can someone tell me why ANY of the Halos are rated M? The language is that of a PG-13 movie (only in campaign anyway) and the violence isnt that graphic at all... theres worse T rated games. and, on top of that, you cant put A55 as your service tag because it looks like "ass" or "Pimp" (for my GT) which isnt even a bad F*cking word! if this game is rated M then why are these language filters sooo damn strict?? its like F*cking Runescape-level strict! look at this thread! lol seriously in Halo 3, you couldnt put "puzzle" in your map description because it might've been mistaken for "*****" to a drunken idiot. So, 343, I dont know you too well yet, but please. make your game Halo 4 rated M material. For grown-ups. so I can put whatever the hell I want in my map description. that is all. thank you
I have always been curious to why they have been reated M.. but the rating system is not up to the creators of the game its up to the ESRB. and on the service tags and descriptions.. yeah they need to stop being puzzles and let us put what we want as tags and names...
Of all the things to complain about. Halo is fine the way it is, but if an online Halo FPS ever gets a T rating I'm boycotting that ****. There are already tons of prepubescents in matchmaking, we don't need any more. Oh the irony
I'm sorry, but you sound like a kid who's Mom let him go to an R rated movie, then was let down by the lack of vulgarity in it.
So you would prefer it to be like CoD, where ever ****er has **** or a ***** as his service tag/player card?
I think asking for more gore or obscenity is a little silly, but expecting to avoid a ridiculously strict word censor if a game is M rated, I think that's more reasonable.
The language filters were on, in my eyes, because files can be accessed online on the publicly accessible You don't really want to show that your entire community is about making content with obscene language, and I can completely see it since the majority of Xbox Live gamers are very immature and would abuse it. I would love to see the language filters dropped. I never really understood why the game was rated M either, but I mean that rating comes from a room of parents somewhere in California. ;/
haha you guys are hilarious. dont take it so seriously! We just want to name our maps what we want. Seriously, you cant put "Reich" in a description for my Nacht Der Untoten map lol
I agree that the language filter could be a lot less strict. Some of what it filters is bizarre, to say the least. However, I do think it's funny that this thread is imploring Halo to "grow up" so that we can have "ass" and "pimp" as our call signs. Yeah Beavis, that's real grown up, there.
I'm GLAD it's M, hell do you know how many kids would get Halo the second it drops a T rating? All those little guys who's mommys wouldn't let them play it prior because of the rating. If anyone already thinks that there's an issue with too many young'ns in matchmaking imagine what it would turn into with a T rating. No. No no, don't get me started. Hell if it was up to me I'd make the game even gorier just to be sure it'd keep the rating.
No one is saying it shouldn't be M. They're saying that, since it's going to be M, it might as well have room to warrant that rating (though not deliberately try to warrant that rating just as a token gesture, allowing a little more leeway with filters seems fair enough, especially with the whole "online interactions not rated" speil).
I could only ever argue for more gore in the Halo titles. I've been dying to see a spartan be decapitated by an elite.
this. and no Im not dying to change my service tag to A55, its just a weird strict quirk you f*cking nimrods. get it straight. and "Pimp" is my GT so thats why Id want to make it my service tag. why does no one make that connection? and really? you called me beavis? haha wow "Nutduster" go dust off those nuts of yours. probly not being used. *wink *wink
Well Id like it to be more violent for a change in the campaign. Not over the top like GOW but if an explosion goes off and kills a marine or a player. Id like to see a missing limb, blood on the body, broken visor/armor for a change. It just gives it a more realistic approach to a war game. Or at least some violent cinimatics. You never know though, MC or Arbiter (if he returns) might actually get the **** beat out of them at some point.