I have a different kind of rant today. It's still about my work but it's kinda different. Here goes: I hate it when you can't tell how old a girl is. We get quite a few families who bring kids with older sisters along and on warmer days they dress in some skimpy stuff. I feel a bit weird staring at them not knowing how old they really are. If they really are over 16 they're damn hot and I definitely would. On the other hand, if they're under 16 I'm not so sure... As long as they aren't like 12 or something. Dear girls who come to children's theme parks: Please wear a badge with your age and if you are single or not so us poor workers don't feel like a pedo for staring at you in your skimpy tops and short skirts.
Egotistic people who use others as their scapegoats for any sort of hardship. The worst is if they do it for humor or purely for their own convenience, which can really screw someone else up big time. Sadistic if you ask me :l
Perhaps what is more screwed up is the support there is on a high-level of authority to ensure everyone can have purchase limitless quantities of these unnecessary weapons with ease - even internationally. Yet, this does happen on a regular - in fact, daily basis. The U.S. supplies the majority of the world with arms, whether it is supporting dictators that violently suppress their won people, or support terrorism with supplying it to sustain a crucial, strategic ally. I am sick and tired of it.
I don't know how to say this in words, so I thought I'd do some pseudo-code for you. Function amIAPedo(hotPerson:String) Returns Boolean If (hotPerson == girl)If (boobs == true)if (age >= 16)Print("You're golden.");pedo = false;Else if (age >= 12) && (age <16)Print(You might be mistaken.);pedo = false;Else if (age < 12)Print(You should worry. Hell, they should worry, having boobs that young.);pedo = true;End IfElsePrint(What are you staring at, dumbass?)End If Else if (hotPerson = boy)Print("I have no advice for you here");pedo = false;ElsePrint(Dear god, what is that thing?);pedo = false;End IfReturn(pedo); End Function amIAPedo(girl); When in doubt, say to them what I just said.
I hate it when I meet a girl and find out we have alot in common and have a similar personality (plus she's hot as ****), and then find out she's dating a self-obsessed dumbass and love each-other to death. :I It's kinda personnal but I thought I should share it.
If you use adblock, the server does not get revenue, so I just let the ads play, but I use a block pattern for the popups
Seconded. Well, kinda. I'll be a **** to anyone who's openly into my girlfriend. It just comes naturally. Especially if it's someone who's obviously crazy about her and wont leave her the **** alone. Which leads into my actual addition to the thread: There's this dude who's obviously in love with my girlfriend, and will not leave her the **** alone. Even though she's told him to go **** himself, and that she's not interested. But every time she's out and I'm not there, he tries to make a move on her. **** gets me mad, yo.
Has she used that exact phrase? It worked wonders for a friend of mine. Edit: Just realized two of my friends have used that and it worked for both. I might have been a bad influence.
I believe she said something along the lines of: "Go **** yourself, I have a boyfriend. I'll never be interested in you, so you might as well just **** off". And yet he persists. He's a determined motherfucker, I'll give him that.