So last night I was looking at the 343i community event and of the 343i gamer tags had this has his last played game. So unless Internet Explorer has an sign-in using xbox button, which I would not know because we all known Google chrome is better. Thoughts?
Yep. You can also probably expect a lot of ads, and probably, just probably, a massive content filter.
Expect a lot of ads? It's an internet browser. There will be the ads on the page but I doubt the browser itself will have ads.
Yeah.... old news is old. If it wasn't obvious all ready the reason the xbox is getting Internet explorer is because it is Microsoft's hardware, thus it gets Microsoft's software. It is the same reason apple products come with safari or android with its browser. My concerns are A.) Typing with a game controller sucks ass and few people own the keyboard addon. This will make the browser essentially pointless to use for the casual person who most likely has their phone/tablet/laptop by them. B.) This could introduce all sorts of security problems if the console is opened up to the Web. Phishing attacks, malware, trojans, worms, etc are all big risks to everyday Web use. The solution to this issue is to basically cut off the majority of the internet and just serve security friendly pages to people. If that is the case why even bother putting a browser in. Just make Web apps that go to those pages accessible through the dashboard. C.) Seriously what niche of people were clamoring for a browser on a game console. The xbox already has Bing search. Can't Microsoft just give greater capability to Bing so that it acts just like the browser based Bing.
I don't see the point of this if you already have a computer. When I want to go on the interwebs, I usually just go to my ultra-portable tablet. You might just want a bigger screen, but there is WiDi and HDMIs and stuff.
Yes, YES, YES! As someone who uses Internet explorer on his computer (which, by the way, is three staircases away from his Xbox, making web browsing while on LIVE damn near impossible), I couldn't be happier.
If we can't watch anime/hentai/porn on it, I'm not interested... Video streaming times will probs be **** anyways.
Exactly. Because I've got my laptop handy with Chrome, the only use for an explorer on my box would be for big screen porn.
have fun having google's spyware on your computer. get iron instead of chrome. but i do agree that IE on xbox is rather pointless. if you really want big screen porn, just use an HDMI to hook your lappy up to your tv.
Just to address two of your points, Pac. You can use any USB keyboard (and mouse?) so it's not such a massive issue if you don't have the chatpad. I have one, but still end up using a keyboard plugged in because it's infinitely better. Me and my housemates have an Xbox in our living room, it'd be nice to use it as something to browse the web when useful (for example, when we have something on a stream to watch) rather than having to hook up a laptop. Now this is of course dependant on it having flash, not sure if it does or not, but that's my personal perspective on the market for it. But tbh I've been looking more towards an Android solution for this anyway, more options for useful stuff hooked up to the TV, so I can't say this appeals to me that much.
To bump this thread with relevant conversation, anyone can now get the Xbox Dashboard Beta which includes the Internet Explorer app. Looks pretty awesome on my box, gonna try something with flash in a bit peg
Apparently not anyone can get it, "The content that you requested cannot be found or you do not have permission to view it." But i am curious if you can play flash games or games like ROTMG or even runescape on it.