone has done for me. Still, you all may enjoy the story. I was once ina xbox party with Confused Flamingo, Berb, and one other man. I forget whom. I wanted an invitation to see 'Mingo's 1v1 map for our newest contest, so I patiently waited for 5 minutes while he and another discussed something. After those five minutes I decided, still not wanting to interriupt, to send a message to him and ask for an invite. My friend of the Flamingo name then proceeded to ask why I didnt just ask, and I said I didnt want to interrupt his discussion. The conversation ended with him telling me I was too good for this universe, and that he would make a better one for me. So I guess a nice thing I have happened to myself is that one day I will be invited to talk with 'Mingo, and he will have a new and better universe for me. Because he was talking and I didn't want to bother him. It's a little thing, but sort of funny I thought and it's nice of him to spend all those resources building a better universe just for me.
being asked to open for two people that get their music on Beatport when I have 32 followers on Soundcloud I think is nice, and that my brother didn't ruin my new tv yet.
When things went to **** in my house I was in a very bad place(this was in 8th grade) I became depressed,antisocial,world weary and hated myself and the world. My first art class in the second semester came by and some girl I have only seen once before with a friend(I never took notice of her,I don't know why she is very beautiful) asked if she could sit next to me.i said sure but did not say much else. After a little while she got me talking and we hung out every day after school. We sat in the rain,we talked at school,we went to the pool eventually(shut up) I began to love again.i began to feel this day I still talk to her I still love her(she is like my sister)
My work computer was getting slow, so the staff at the church I work at bought me a new computer, monitor, mouse, keyboard, everything. And it is a NIIIIIICE computer. Quad 3.4 Ghz phenom processor, 12 gigs of ram, and a 3 terabyte hard drive, not to mention a 27inch Samsung monitor to top it off. The thing is gorgeous, and runs hella fast. Not to mention the keyboard and mouse are top of the line. Definitely one of the more pleasant surprises I've had bestowed upon me in the past few years.