
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by cluckinho, Jul 26, 2012.

  1. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
    Senior Member

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    Caspian is a 1v1 map built for the Smackdown contest. I specifically built the map to fit the game type the best that I could. Long lines of sight, large dance floor, no wraparounds and a perfect size to make matches play quickly are all of the traits that this map contains. Caspian has a simple layout, and at its core it is essentially a circle around a low center. Games on the map feel much more complex than what it might seem though. Power positions throughout the map are difficult to hold on to, and battles occur in all areas. Overall I hope you get to play Caspian at some point because it is definitely worthy of a test or two.

    V2 Changelog
    -Switched Plasma Pistol & Spiker locations
    -LoS blocker added to the top balcony to nerf its power
    -Sniper moved further back so it takes longer for player to get from there to the top
    -Spawns adjusted and bad ones were removed.









    [1] Sniper Rifle/0 Clips/75s/YES
    [1] Camoflouge/NA/120s/NO
    [2] DMR/2 Clips/10s/YES
    [2] NR/1 Clip/30s/YES
    [1] Spiker/0 Clips/60s/YES
    [1] Plasma Pistol/NA/60s/YES
    [2] Frags/NA/45s/YES
    [2] Stickies/NA/45s/YES

    Special Thanks:
    Reflex Ion

    Alright that is all, so here is if you missed it. Thanks for looking at my map!
    #1 cluckinho, Jul 26, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2012
  2. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm all for having a 1v1 map that isn't enclosed and isn't so room-based, but I think I can see some problems with this. The map looks like all areas are too connected by line of sight, which would create some fairly unexciting encounters, where people are just fighting each other from across the map, rather than in certain rooms/areas within the map. Breaking that at times can be interesting, but it looks like this does that almost everywhere on the map. Also, the center of the map looks rather open, and I see no reason why players couldn't just run around the map in circles without ever venturing through the center.

    Still, props for the attempt at something new. I'll check it out in-game and hopefully be able to redact some of my above criticism.
  3. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    But how is this a bad thing, though? So your saying that running around on room-based maps looking for your opponent is fun? I just feel like being able to quickly find your enemy makes gameplay much more fun. Sure you have views on each area from each area, but it is not like they're full views of everything. I tested countless maps, and the room-based ones (pretty much all of them) don't feel competitive due to the radar being implemented into this game type.

    The center is a great way to flank your enemy since it has such quick access to all places of the map, and active camo spawns there. The only way this area were to be balanced with all of the others was to limit the cover present there.

    Thanks for the comment. I look forward to you playing it!
  4. GetRdy2Fall

    GetRdy2Fall Forerunner

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    It looks like there is too much cover by the rocks in the second picture( I'm not sure about this though, hard to tell in the picture). Other than that, the gameplay seems like it would be kickass. Just from the pictures i can see a lot of tactics and flanks that could be used. As for aesthetics, i personally dislike it when people have ramps stick out of the ground like you have them. Anyways, I'm gonna download this and test it out, good job dude.
  5. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    This has to be one of my favorite 1v1 maps, it's really fun to play on, and I love how you added little rock areas around the inclines for more ways to escape. Nailed down the aesthetics, and the feel of the map is amazing.
  6. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It all depends on the nature of the room-based map. Strictly room based maps aren't too great with radar for 1v1s as they devolve into tag fests. Room-based maps with some sort of central hall or atrium for cutting across the map however play great.
    Personally, I prefer 1v1s to have some sort of central atrium or platform that connects the entire map.
  7. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    I like the layout, it promotes gameplay focused on positioning and weapon timing. I personally like having the opportunity to gain map control, however I fear that your top level is a little over dominant if someone manages to pick up snipe and bring it to the top with camo. It took me a little over 6 seconds from snipe to traverse to the top. Perhaps moving the snipe further out, confining the top path to a more narrow structure and removing the cover up there will help out a little. Other than that, I'd love to get games on this cuz the overall design is up my alley.
    #7 WAR, Jul 26, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2012
  8. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Glad to see this posted. Out of several of the Smackdown submissions I got games on, I really do think this played best with the gametype. And although it may look extremely open from some of the pictures, there really isn't a lot of cross-map action. I also see you cleaned up some of the aesthetics as well. I do remember the spawns were somewhat of an issue at times though. Have you worked that out since I played it last? The only thing that saddens me about the map is that Holo had to be removed :( it worked so well! Too bad it's mechanics are flawed...

