Collaboratory - A Forge Hub Memebers Project Created by: GoodWhaleSushi Reynbow ToochieHxC AllseeingEntity aka - HXC2stepAP Azrius Angseth WWAR T3CH N9NI Download Collaboratory Supported Gametypes: All gametypes are supported in this map, although best suited for 4v4 Team Slayer. Map Description The unique design of this map will certainly make it stand out in the ForgeHub community and is definitely worth the download. After much deliberation on the design of the map all of the forgers listed in the credits put their own style into certain areas, may it be with excellent design of walls using double boxes or well placed man cannons for tactical jumps. I major unique and recognisable part of this map is the cleverly designed stairs in the middle of the map. Making this map have a feature unique to it. Weapons List Well I would list them off but there are so many and I didn't want to count them all. Doesn't effect gameplay at all, trust me. Backstory As eight travlers searched through many lands to find themselves some entertainment they eventually stoped in one location. They all started talking and eventually figured that the best way to find entertainment is to amuse eachother with cheap tricks and novelties. After some time they decided to stay in this land and build houses for them to stay and play amongst the lush lands. With nothing but companionship the lands were finally fun to live in. _________________________________________________ This is the Power-Up lane Hidden Flame Grenades The Vehicle Depot Staircase design The Coil pit Sniper Tower The Coveneant Wraith Stategically placed Man Cannon, and 4 Spartan Lasers Over view of the map _________________________________________________ Download Collaboratory
how did you make a collaboration map without informing me! you sly *****! lolol just kiddin. i don't see how 4 spartan lasers can be strategic, but we shall see... very interesting design, very dadaistic (?) and a very unique experience, whether it works is another matter.
Sorry you weren't online at the time, it was kind of a spur of the moment thing. Like I said to you in the shoutbox, quality maps like this take perfect timing and great forgers. Got to thank the other members that helped with this excellent map =]
wait... did you do this while i was cooking pancakes? well now you get no pancakes!!! next time you do this, i really want to be involved, it looks like a really fun project. i'm guessing toochie placed the mongeese so we could go for a ride lolololololololololololol.
LMAO How did you guess?! She was putting her race track flare into this =D She actually yelled at someone because they blocked her path while she was driving her mongoose xD And yes, during your pancake making =D
This map actually took quite a long time! About 19minutes and 30seconds, I saw the theater time on it. I should ask the review hub to review it =D
Haha I remember this map! Toochie made her little race track and birdie and I just randomly floated **** into the air, while eveyone else placed power-ups, wraiths and double boxes for fun. SO AWESOME! Yes, nothing but companionship.
Not to sound mean, but I have to ask. Is this a joke? It looks like you whimsically threw random items and weapons all over.
I WANT IN THE NEXT ONE!!!! i feel so excluded.... you just don't care do you... *sniff* GWS why did you quote me? it had nothing to do with your post...
I dunno Ivory it was just a random quote. Yeah, this was a great social event, you should try it sometime
we shall make on over the weekend pl0x? it shall be uber 1337 and will get teh featurez. i'm thinking, you, me, tooch, rey, way (when he's drunk) LIGHTS and cosmic, and some randoms we meet in MM. but mainly on Sunday cause i got alot going on on Saturday.
A joke? No way, this is a very serious map =| Definitely gonna happen, we will make a Feature map that will last for months =] It can be an event xD Lulz
a weekly forge event, sounds very nice... we could have aussie rooms and everything. or a competition for the most abstract map!
you dare challenge mah skillz? it's on, now we pick teams, i choose the most random person here: GoodWhaleSushi