According to metacritic Alien Resurrection is much better than Alien 3 but I enjoyed Alien 3 way way more.
I've always heard Alien Resurrection is kind of like the retarded cousin that you deal with because he "tries his best" and you feel bad for him, and that Alien 3 is kind of like the baby that got wrapped into your fourteen year old niece by a black man, and then immediately given up for adoption and never spoken of again.
QFT QKT. I like Predator waaaaaay more than Alien. It's a monumental achievement to disguise a horror/thriller as an action film. I saw both for the first time the same year and couldn't stop talking about Predator afterward. The Thing is still the best monster movie I've ever seen though. That movie is ****ing incredible.
I liked Predator. I didn't like Predator 2 as much. I also hated how they made them so bulky and slow in AvP, but AvP requiem did a little bit better with the material. What did you think of "Predators"? That's keeping with the action movie theme.
I liked Predators. Not as good as the original, but pretty damn awesome. One scene in particular is one of my favorite moments in terms of composition (then again, there was a similar moment in Walking Dead Season 2 that also struck me that way, so I think it's a very specific combination of stuff). And most people will say Alien > Predator, which is fine, because everyone knows The Thing is the best monster movie ever.
The Thing is one of the best movies, period. They did it so well that even with antiquated effects, it's still relatively comparable to todays movies. **** was done well. Anyway, I'd love to see a Predator really get more into the horror side of things, minus all the action. Yeah, seeing **** blow up for two hours is cool, and I miss it if it was missing from the series at all, but you have a really cool monster on your hands with predators. You could easily pull of a very scary horror movie. And these days, if it's not a ghost/spirit/demon movie or a gore movie, most movies don't really go for the true horror feel.
I've never really been into the horror genre at all, because short of heights (BOOYAH PUN) nothing has ever really scared me. That being said, movies like Predator, and the like, I can appreciate their cleverness and willingness to change form. I've long wanted to make a horror movie that was all well-lit, just to see if I could actually manage it.