    Good work cluck! Great job on getting a map that really does fit the Smackdown gametype well.
  9. 00DirtyMick00

    00DirtyMick00 Promethean

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    wow thanks for the special thanks, haha, the center area looks awesome now with both braces and i really like the fourth picture down, it looks supa themed with the 1x4s and 1x2s together at the bottom level and then the top level has the same thing for the balcony, great job, i never realize you'd take what i said into serious consideration, honestly, great job on this map, love the layout! :)
    #9 00DirtyMick00, Jul 27, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2012
  10. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the comment!

    Thank you as well!

    When I saw that you commented on this, I thought you were gonna rip this map to shreds lol. I'm glad you like it for the most part and I'll take into consideration what you said.

    Wow that is a pretty awesome compliment! The spawns should be perfect now; I added some respawn zones and rethought some of them, and I have tested numerous times since and spawns are great now. I miss hologram too, I thought it was an awesome addition.

    Well you really made me rethink some of my object use, and because of that it looks much better. Thanks for the comment!
  11. FM and the BB

    FM and the BB Promethean

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    I believe on the 6th picture I see a red spartan shoot a sniper rifle. Just going to say it seems to me that the map has an insane issue with not enough cover. (Can't say for sure but it sure seems that way) Well with both sniper and those long lines of sight, I would say that the sniper is OP which shouldn't ever happen.
  12. Zaharias

    Zaharias Forerunner

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    I just got in a couple of games on this, and I've got some feedback:

    Aesthetically, the map is pretty nice. The blue theme is done well, and the use of the 1x2 shallows is great. The view of the waterfall is good as well, and the rocks look natural and add some great flair. No real complaints visually.

    Gameplay was fairly good. The map felt just the right size, and fights were pretty quick to occur. The jump up from sniper to mid was fun and well implemented. The lack of healthpacks was mildly annoying, though not at all gamebreaking. The top of the map felt too overpowered. This area has a height advantage, good cover, the plasma pistol, sightlines down to camo, and easy access to sniper and back. I also encountered some very poor spawns, some of which could be gamebreaking. I spawned in front of the other player a couple times a game, and in the worst case, we spawned on two spawns right next to each other. If you'd like the video of my game, message me on live.
  13. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feedback! I'm extrmemely disappointed that spawns weren't very good, I honestly thought that I fixed those to be perfect. Anyways I would love the game film, if you could just put in your file share whenever you please I'll message you when I got it.

    And if you have tips to improve spawns I'd love to here them because I have no clue on what to do with them.

    Thanks again!
    #13 cluckinho, Jul 28, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2012
  14. Naughty Badger

    Naughty Badger Forerunner
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    From my game I felt the top was overpowered as well. I grabbed the sniper, plasma grenade(many times), and DMR and was able to shut out my opponent 15-0. What helped was either:
    :A: He spawned on the bottom
    :B: He spawned right next to me

    After running out of Sniper ammo, I could run down, get it again, and go back up within about ten seconds. On my way up I often grabbed the Active Camo since my opponent tried not to expose himself by going for it. This would allow me to hide in plain sight and get him off the top and gain control of it again.

    Other than that I think the map looks amazing and was well forged
  15. MacoroniMayorTOFU

    MacoroniMayorTOFU Promethean

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    I really like the height variation on your map. The walls look very nice and you built your map in a good place, right on the water. The rocks blend in well with the water. It has been a while since I hace seen a 1v1 map that isn't enclosed. Looks great. good job. I will give it a download.
  16. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    I have not played here, but I have some opinion anyways.

    The map is open, so props for that. I love open maps. They are the honey to my water (I'm a hummingbird). Other than that though I do not like how open it is in the innards of this map. I would say it is too open in fact. I would love to see more line of sight blocking, maybe extend the indoor area (that would really help actually) and perhaps toward the center, and create a large twoer so there are no cross map gunfights and yet it is still open. Another option may be to make an 'L' shaped indoor area, doing the same effect. Point being though this needs more cover (and perhaps more running space, though I am not sure)

    Secondly, it's pretty.

    That's all I have for now. Maybe I'll have a game on it and bring you more thoughts.

    CAPNxXxCANT Forerunner

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    So many games on this map... But it wasn't too bad because this map is pretty enjoyable. It's really easy to find your opponent, and last I saw of it you had fixed the spawns. It is a little open, but I think that's mostly a good thing due to there being radar in the tournament. I think this map should have a decent shot at making it in.

    Oh and isn't high ground always powerful? I don't know why people are complaining about that. As long as there are ways to counter it(and there are multiple), it's fine.

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