Mineral So, this is Mineral. One of my entrys to the Smackdown contest. It is my first competitive map actually. Well, the first competitive map I submitted. Anyway the map itself is set in Boneyard, the building where the banshee is. Camo can really help here. With the different levels you can be a ninja or just stalk your opponent. Anyway here are the pics: Red Spawn: Blue Spawn: Center/CPU: Camo: Hallway/Needle Rifle: Orange Light/Plasma Grenade: Needler/CPU: If you find any problems with this map or want to give feedback please do so below. Thank you for looking and good luck to everyone submiting a map for Smackdown!
Aside from all the deadends, this played surprisingly well. I didn't like the plasma grenade spawn, as one could get trapped in there easily given that the only two paths out are evident from several vantage points. It might have been better to place the CPU down there, but who knows. Goodluck with the contest.
Thanks Auburn, who knows about the CPU. Maybe it would be better down there. Still I feel the map is ready so I'll hope for the best! Awww yea 100th post =]
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the contest rules say that the map has to be on Forgeworld. You've got 4 days to make a map if you want to enter.
I says no DLC but preferbly Forge World. I also have Feral if I can't submit Mineral. So I can enter this and Feral. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Ok guys, I have fixed a number of issues with the map found by Auburn and RK. Thank you for your feedback gaiz. Anyway there is a teleporter connecting the blue spawn and the plasma grenade area. I've also added lots'o spawns. Here is the link to the new version: File Share Halo Official Site