Check this out, it's really cool. Here's the website, go there to check out info about the game and download it for free. It's a 485MB download, so just fair warning, but it's worth it. Share your experiences in this thread. Enjoy! Here's a quick run-down from the site: A story about my uncle is a first-person platform adventure game made in the Unreal Engine. It is a story about a boy who searches for his lost uncle and ends up in a world he couldn’t imagine existed. The game is made by students at Södertörns Högskola’s game program. The assignment was spread over the course of eleven weeks and three courses. The requirements was to make a non-violent, first-person game in the Unreal Engine. It was the first time the students had worked with the engine. The game focuses heavily on a grappling hook-mechanic that gives the player a wonderful sense of speed and freedom. The player can also use various types of jumps and leaps. An early assignment was also to write a deep and engaging story that the player would like to immerse himself into. The goal for the group was to enter the Swedish Game Awards 2012 with the game which they did and the game was nominated for the category game of the year.
I just spent 20 minutes downloading that thing just to find out my video card is too shitty to support it. **** my computer.
Lol. Yeah, story of my life. Diablo 3 did the same thing, fortunately for me it was only the beta and I saved myself some hassle. OP: sounds rad, is there any footage of the game we can see? you know, given the fact that some of us just can't play ;P
What Nibbs said. Sorry to hear you couldn't play it, Sec. They should have some kind of requirements info on the page, but I guess they just figured everyone would be able to run it. As a benchmark for how good your GFX card should be, I'll say that I was running it on my default GFX, being an Intel(R) HD Graphics Family integrated card, and it worked well enough until the game opened into an area with a fair amount of lights, then it started to get choppy. Once I switched it to my Nvidia card though it worked fine. So if your card is better than the basic Intel one my lappy uses as a default, you should be fine. The game itself doesn't take long to finish; probably around an hour or less, but it's a fun ride while it lasts. And, for a bunch of students, the premise is pretty good.
Im downloading the torrent and a its pretty fast download, around 1.5mb/s, the game looks fun haha cant wait to play, nice find, thanks lmao nvm i Just realized its only a windows game